BOD Connectors
Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetTransaction Outbound BOD for changes required to Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetTransaction Outbound bod
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetTransaction_Out.lpd
- IPD change:
- Added new mappings to both header and line XMLs
- Added javascript code in 'Assign' node
- Create Asset.
- Release Asset.
- Verify WorkUnit record.
- Verify these x-paths:
- AssetTransactionHeader/LastModificationDateTime
- AssetTransactionHeader/Status/EffectiveDateTime
- AssetTransactionLine/AssetBookCode
Dependencies: None
Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetMaster outbound BOD For
Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetMaster outbound BOD For
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Out.lpd
- IPA Changes:
- Added these variables in 'start' node: AssetBook,AssetLife,AssetMethod,BookPostingBook,BookDescription,FirstandLastYear
- Created 'AssetBook'node and Assign4770 nodes
- Added following code in
AssetBook = AssetBook_Book; AssetLife = AssetBook_Life; AssetMethod =AssetBook_Method; BookPostingBook = AssetBook_BookPostingBook; BookDescription =AssetBook_BookDescription; if(AssetBook_FirstAndLastYear=="M") { FirstandLastYear ="Middle"; } else if(AssetBook_FirstAndLastYear=="F") { FirstandLastYear ="First"; } else if(AssetBook_FirstAndLastYear=="L") { FirstandLastYear ="Last"; } else if(AssetBook_FirstAndLastYear=="C") { FirstandLastYear ="CompletelyDepreciated"; } else if(AssetBook_FirstAndLastYear=="P") { FirstandLastYear ="PostRecovery"; } BookSeqNumber = BookSeqNumber+1; if(IntegrationApplication == "") { FixedAsset_XML += <AssetBook SeqNumber = {BookSeqNumber}> <AssetBookCode accountingEntity={accountingEntity}>{AssetBook}@NoNullTag@</AssetBookCode> <Description>{BookDescription}@NoNullTag@</Description> <PostingBookIndicator>{BookPostingBook}@NoNullTag@</PostingBookIndicator> <AssetLife>{AssetLife}@NoNullTag@</AssetLife> <DepreciationMethodCode listID="LinearDepreciation">{AssetMethod}@NoNullTag@</DepreciationMethodCode> <DepreciationStatusCode>{FirstandLastYear}</DepreciationStatusCode> </AssetBook> }
- Added following in
- Create Asset.
- Release Asset.
- Verify generated workunit record.
- Verify this path: SyncAssetMaster/DataArea/AssetMaster/FixedAsset/AssetBook
Dependencies: None.
Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetTransaction Outbound BOD for
Add New Elements and Map Accordingly for SyncAssetTransaction Outbound BOD for
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetTransaction_Out.lpd
- IPA Change:
- Added following variables in Start node : IntegrationApplication,documentDate,CurrDate
- Added following code in Assign
a.documentDate=CreationDate substring(CreationDate, 0,4) + "-" + substring(CreationDate, 4,6) + "-" + substring(CreationDate, 6,8); b.if (IntegrationApplication == "" ) { CurrDate = documentDate; }
- Added following node in header XML: <DocumentDateTime>{CurrDate}@NoNullTag@</DocumentDateTime>
- Create Asset.
- Release Asset.
- Verify WorkUnit record.
- Verify following x-path: AssetTransaction/AssetTransactionHeader/DocumentDateTime
Dependencies: None.
Add SupplierParty Node to Sync Receive delivery outbound bod for Integration
Added SupplierParty Node to Sync Receive delivery outbound bod for Integration
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Out lpd.
- New Required Setup: None.
- New Variable Added in JSON: No.
- New IPA Changes:
- In Start Node added following variables: SupplierpartyXML, VendorAddressLine1, VendorAddressLine2, VendorAddressLine3, VendorAddressLine4, VendorMunicipality, VendorStateProvince, VendorCountry, VendorPostalCode.
- Added node Assign1820, Assign9590
- Added Transaction nodes for Vendor, VendorAddress
- Integration Specific: Yes, for "".
- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
- For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "PurchaseOrderReceiptService" for FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Out.
- Ceate PurchaseOrder and Release it.
- Create and Release a PurchaseOrderReceipt for it and release.
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error.
- Verify the Result. SyncReceiveDelivery/DataArea/ReceiveDelivery/ReceiveDeliveryHeader/SupplierParty node added for Integration.
Dependencies: None.
Changes needs to be made on MASS BOD screen with respect to FSM-GRC_PI integration
Changes needs to be made on MASS BOD screen with respect to FSM-GRC_PI integration.
- bl/BODDataInitialLoad
- ui/BODDataInitialLoad
- Go To .
- Click Mass BOD Publish.
- Open Mass BOD Publish.
- Create record.
- Select Type as "Integration Wise" and Select Integration as "GRC-PI"
- Following list of BODs will display.
- Sync.CustomerPartyMaster Outbound BOD
- Sync.SupplierPartyMaster Outbound BOD
- Sync.ChartOfAccount Outbound BOD
- Sync.ItemMaster Outbound BOD
- Trigger list of BODs individually by selecting respective criteria.
- Define the service and attach the processes.
Dependencies: None.
FSM Shipment Outbound to EAM WO
FSM Shipment Outbound to EAM WO. New SplitShipment changes and CleanDocumentID changes for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound
- Files Changed:
- FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.ipd
- PfiConfigurationProperty.xml
- New Required Setup:
- Added new parameters: SplitShipment,RequisitionShipment,RequiredCleanDocumentID,IsMultipleFEG.
- Pass the value Y/N to enable or disable the above parameters.
- New Variable Added in JSON: No.
- New IPA Changes:
- Added variables in Start Node: RequisitionShipmentFlag, SplitShipment, GLCCompany, ConfigDocID ,ConfigFEG, ShipmentLineXML, ShipmentLine_XML,ReqLineFlag, EAMWorkOrderActivityID, EAMWorkOrderID, RequisitionID, RequisitionNum, ReqLineNum
- Added new branch condition and assign nodes for cleandocumentID changes:Branch6060,Assign8060,Branch7540,Assign1100
- Branch5220 is added: When IntegratingApplication = "EAM", RequisitionShipment ="Y", SplitShipment = "Y", new flow is added for triggering one bod per line.
- When SplitShipment = "Y", RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrderActivity and
RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrder fields are passed in ShipmentHeader XML in following
- ShipmentHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name = "eam.WOActivityID" @type = "StringType" - EAMWorkOrderActivity
- ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID/@accountingEntity @location - EAMWorkOrder
- Added Requisition value in XPath ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID and ShipmentLine/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID and Passed RequisitionLine number in ShipmentLine/DocumentReference/LineNumber.
- Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to EAM integration.
- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
- For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "ShipmentService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound".
- Assign value "EAM" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System configuration.
- In System Configuration, pass parameter = Y/N for "SplitShipment" and "RequisitionShipment" parameters.
- Create Requisition with EAMWorkOrder values.
- Release Requisition.
- Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
- Navigate to WarehouseShipments and Finish>>Release the shipment record.
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound BOD.
- Verify the Result:
- ShipmentHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name = "eam.WOActivityID" @type = "StringType" - EAMWorkOrderActivity
- hipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID/@accountingEntity @location - EAMWorkOrder.
- Requisition value in XPath ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID and ShipmentLine/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID and Passed RequisitionLine number in ShipmentLine/DocumentReference/LineNumber.
- When IntegratingApplication = "EAM", RequisitionShipment ="Y", SplitShipment = "Y", new flow is added for triggering one bod per line.
- When SplitShipment = "Y", RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrderActivity and
RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrder fields are passed in ShipmentHeader XML in following
- ShipmentHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name = "eam.WOActivityID" @type = "StringType" - EAMWorkOrderActivity
- ShipmentHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID/@accountingEntity @location - EAMWorkOrder
- When SplitShipment = N, first RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrder, and RequisitionLine.EAMWorkOrderActivity are added in ShipmentHeader XML.
Dependencies: None.
JT-1646999 Changes required in SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD for Poland && Netherlands Changes required in SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD for Poland && Netherlands
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd
- IPA Change:Added following code in Assign5940 for both "PL" and "NL"
if(RemitTolocation!="" && VLoc_Country!="") { if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VLoc_Country=="PL")) { ChargeBearerCode = "Shared"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VLoc_Country!="PL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenLocMemOfEu=="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Service Level"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VLoc_Country!="PL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenLocMemOfEu!="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Debtor"; } } else if(VendorAddressCountry!="") { if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VendorAddressCountry=="PL")) { ChargeBearerCode = "Shared"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VendorAddressCountry!="PL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenMemofEu=="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Service Level"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "PL") && (VendorAddressCountry!="PL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenMemofEu!="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Debtor"; } } if(RemitTolocation!="" && VLoc_Country!="") { if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VLoc_Country=="NL")) { ChargeBearerCode = "Shared"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VLoc_Country!="NL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenLocMemOfEu=="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Service Level"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VLoc_Country!="NL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenLocMemOfEu!="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Debtor"; } } else if(VendorAddressCountry!="") { if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VendorAddressCountry=="NL")) { ChargeBearerCode = "Shared"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VendorAddressCountry!="NL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenMemofEu=="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Service Level"; } else if((IntegrationApplication == "" && AEAddressCountry == "NL") && (VendorAddressCountry!="NL" ) && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedMemOfEu == "true") && (GetPayablesInvoice_DerivedVenMemofEu!="true")) { ChargeBearerCode ="Debtor"; } }
- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
- Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow.
- Create PayablesInvoice and release.
- Run'Perform Cash Application' job.
- Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.
- Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job/
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.
- Verify the Result :
- X-path: SyncCreditTransfer/DataArea/CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/ChargeBearerCode
Dependencies: None.
JT-1667799 Changes required in SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD for Australia
Changes required for SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD for and for Australia country
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd
- IPA Change:
- Added javascript code in Assign5940,Assign6300 for both "AU" country.
- New mapping added in line XML
- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
- Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow.
- Create PayablesInvoice and release.
- Run'Perform Cash Application' job.
- Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.
- Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job.
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.
- Verify the Result: X-path:SyncCreditTransfer/DataArea/CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/Description
Dependencies: None.
ION Content and JSON Files Delivery
- JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate
- FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.
- Go to .
- Open Sample Document.
- In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.
- In Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with
Dependencies: None.
Load supplier Invoice changes for
Creating PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport records for
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound
- Added new variable in start Node.
Added "LocallyLineAOC" transaction node.
- Added new Assign6230 node.
- Added new Assign2290 node
- New Required Setup: None.
- Create channels for Load.SupplierInvoice_Inbound BOD.
- Set value IntegrationApplication to "" in System Configuration.
- Send InvoiceCharge details in line level.
- Send valid XML and record should create in PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport.
- Verify the Result:
- Check record in MatchInvoiceImport.
- Workunit should create without any errors.
Dependencies: None.
Remove Accounting Entity value Attribute for Item Id of ShipmentItem in Sync Shipment Outbound bod for and country Poland
Removed AccountingEntity for Sync Shipment Outbound bod for and country Poland.
- Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.lpd
- New Required Setup: None.
- New Variable Added in JSON: No.
- New IPA Changes:
- Passed empty value for Accounting entity in the X-path SyncShipment/ShipmentItem/ItemID/ID --------> accountingEntity for
- Integration Specific: Yes.
- Enable the service "ShipmentService" for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.lpd.
- Create Requisition and Release it.
- Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out BOD.
- Verify the Result. Accounting entity element in the X-path SyncShipment/ShipmentItem/ItemID/ID.
Dependencies: None.
Sync Invoice Outbound Bod Changes for Integration
Sync Invoice Outbound Bod Changes for Integration.
- File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
- New Required Setup: No.
- New Variable Added in JSON: No.
- New IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow following changes made:
- In Assign5720 : Javascript modified ,For LineQuantity mapped to BillingInvoiceLine.Quantity.
- In Assign9990 : Javascript modified ,LineQuantity directly mapped to BillingInvoiceLine.Quantity.
- Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to Integration.
- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
- Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
- Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" and "BillingInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.
- Create BillingInvoice Release it.
- Run InvoiceVerificationReport.
- Run InvoiceAndRegisterPrint.
- Run SubSystemUpdate.
- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective
For BillingInvoiceService: Create BillingInvoice and Release it.
Dependencies: None.