Definições e mapeamentos de fila
Se seu ambiente for multilocatário, então filas padrão serão criadas automaticamente para cada área de dados. Por exemplo, DefaultQueue_<DataArea>
. Se você anteriormente teve apenas uma fila padrão, então filas padrão adicionais são criadas para áreas de dados do aplicativo. As configurações para cada fila padrão adicional são herdadas da fila padrão original.
Se seu ambiente for um locatário único ou em instalações, então filas padrão não serão criadas para cada área de dados. Para criar filas padrão para cada área de dados, crie um parâmetro de configuração na área de dados do ambiente:
- Categoria: Especifique a Sinc.
- Chave: Especifique
- Tipo: Especifique Booleano
- Valor: Especifique verdadeiro
É possível desativar o parâmetro de configuração em um ambiente multilocatário definindo o campo Valor como falso.
Quando filas adicionais são criadas, o valor padrão Máx. de ações ativas é a fila padrão existente. Recomendamos que você ajuste esses valores de acordo com sua carga de processamento.
Recomendamos em todas as filas que as caixas de seleção Suspenso, Salvar histórico ou Fila do sistema sejam desmarcadas. Uma exceção é que Suspenso pode ser marcado para NightDeferredProcessing. Você pode especificar o valor do campo Máx. de ações ativas para refletir o número de trabalhos que podem ser executados simultaneamente. O número máximo de ações ativas depende do desempenho do seu sistema.
Nome da fila | Descrição | Máx. de ações |
Alocação | Alocação | 3 |
AnalyticCube | Recarregamento/atualização do cubo de análise | 1 |
BudgetEdit | Edições de orçamento Máx. de ações ativas não pode exceder 1 |
1 |
BudgetEditCallBack | Chamada de retorno de edição de orçamento | 1 |
BudgetTemplateActivation | Ativação de modelo de orçamento | 3 |
CTMForecast | Previsão de consolidação | 3 |
CTMReconciliation | Reconciliação de consolidação | 3 |
CTMTreasury | Tesouraria de consolidação | 3 |
CTMUpdateCube | Cubo de atualização de consolidação | 1 |
CashDistributionProcessing | Processamento de distribuição de caixa | 3 |
CashLedgerImports | Processo de importação de contabilidade de caixa | 3 |
CashLedgerProcessing | Processamento de contabilidade de caixa | 3 |
CashPeriodEnd | Fim do período de caixa | 3 |
CloseManagement | Gerenciamento de fechamento | 3 |
Contracts | Fila de contratos | 3 |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | Transações de inversão automática | 2 |
n/d | Fila padrão gerada automaticamente por dados areaDefaultQueue_<DataArea> | 4 |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | Fila padrão para arquivos de trabalho | 3 |
Fila de replicação de dados | Fila de replicação | 2 |
DocumentQueue | Fila do documento | 4 |
EDI | Fila de processamento de EDI | 1 |
GLQuickPost | Postagem rápida do RG | 1 |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | Limpeza de GLTransactionDetail | 3 |
GLTransactionInterface | Interface de transação do RG | 3 |
GrantAccounting | Fila de Grant Accounting | 1 |
InventoryIntelligence | Fila de inteligência de inventário | 1 |
InventoryTransaction | Liberar transações de inventário | 3 |
Journalize | Lançamento no RG | 3 |
MatchProcessing | Processamento de correspondência | 1 |
NightDeferredProcessing | Todas as noites | 1 |
OnlineJournalRelease | Liberação de diário online | 1 |
Payables1099Processing | Processamento 1099 a pagar | 3 |
PayablesBOEProcess | Processamento da letra de câmbio a pagar | 3 |
PayablesCubeUpdate | Atualização de cubo a pagar | 3 |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | Processamento de distribuição de DefaultQueue_Payables | 3 |
PayablesImport | Processos de importação a pagar | 3 |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | Processamento de fatura a pagar | 3 |
PayablesMassUpdates | Atualizações em massa a pagar | 3 |
PayablesPaymentProcess | Processo de pagamento a pagar | 3 |
PayblesPeriodEnd | Fim do período a pagar | 3 |
PayablesTaxProcessing | Processamento de imposto a pagar | 3 |
Posting | Ação de lançamento | 3 |
PostingRelease | Fila de lançamento para ChangeStatusAndRelease | 3 |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | Entidades base para propriedades monetárias | 3 |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Fila de reconhecimento de Receita e faturamento de projeto | 1 |
Reembolsos | Reembolsos | 1 |
Recall | Recall | 1 |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | Transações de ganho/perda | 3 |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | Ganho/perda de moeda | 3 |
SpendAnalysis | Análise de gastos | 1 |
SupplyChainImport | Processos de importação de cadeia de fornecimento | 3 |
YearEndClose | Fechamento do fim de exercício | 1 |
ZoneBalance | Processar transações do estabelecimento de saldo de zona | 1 |
Estes são os mapeamentos de fila sugeridos para Financials and Supply Management.
Recomendamos que em todos os mapeamentos de fila, estes campos estejam em branco ou contenham o valor padrão: Ator, Área de dados, Campo de mapeamento 1, Campo de mapeamento 2, Salvar histórico e Prioridade.
Estas são as exceções:
- A fila em branco e a ação Área de dados contêm o nome da sua área de dados Financials and Supply Management
- O Campo de mapeamento 1 para a fila GeneralLedgerTotal é PostingCategory
Fila | Classe de implementação | Ação |
Allocation | AllocationControl | RunLines |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetStepStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetCompletedStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | GenerateReportsInternal |
Allocation | AllocationLine | RunLine |
Allocation | AllocationLine | Check |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Refresh |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Reload |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotals |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotalsBudget |
BudgetEditCallBack | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | BudgetEditCallBackRelease |
BudgetEditCallBack | PayablesInvoice | UpdateBudgetResults |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetGroup | CalculateGroupsByCluster |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetTemplate | DoGroupsByAccount |
CTMForecast | BankStatementLine | GetForecastTransactions |
CTMForecast | CashForecast | BuildForecastNew |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountByCategory |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountForAllCategories |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriod | CalculateForecastAverages |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateActualAmountsOnForecast |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateAmount |
CTMForecast | CashManagementGroup | LoadDirectForecast |
CTMForecast | DirectForecastDetail | SummarizeDirectForecastDetail |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | ClearAllReconciliations |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | InvokedLoadAndReconcileUnreconciled |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | LoadLinesIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteOpenTransactionLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteStatementReconciliationDetails |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileLinesByAmount |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnmatchMatchedSummaryTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateInterfacedCBTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateReconciledPendingBankTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | CashForecastDetail | LoadDetailsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashLedgerTransaction | LoadCBTransIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount |
InvokedLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcileSet |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | LoadTransactionsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMTreasury | BankStatement | UpdateBankStatementTotalBalanceOnly |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterface | ImportBatch |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader |
ImportAll |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | ImportValidation |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | PurgeHistory |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | CreateForecastActuals |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ExecuteTransactionProcessingRules |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | LoadBankStatementPosition |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ReclassifyUncategorizedLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateBankStatementTotal |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateCategorizationGroup |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateExceptionStatusForAllLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateForecastsForActualBankTransactions |
CTMTreasury | CashManagementAccount | MassUpdateCurrencyRates |
CTMTreasury | PayablesInvoicePayment | LoadOpenPaymentDetails |
CTMTreasury | PurchaseOrder | LoadOpenPurchorderDetails |
CTMTreasury | ReceivableInvoiceDetail | LoadOpenReceiptDetails |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateCashManagementCubes |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateDebtManagementCube |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerTransactionImport | InterfaceCashLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerPaymentImport | InterfaceCashPayments |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReceiptImport | InterfaceCashReceipts |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReturnedPaymentImport | InterfaceReturnedCashPayments |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerBankUpdate | UpdateLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTRejectUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | PaymentProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | TemporaryHoldUpdates |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | MassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | VoidStopPayUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | EFTExtractUpdate | EFTExtractUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | PaymentOutputFileHeader | PurgePaymentOutputRecords |
CashLedgerProcessing | PositivePayFileCreation | PositivePayFileCreation |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing |
CashPeriodEnd |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | BankPeriodClose | BankPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | CashPositionReconciliation | CashPositionReconciliation |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriod | ChangeStatusToScheduled |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | CreatePrereqsFromSchedule |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessDetails |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessSummary |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | OpenPeriodDetailSet |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | UpdateSummaryScheduleDates |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | Schedule |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | ScheduleSet |
Contracts | ContractDistributorPricingMember | SetToReleased |
Contracts | ContractGPOItemExtract | AddLinesForNewContract |
Contracts | ContractGroup | ManageInterfacedContractsFromGPOInformation |
Contracts | ContractImport | CheckForNewAndUpdatedItems |
Contracts | ContractImport | FindNewContractDates |
Contracts | ContractImportDistributor | CreateAndUpdateDistributorContracts |
Contracts | ContractImportGPOMembership | ProcessNewMembers |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | AddMembersToContractSet |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | ProcessUpdatedParticipants |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | UpdateContractTiers |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | BatchReleaseMembersArray |
Contracts | ContractLine | CheckForErrorsLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateContractLinesFromContract |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | DeleteAllLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ErrorsOnlyLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLinesFromReject |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | LineRenewalRelease |
Contracts | ContractLine | RecallContractLineQuery |
Contracts | ContractLine | ReleaseLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateAmendment |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateDraft |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCanUseForCostDefaultingFalse |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCreateDistributorContractLine |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateBaseCostByPercent |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateEffectiveAndExpirationDate |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CheckForNewTierCosts |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CreateContractFromImportLines |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | ProcessContractImportLinesUpdates |
Contracts | MfgContractMemberPivot | CreateDistributorPricingMembers |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateAutoReversePeriodTransaction |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GLTransactionDetail | CreateDetailsForJournalTransaction |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | WorkFile | n/d |
EDI | TranslateInbound | n/d |
EDI | TranslateOutbound | n/d |
GLQuickPost | GeneralLedgerTransaction | Post |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | GLTransactionDetail | PurgeHistoryDetail |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | DeleteBudgetEditRecords |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | InterfaceTransactions |
GrantAccounting | GLCommit | UpdateToReleased |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeIndividualLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | ApproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UnapproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UncertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CopyAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | RedistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod | PopulateAllEffortPercent |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | DailyDataEngine |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | PurgeReplicatedRecords |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | RecommendationsEngine |
InventoryTransaction | InventoryTransactionLine | BatchRelease |
Journalize | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
Journalize | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
MatchProcessing | Chargeback | Chargeback |
MatchProcessing | MatchAnalysisReport | MatchAnalysisReport |
MatchProcessing | MatchDiscountPosting | MatchDiscountPosting |
MatchProcessing | AutoMatching | AutoMatching |
MatchProcessing | CostVarianceAnalysis | CostVarianceAnalysis |
MatchProcessing | ERSInvoiceCreation | ERSInvoiceCreation |
MatchProcessing | n/d | OpenReceiptArchive |
MatchProcessing | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived |
MatchProcessing | MatchInvoiceMessage | OverrideAuthorityCodeAndPriority |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | LoadUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | Reload |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueueFinanceResource | DeleteUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchRule | SetRuleOrders |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildRebatesForMatchedInvoiceLines |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | DeleteUnmatchedRebateInvoiceLines |
OnlineJournalRelease | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
OnlineJournalRelease | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
Payables1099Processing | TaxIdentificationNumber | TaxIdentificationNumber |
Payables1099Processing | US1099OutputHeader | PurgeUS1099OutputRecords |
Payables1099Processing | US1099TapeCreation | US1099TapeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeBankStatement | BillOfExchangeBankStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeDistribution | BillOfExchangeDistribution |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeGeneration | BillOfExchangeGeneration |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | UpdateSendCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoicePayment | UpdatePayablesCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | VendorGroup | UpdateAPInvoiceAutomationCubes |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | PopulateSpendCategoryDetail |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceDistributionReport | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | SpreadAddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDetailImport | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDistributionImport | LoadInterfaceDistributions |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceImport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | VendorBalanceImport | VendorBalanceInterface |
PayablesImport | VendorImport | VendorInterface |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | FinanceResourceInvApproval | DeleteInvoiceApprovalAssignments |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BatchMatchSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildSmartReconciliationQueue |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildTextIndexSetAction |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | InvoiceHoldMassUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | MassInvoiceRelease |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SaveDocumentLocallySet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SuperDeleteInvoiceRange |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | UpdateDocumentURLSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | ProofOfDeliveryNotification | ProofOfDeliveryNotification |
PayablesMassUpdates | MassVendorUpdate | MassVendorUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | PayGroupUpdate | PayGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | ProcessGroupUpdate | ProcessGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorBalanceRebuild | VendorBalanceRebuild |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorGroupCopy | VendorGroupCopy |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorMerge | VendorMerge |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClose |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashPaymentRegister | CashPaymentRegister |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashRequirementsResult | PerformCashRequirements |
PayablesPaymentProcess | ElectronicPaymentCreation | ElectronicPaymentCreation |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClearingFileCreation | PaymentClearingFileCreation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceAccrualReconciliationReport |
PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceProcessingStatistics | InvoiceProcessingStatistics |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodClose | PayablesPeriodClose |
PayablesPeriodEnd | RecurringInvoiceUpdate | RecurringInvoiceUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnmatchedInvoiceList | UnmatchedInvoiceList |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | BankAccountPaymentHistory | BankAccountPaymentHistory |
PayablesPeriodEnd | FinancialReportingUpdate | FinancialReportingUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorStatements | VendorStatements |
PayablesTaxProcessing | Vendor | BatchUpdateWithVertexTaxAreaId |
PayablesTaxProcessing | VendorLocation | BatchUpdateTaxCodeUsingVertex |
Posting | GeneralLedgerTransaction | BatchPost |
Lançamento Release | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | ChangeStatusAndReleasedFlag |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | AccountingEntityHierarchy | ProcessCurrencyBasisEntity |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | FinanceEnterpriseGroup | InitiateJournalizeForRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | GenerateIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | HoldBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | RemoveHoldFromBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ForecastBillingAndRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateRetainageInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | RecognizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizedInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitForApprovalReverseJournalizedRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoiceReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForJournalizeApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitJournalizedRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContractInvoices | DeleteInvoiceRecords |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | JournalizeIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | ReverseIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | DeleteRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | RemoveBurdenAPHold |
Rebates | ContractGroup | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForContractGroup |
Rebates | ContractRebateDueInvoiceLine | ReloadRebateInvoicesForQualifierChanges |
Rebates | ContractRebateQualifier | LoadSupplierRebateInvoices |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateJustCreatedInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | CancelledSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesAllContracts |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForCompany |
Rebates | PurchaseOrderLine | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForOneContract |
Rebates | PurchasingCompany | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForCompany |
Rebates | VendorReturn | BuildReturnRebateInvoiceLines |
Recall | RecallNotice | CloseResolvedNotices |
Recall | RecallNotice | RebuildRecallNoticeTextIndexes |
Recall | RecallProductItem | ProductActivityQuery |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | GainLossTotal | CreateGainLossTransactions |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | GeneralLedgerTotal | ProcessGainLoss |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCommodityCodeItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationBuyerItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateDiverseCodeVendor |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateUNSPSCItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | PurgeInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | UpdateUnreleasedInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoice | LoadInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoiceDetail | ExportToPoInvLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PurchaseOrderLine | ExportToPoLineFact |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImport | InterfaceInventoryTransactions |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImportLineDetail | InterfaceInventoryTransactionLineDetails |
SupplyChainImport | POReceiptAdjustmentAndInspection | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImport | InterfacePurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLine | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLineDistribution | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptImport | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineAOCImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineImport | ReceiptLineLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptAdjustmentInput | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | ReceiptLineLoad |
YearEndClose | AccountingEntityHierarchy | YearEndClose |
YearEndClose | GeneralLedgerTotal | YearEndClose |
ZoneBalance | GeneralLedgerZoneTotal | ProcessZoneBalancingTransactions |