Adding subcontractors to contracts

To enable subcontractor information to be added to a contract, select the Contract To Have Subcontractors check box on the Contract tab. Then the Subcontractors tab is displayed.
Note: Suppliers can add subcontractors to contracts if permitted.

You must specify the Proposed Total Amount to allow calculations for subcontractor payments and diversity information. The Subcontractor Diversity Percent Of Proposed Total is used to specify a percent of the total that should be awarded to diverse subcontractors.

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Select a contract.
  3. On the Contract tab, specify this information:
    Contract To Have Subcontractors
    Select this check box to add subcontractors to the contract.
    Proposed Total Amount
    Specify an amount to allow calculations for subcontractor payments.
  4. Click Save. The Subcontractor Diversity Percent Of Proposed Total field is now available.
  5. Specify a percent of the total that is awarded to diverse subcontractors.
  6. Click Save.

    For contracts with this field specified, this information regarding subcontractor diversity is provided.

    • At contract level, the Overview link is displayed after a subcontractor is added to a contract. Click Overview to view lists for diverse and non-diverse subcontractors. For the diverse subcontractors, their portion of the Proposed Total Amount times Diversity Percent is displayed.
    • At contract subcontractor level, click the Diversity tab. You can see the total amount of the contract Proposed Total Amount for diverse subcontractors, and the amount for the particular subcontractor.

      Suppliers who can view contract subcontractors can view this information.

  7. On the Subcontractors tab, click the Attach Subcontractor To Contract button.
  8. Select a subcontractor and click Attach To Contract.
    You can now add additional information to the subcontractor.
  9. On the Subcontractors tab, select a subcontractor and specify this additional information:
    Select a diversity code.
    Commodity Code
    Select a commodity code.
    Lien Release Required
    Select this check box if a lien release is required.
    Lien Release Completed
    Select this check box if a lien release has been completed.
    Enter Committed Amount
    Specify either the total committed amount that you expect to spend with this subcontractor or a committed percent, but not both.
    Committed Percent
    Specify either the total committed percent that you expect to spend with this subcontractor, or a committed amount, but not both.
  10. Click Save.
  11. On the Subcontractor Payments tab, click Create and specify the Payment Number, Payment Date, and Payment Amount.
  12. Add an Attachment such as an image of a check as a proof of payment.
    On the subcontractors list page, you can view totals for Committed Amount and Total Amount Paid. The Total Percent Complete column is the Total Amount Paid divided by the Committed Amount.
  13. Click Save.
  14. On the Comments tab, click Create and specify the Comment Title.
  15. Specify a Description for the comment. You can add an Attachment that describes the comment.
  16. Click Save.
  17. On the Diversity tab, click Attach Diversity and select a new diversity to add to the subcontractor.
  18. Click Attach Diversity To Contract.