
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Change in error message for Transaction Interface with Budget Error

When validation and/or budget edit errors occur when interfacing transactions in Global Ledger, provide messaging that the Reset All Error action must be run before correcting the failed transactions.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

GLTransactionInterface bl

GLTransactionInterface ui

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Set the EncumbranceOption to Track and Edit for SystemCode GL.
  2. Add interface transactions with some records having transaction amounts that will exceed the budget.
  3. Without making corrections to the failed records or running Reset All Errors, an error is displayed to prompt the user to run Reset All Errors when running the Interface Transaction.
  4. Run Reset All Errors before making corrections to the failed records and re-running Interface Transactions.


Ability to Copy Budget Change Requests

Add the functionality to copy a whole budget change, not just a single line.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Copy a change request for the same source and target scenario.
  2. Copy a change request for a source and target scenario with different dimensions.
  3. Copy a change request for a source and target scenario with valid structure relations.


Confirmation message when a budget identifier is removed from the summary dimension or Include in Budget Edit is unselected in the posting dimension

There is no confirmation message when removing a budget identifier in a structure hierarchy summary or when setting Include Budget Edit On Posting Dimension to Exclude.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Accounting Unit


Finance Dimension 1 to Finance Dimension 10

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Remove the Budget Identifier value in a dimension structure that is already used in a budget template.
  2. Set Include In Budget Edit to disable by setting the Set Include Budget Edit On Posting Dimension to Exclude in the summary hierarchy.
  3. Update Include In Budget Edit to disable.

