Cash Management
Add optional batch processing
Budget Checking has been added to process large amounts of records.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- CashLedgerPayment
- CashLedgerPaymentImport
- CashLedgerTransaction
- CashLedgerTransactionImport
Use this information to test the enhancement:
Use the budget checking option and verify that it recognizes the interface process and performs budget checking in a batch.
Bank statement with backdated transactions bypasses the statement line date
Bank statement with backdated transactions bypasses the statement line date when imported. The statement date is used instead.
Customers receive bank statements and some of the transactions have a Value Date that is different than the Statement Date. The Value Date is preferred for reconciling transactions to a Cash Ledger Transaction. Added a new field on the Cash Management Account so the customer can choose how to use the Transaction Date as the default when importing a bank statement. The options are Statement Date (default) or Value Date.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- BankStatementLine (bl/ui)
- CashManagementAccount (bl/ui)
Use this information to test the enhancement:
- Verify that the Transaction Date default is either the Statement Date or Value Date on the new 'Default Transaction Date On Bank Statement Lines To' field on the CashManagementAccount (import tab).
- Verify that this feature works when you manually create a line and for all imported statement types - BAI, MT940, CAMT053, CSV.
- Verify that the Value Date field is available on the BankStatementLine form.