Purchase Order
Add EAM Fields to FSM Maintenance Order Table
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- EAMWorkOrder
- EAMWorkOrderActivity
Use this information to test the enhancement:
Verify that new fields are added for PPL/EAM Integration.
Buyer - Manage Supplier Composite Forms Standardization on SoHo 4 UX
Limited to Manage Supplier composite form, this is an enhancement to uplift the composite form (Contact Information and Supplier Details).
Program/Business class/Process affected:
UI for Contact Information and Supplier Details under Manage supplier.
- Supplier.SupplierDashboard
- Supplier.SupplierDashboardContext
- Supplier.ExpiringCertificates
- Supplier.ExpiringDiversityCodes
- Supplier.DiversityCodesNeedingDates
- SupplierCommodityCode.ApprovedCommodityCode
- SupplierMessageDialog.PortalMessageDialog
- SupplierSourceId.SourceId
- SupplierSourceId.ContactsUpdateComposite
- SupplierSourceId.SourceIdUpdate
- SupplierSourceId.SupplierContactsComposite
Use this information to test the enhancement:
- Sign in as Buyer and select Manage Suppliers > Suppliers Panel > Click to open the supplier contact.
- Select Manage Suppliers > Supplier List Panel > Click on the supplier ID.
- Verify Supplier Details.
- Verify Supplier Contact Information.
Buyer - Purchase Order processing lists and actions
Lists are not standardized in Buyer.
- Buyer.PurchaseOrderInterfaceResult
- PurchaseOrder.StandingOrderListing
- PurchaseOrder.InterfaceListing
- PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine
- Buyer.POInterface
- Buyer.PurchasingMassPOIssue
- Buyer.PurchaseOrderReceipt
- Buyer.PurchaseOrderInterfaceResult
- Buyer.POCloseResult
- Buyer.PurchaseOrderInterface
- Buyer.POInterfaceResult
- Buyer.POInterfaceResultDetail
Use this information to test the enhancement:
Sign in as Buyer and select Lists and Processes > Create Purchasing Processes > Purchase Order Processing.
For the Standing Order Processing page, because a new label has been added for Company, it will remain untranslated until the next translation source is pulled.
Buyer - Manage Contact Composite Forms Standardization on SoHo 4 UX
Limited to Manage Contact composite form. This is an enhancement to uplift the composite form to Manage Date Changes.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
UI for Manage Date Changes composite form
- Contract.ManageDateChanges
- Contract.ContractContextShort
- ContractLine.MismatchedDates
- ManufacturerContract.DistributorContractDates
- ManufacturerContract.ManufacturerContractDates
Use this information to test the enhancement:
Sign in as Buyer and select Manage Contract > Contract > View Contract > Manage Date Changes
Mobile Purchasing Manager Action to Quick Create a Purchase Order
Added a mobile friendly version of the quick create purchase order action.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- Vendor.busclass
- VendorLocation.busclass
- Item.busclass
- InventoryLocation.busclass
- UnitOfMeasure.busclass
- Buyer.busclass
- POCode.busclass
- PurchaseOrder.busclass
- PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
- PurchasingCompany.busclass
- VendorItem.busclass
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Verify that purchase orders can be created through the new mobile quick create process.
- Verify that all visual elements of the new process are displayed correctly.
- Verify that valid purchase orders can be released at the end of the new process.
Purchase Order Line - display required indicator for conditionally required fields
On a Purchase Order Line, conditionally required fields have an indicator that they are required.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
Use this information to test the enhancement:
- Select a Purchase Order and attempt to create a Purchase Order Line.
- Verify that the identified conditionally required fields are displayed as required.
Buyer - Uplift Receipt Adjustments List
Lists are not yet standardized in Buyer.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- Buyer.PurchaseOrderInterfaceResult
- Buyer.POReceiptAdjustmentAndInspection
- Buyer.POReceiptAdjustmentAndInspectionLine
Use this information to test the enhancement:
Select Manage Receiving > Receipt Adjustments