Creating contracts from interviews

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Click Create From Interview.
  3. Specify this information:
    Contract Group
    Select a contract group.
    Specify a name for the contract.
    Select a supplier.
    Supplier Contact
    Select a supplier contact for the contract.
    Primary Internal Contact
    Select the person primarily responsible for the contract.
    Contract Type
    Select a contract type.
    Contract Subtype
    Select a subtype to further define a contract type. If you define both a contract type and subtype, then the vendor agreement that is assigned to the subtype is used to process the contract.
    Contract Classification
    Select a contract classification.
    Contract Subclassification
    If a contract subclassification is assigned to the classification, the rules that are defined in the contract subclassification take precedence.
    Effective Date
    Select the date that the contract is effective.
    Expiration Date
    Select the date that the contract expires.
    Currency Code
    Select a currency code.
    Parent Contract
    Select a parent contract.
  4. Click Next.
    A list of interview-related questions is displayed. The interview questions are defined by the contract type and contract classification that you selected.
  5. Answer the interview-related questions and click Next .
    If terms are associated with the question, then the questions marked with an asterisk must be answered before the contract can be activated or released. Questions marked with two asterisks require a correct answer.
    Note:  If you answer a question that contains a Rebate response type, then the Contract Rebate form is displayed.
  6. Click Next. The interview process is complete.
  7. Click the Contract link to view the contract.
    The contract also is displayed on the In Process tab.