Adding a cash forecast category

  1. Select Cash Forecast.
  2. Open a forecast record.
  3. On the Categories tab, click Add Category and select a Category.
  4. In the Transaction Details section, specify the method to use to calculate forecasts:
    Select this option to manually calculate all of the forecast amounts.
    Select this option to use historical information to calculate the forecast.
    Use this option to calculate the forecasts and specify a forecast amount.
  5. If you select a forecast calculation of Manual, then no other information is required.
  6. If you select a forecast calculation of Historical, then specify this information:
    Actual Date Range
    Select a date range to include historical amounts from the accounts and categories that you select.
    Calculation Option
    Select the type of calculation that is performed on the original amounts. This list shows the options:
    • Actual
    • Daily Average
    • Weekly Average
    • Monthly Average
    Calculation Adjustment
    Optionally, specify the percentage by which to increase the original amounts.
  7. If you select a forecast calculation of Calculated, then specify this information:
    Calculation Option
    • If you select Date, then select a Calculation Method, four Forecast Date and Forecast Amount.
    • If you select Date Range, then specify Calculation Method, Forecast Date Range, and Forecast Amount.
    • If you select Day of Week, then you must also specify Day Of Week, a Calculation Method of Whole or Spread, a Forecast Date Range, and a Forecast Amount.
    • If you select Day of Month, then you must also specify Day of the Month, Calculation Method, Forecast Date Range, and Forecast Amount.
  8. Click Save.