Asset Management
Add an option on asset company to require unique asset tags
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- AssetCompany.busclass (bl & ui)
- Asset.busclass
- AssetTransfer.busclass
- AssetAdjustment.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLineAssetDefaults.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLineAssetDetail.busclass
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
When the Require Unique Tags check box on the asset company is selected, verify that the tag number is unique on the asset when the create, adjust, and transfer actions are performed.
Asset Manager UX updates
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- AssetItem.busclass/ui
- AssetItem.busclass/bl
- Asset.busclass/ui
- Asset.bussclass/bl
- AssetTransfer.busclass/ui
- AssetRepair.busclass/ui
- AssetDisposal.busclass/ui
Use these steps to test the enhancement: Verify that all of the cards are functioning correctly.
Update the item description on the asset interface from the PO Line description and specify reference fields so that this information flows onto the asset item
The Project Capitalization process has been updated so that the PO Line description is passed onto the asset interface as the item description when the asset is created. This flows to the asset item when the asset is created.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
Project Capitalization and the asset interface actions: Combine Release, Release with compute and release without compute.
The Asset Item Adjustment Import will be updated to pass this detail when appending to an existing asset.
The Mass Asset Distribution Split will preserve the additional reference fields on the split records.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create and process a purchase order with a project assigned to the distribution. Do not assign an asset template as this update relates to project capitalization.
- Create a match invoice and release and post the resulting entries in the general ledger.
- Set up a project interface control for the project assigned to the distributions to be capitalized. Do not assign an Item description on the item details tab. Complete the draft interface and Project Capitalization. The Asset Interface records will now contain the PO Line description in the item description field.
The Item Description must be blank.
The detail is not retained if a summary code is assigned, indicating that the Asset Interface record is related to multiple GL transactions.