Contract Management
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply
Add option when processing catalog and interface records to not process special items
This enhancement adds an option to withhold special items from processing when you process catalog and interface records.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- Interface Contract processing
Use this information to test the enhancement:
- Create an Interface Contract with two lines, one for a special item and one for an itemmast item.
- Create a Contract from the Interface Contract.
- Change the cost on the Interface Contract lines and set the Update Function to Update.
- Run the Process Contract Line Updates action. Select the Process Item Master Only check box.
- Expected results: Verify that only the cost for the item master item is updated on the Contract. Verify that the special item will still have the Update Function of Update and that the contract line is not updated.
Additional features for GHX GPO feed
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- Group Purchasing Organization Contract processing using a GHX feed
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- View the Interface Contracts with no GPO Contract menu item. Verify that these
navigations and actions exist:
- Navigation to other GPO Contract from the same supplier
- Action to delete the Interface Contract
- Action to unlink the Manufacturer Contract
- Action to close the Manufacturer Contract
- Set up data in Contract Updates under the GPO Data menu item to change the Supplier (Vendor EID) for a Distributor. Run the Process Updates action. View the Distributor tab under the associated Interface Contract. Verify that the GPO Distributor is updated with the new supplier.
- 3. Set up data in Contract Updates under the GPO Data menu item to change the Interface Contract GPO Supplier (Manufacturer EID) for an Interface Contract. Run the Process Updates action. Verify that the GPO Assigned Supplier Number on the Interface Contract is updated.
Handling of new Cycle and Amendment fields in HealthTrust GPO data
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- HealthTrust Contract processing
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Set the Contract Group GPO Used field to Health Trust 2021.
- Set up contract data (in Setup > 2021 GPO Data) for two instances of a single contract with different contract cycle numbers. The current cycle would be the lowest number, and the higher number would be for a future date
- Set up the category data for the contract with multiple contract cycle numbers.
- Create a contract interface record from the data.
- In the contract interface, view the HealthTrust information tab. Verify that the contract cycle number is the current one. The contract amendment number should be the one associated with that cycle.
- View the Categories tab and verify that the only categories listed are the ones for that cycle.
Sample document template content is updated
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- Sample document template fact sheets and spreadsheets
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Verify that the following is updated by viewing the noted content:
- PDATINGCONTRACTDATES_ST- contains information about Review Date
- ROLESANDSECURITYCLASSES_ST- contains the RecipeManager_ST and KitchenManager_ST roles
- GPOCONTRACTPROCESSING_ST- Contains information about GHX
- CONTRACTCOSTCOMPARISON_ST- Contains information about the previous cost option
- SUPPLIERPORTALSETUP_ST- Contains information about Portal Home Page
Ability to add specials for substitute item
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- AssociatedItem.keyfield
- KeywordShadow.busclass
- AssociatedItem.busclass
- Contract.busclass
- PurchaseOrderInterface.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
- Contract.busclass
- PurchaseOrderInterface.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
- RequisitionLine.busclass
- Requisitions/js/searchPage.js
- 11.0_post_CU80.faf
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create a contract for a special item.
- Create an Special Associated Item with a contract for an Item master.
- Set Item Group to Automatic Substitute.
- Create a Requisition for your item master. After saving, the associated item should be substituted in the requisition line.