Definicje i mapowania kolejki
Jeśli środowisko ma wiele dzierżawców, domyślne kolejki są automatycznie tworzone dla każdego obszaru danych. Na przykład, DefaultQueue_<DataArea>
. Jeśli wcześniej istniała tylko jedna domyślna kolejka, tworzone są dodatkowe domyślne kolejki dla obszarów danych aplikacji. Ustawienia dla każdej dodatkowej kolejki domyślnej są dziedziczone z pierwotnej kolejki domyślnej.
Jeśli środowisko ma jednego dzierżawcę lub jest lokalne, kolejki domyślne nie są tworzone dla każdego obszaru danych. Aby utworzyć domyślne kolejki dla każdego obszaru danych, utwórz parametr konfiguracji w obszarze danych środowiska:
- Kategoria: Wprowadź Synchronizuj
- Klucz: Wprowadź
- Typ: Wprowadź Wartość logiczna
- Wartość: Wprowadź prawda
Można wyłączyć parametr konfiguracji w środowisku z wieloma dzierżawcami przez ustawienie pola Wartość na Fałsz.
Podczas tworzenia dodatkowych kolejek domyślną wartością Maks. liczba aktywnych czynności jest istniejąca kolejka domyślna. Zaleca się, aby dopasować te wartości zgodnie z obciążeniem procesu przetwarzania.
Zaleca się, aby w żadnej kolejce nie było zaznaczonych pól wyboru Zawieszone, Zapis historii lub Kolejka systemowa. Wyjątek stanowi pole Zawieszone, które można zaznaczyć dla NightDeferredProcessing. Można określić wartość pola Maks. liczba aktywnych czynności, aby odzwierciedlić liczbę zadań, które mogą być wykonywane jednocześnie. Maksymalna liczba aktywnych czynności jest zależna od wydajności systemu.
Nazwa kolejki | Opis | Maks. liczba czynności |
Alokacja | Alokacja | 3 |
AnalyticCube | Wczytaj ponownie/odśwież kostkę analityczną | 1 |
BudgetEdit | Edycje budżetu Maksymalna liczba aktywnych czynności nie może przekraczać 1 |
1 |
BudgetEditCallBack | Wywołanie zwrotne edycji budżetu | 1 |
BudgetTemplateActivation | Aktywacja szablonu budżetu | 3 |
CTMForecast | Prognoza CTM | 3 |
CTMReconciliation | Uzgodnienie CTM | 3 |
CTMTreasury | Treasury CTM | 3 |
CTMUpdateCube | Kostka aktualizacji CTM | 1 |
CashDistributionProcessing | Przetwarzanie dystrybucji środków pieniężnych | 3 |
CashLedgerImports | Proces importu księgi środków pieniężnych | 3 |
CashLedgerProcessing | Przetwarzanie księgi środków pieniężnych | 3 |
CashPeriodEnd | Koniec okresu środków pieniężnych | 3 |
CloseManagement | Zarządzanie zamykaniem | 3 |
Contracts | Kolejka kontraktów | 3 |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | Operacje automatycznego stornowania | 2 |
nie dotyczy | Automatycznie wygenerowana kolejka domyślna wg danych areaDefaultQueue_<DataArea> | 4 |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | Domyślna kolejka dla plików roboczych | 3 |
Kolejka replikacji danych | Kolejka replikacji | 2 |
DocumentQueue | Kolejka dokumentów | 4 |
EDI | Kolejka przetwarzania EDI | 1 |
GLQuickPost | Szybkie księgowanie KG | 1 |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | Czyszczenie GLTransactionDetail | 3 |
GLTransactionInterface | Interfejs operacji KG | 3 |
GrantAccounting | Kolejka rachunkowości dotacji | 1 |
InventoryIntelligence | Kolejka Inventory Intelligence | 1 |
InventoryTransaction | Zatwierdzanie operacji inwentaryzacji | 3 |
Journalize | Tworzenie dzienników KG | 3 |
MatchProcessing | Przetwarzanie dopasowania | 1 |
NightDeferredProcessing | Nocne | 1 |
OnlineJournalRelease | Zatwierdzenie dziennika online | 1 |
Payables1099Processing | Przetwarzanie zobowiązań 1099 | 3 |
PayablesBOEProcess | Proces weksli zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesCubeUpdate | Aktualizacja kostki zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | Przetwarzanie dystrybucji DefaultQueue_Payables | 3 |
PayablesImport | Procesy importu zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | Przetwarzanie faktur zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesMassUpdates | Zbiorcze aktualizacje zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesPaymentProcess | Proces płatności zobowiązań | 3 |
PayblesPeriodEnd | Koniec okresu zobowiązań | 3 |
PayablesTaxProcessing | Przetwarzanie podatku zobowiązań | 3 |
Posting | Czynność księgowania | 3 |
Posting Release | Kolejka księgowania dla ChangeStatusAndRelease | 3 |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | Podmioty podstawy dla właściwości waluty | 3 |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Fakturowanie i przychód z projektu - kolejka uznania | 1 |
Rebates | Rabaty | 1 |
Recall | Wycofanie | 1 |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | Operacje zysków i strat | 3 |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | Zysk/strata kursowa | 3 |
SpendAnalysis | Analiza wydatków | 1 |
SupplyChainImport | Procesy importu łańcucha dostaw | 3 |
YearEndClose | Zamknięcie podstawy na koniec roku | 1 |
ZoneBalance | Przetwarzanie operacji bilansowania pomiędzy strefami | 1 |
Są to sugerowane mapowania kolejki dla rozwiązania Financials and Supply Management.
Zaleca się, aby wszystkie mapowania kolejki miały następujące pola puste lub wypełnione wartością domyślną: Aktor, Obszar danych, Pole mapowania 1, Pole mapowania 2, Zapis historii i Priorytet.
Poniżej przedstawiono wyjątki:
- Pusta kolejka i czynność Obszar danych zawiera nazwę obszaru danych rozwiązania Financials and Supply Management
- Pole mapowania 1 dla kolejki GeneralLedgerTotal to PostingCategory
Kolejka | Klasa implementująca | Czynność |
Allocation | AllocationControl | RunLines |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetStepStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetCompletedStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | GenerateReportsInternal |
Allocation | AllocationLine | RunLine |
Allocation | AllocationLine | Check |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Refresh |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Reload |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotals |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotalsBudget |
BudgetEditCallBack | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | BudgetEditCallBackRelease |
BudgetEditCallBack | PayablesInvoice | UpdateBudgetResults |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetGroup | CalculateGroupsByCluster |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetTemplate | DoGroupsByAccount |
CTMForecast | BankStatementLine | GetForecastTransactions |
CTMForecast | CashForecast | BuildForecastNew |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountByCategory |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountForAllCategories |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriod | CalculateForecastAverages |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateActualAmountsOnForecast |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateAmount |
CTMForecast | CashManagementGroup | LoadDirectForecast |
CTMForecast | DirectForecastDetail | SummarizeDirectForecastDetail |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | ClearAllReconciliations |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | InvokedLoadAndReconcileUnreconciled |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | LoadLinesIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteOpenTransactionLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteStatementReconciliationDetails |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileLinesByAmount |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnmatchMatchedSummaryTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateInterfacedCBTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateReconciledPendingBankTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | CashForecastDetail | LoadDetailsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashLedgerTransaction | LoadCBTransIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount |
InvokedLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcileSet |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | LoadTransactionsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMTreasury | BankStatement | UpdateBankStatementTotalBalanceOnly |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterface | ImportBatch |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader |
ImportAll |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | ImportValidation |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | PurgeHistory |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | CreateForecastActuals |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ExecuteTransactionProcessingRules |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | LoadBankStatementPosition |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ReclassifyUncategorizedLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateBankStatementTotal |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateCategorizationGroup |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateExceptionStatusForAllLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateForecastsForActualBankTransactions |
CTMTreasury | CashManagementAccount | MassUpdateCurrencyRates |
CTMTreasury | PayablesInvoicePayment | LoadOpenPaymentDetails |
CTMTreasury | PurchaseOrder | LoadOpenPurchorderDetails |
CTMTreasury | ReceivableInvoiceDetail | LoadOpenReceiptDetails |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateCashManagementCubes |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateDebtManagementCube |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerTransactionImport | InterfaceCashLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerPaymentImport | InterfaceCashPayments |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReceiptImport | InterfaceCashReceipts |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReturnedPaymentImport | InterfaceReturnedCashPayments |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerBankUpdate | UpdateLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTRejectUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | PaymentProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | TemporaryHoldUpdates |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | MassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | VoidStopPayUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | EFTExtractUpdate | EFTExtractUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | PaymentOutputFileHeader | PurgePaymentOutputRecords |
CashLedgerProcessing | PositivePayFileCreation | PositivePayFileCreation |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing |
CashPeriodEnd |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | BankPeriodClose | BankPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | CashPositionReconciliation | CashPositionReconciliation |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriod | ChangeStatusToScheduled |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | CreatePrereqsFromSchedule |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessDetails |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessSummary |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | OpenPeriodDetailSet |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | UpdateSummaryScheduleDates |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | Schedule |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | ScheduleSet |
Contracts | ContractDistributorPricingMember | SetToReleased |
Contracts | ContractGPOItemExtract | AddLinesForNewContract |
Contracts | ContractGroup | ManageInterfacedContractsFromGPOInformation |
Contracts | ContractImport | CheckForNewAndUpdatedItems |
Contracts | ContractImport | FindNewContractDates |
Contracts | ContractImportDistributor | CreateAndUpdateDistributorContracts |
Contracts | ContractImportGPOMembership | ProcessNewMembers |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | AddMembersToContractSet |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | ProcessUpdatedParticipants |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | UpdateContractTiers |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | BatchReleaseMembersArray |
Contracts | ContractLine | CheckForErrorsLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateContractLinesFromContract |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | DeleteAllLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ErrorsOnlyLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLinesFromReject |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | LineRenewalRelease |
Contracts | ContractLine | RecallContractLineQuery |
Contracts | ContractLine | ReleaseLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateAmendment |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateDraft |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCanUseForCostDefaultingFalse |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCreateDistributorContractLine |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateBaseCostByPercent |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateEffectiveAndExpirationDate |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CheckForNewTierCosts |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CreateContractFromImportLines |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | ProcessContractImportLinesUpdates |
Contracts | MfgContractMemberPivot | CreateDistributorPricingMembers |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateAutoReversePeriodTransaction |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GLTransactionDetail | CreateDetailsForJournalTransaction |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | WorkFile | nie dotyczy |
EDI | TranslateInbound | nie dotyczy |
EDI | TranslateOutbound | nie dotyczy |
GLQuickPost | GeneralLedgerTransaction | Post |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | GLTransactionDetail | PurgeHistoryDetail |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | DeleteBudgetEditRecords |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | InterfaceTransactions |
GrantAccounting | GLCommit | UpdateToReleased |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeIndividualLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | ApproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UnapproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UncertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CopyAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | RedistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod | PopulateAllEffortPercent |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | DailyDataEngine |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | PurgeReplicatedRecords |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | RecommendationsEngine |
InventoryTransaction | InventoryTransactionLine | BatchRelease |
Journalize | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
Journalize | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
MatchProcessing | Chargeback | Chargeback |
MatchProcessing | MatchAnalysisReport | MatchAnalysisReport |
MatchProcessing | MatchDiscountPosting | MatchDiscountPosting |
MatchProcessing | AutoMatching | AutoMatching |
MatchProcessing | CostVarianceAnalysis | CostVarianceAnalysis |
MatchProcessing | ERSInvoiceCreation | ERSInvoiceCreation |
MatchProcessing | nie dotyczy | OpenReceiptArchive |
MatchProcessing | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived |
MatchProcessing | MatchInvoiceMessage | OverrideAuthorityCodeAndPriority |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | LoadUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | Reload |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueueFinanceResource | DeleteUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchRule | SetRuleOrders |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildRebatesForMatchedInvoiceLines |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | DeleteUnmatchedRebateInvoiceLines |
OnlineJournalRelease | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
OnlineJournalRelease | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
Payables1099Processing | TaxIdentificationNumber | TaxIdentificationNumber |
Payables1099Processing | US1099OutputHeader | PurgeUS1099OutputRecords |
Payables1099Processing | US1099TapeCreation | US1099TapeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeBankStatement | BillOfExchangeBankStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeDistribution | BillOfExchangeDistribution |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeGeneration | BillOfExchangeGeneration |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | UpdateSendCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoicePayment | UpdatePayablesCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | VendorGroup | UpdateAPInvoiceAutomationCubes |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | PopulateSpendCategoryDetail |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceDistributionReport | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | SpreadAddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDetailImport | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDistributionImport | LoadInterfaceDistributions |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceImport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | VendorBalanceImport | VendorBalanceInterface |
PayablesImport | VendorImport | VendorInterface |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | FinanceResourceInvApproval | DeleteInvoiceApprovalAssignments |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BatchMatchSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildSmartReconciliationQueue |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildTextIndexSetAction |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | InvoiceHoldMassUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | MassInvoiceRelease |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SaveDocumentLocallySet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SuperDeleteInvoiceRange |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | UpdateDocumentURLSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | ProofOfDeliveryNotification | ProofOfDeliveryNotification |
PayablesMassUpdates | MassVendorUpdate | MassVendorUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | PayGroupUpdate | PayGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | ProcessGroupUpdate | ProcessGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorBalanceRebuild | VendorBalanceRebuild |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorGroupCopy | VendorGroupCopy |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorMerge | VendorMerge |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClose |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashPaymentRegister | CashPaymentRegister |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashRequirementsResult | PerformCashRequirements |
PayablesPaymentProcess | ElectronicPaymentCreation | ElectronicPaymentCreation |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClearingFileCreation | PaymentClearingFileCreation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceAccrualReconciliationReport |
PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceProcessingStatistics | InvoiceProcessingStatistics |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodClose | PayablesPeriodClose |
PayablesPeriodEnd | RecurringInvoiceUpdate | RecurringInvoiceUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnmatchedInvoiceList | UnmatchedInvoiceList |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | BankAccountPaymentHistory | BankAccountPaymentHistory |
PayablesPeriodEnd | FinancialReportingUpdate | FinancialReportingUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorStatements | VendorStatements |
PayablesTaxProcessing | Vendor | BatchUpdateWithVertexTaxAreaId |
PayablesTaxProcessing | VendorLocation | BatchUpdateTaxCodeUsingVertex |
Posting | GeneralLedgerTransaction | BatchPost |
Księgowanie Release | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | ChangeStatusAndReleasedFlag |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | AccountingEntityHierarchy | ProcessCurrencyBasisEntity |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | FinanceEnterpriseGroup | InitiateJournalizeForRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | GenerateIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | HoldBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | RemoveHoldFromBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ForecastBillingAndRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateRetainageInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | RecognizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizedInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitForApprovalReverseJournalizedRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoiceReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForJournalizeApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitJournalizedRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContractInvoices | DeleteInvoiceRecords |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | JournalizeIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | ReverseIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | DeleteRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | RemoveBurdenAPHold |
Rebates | ContractGroup | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForContractGroup |
Rebates | ContractRebateDueInvoiceLine | ReloadRebateInvoicesForQualifierChanges |
Rebates | ContractRebateQualifier | LoadSupplierRebateInvoices |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateJustCreatedInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | CancelledSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesAllContracts |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForCompany |
Rebates | PurchaseOrderLine | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForOneContract |
Rebates | PurchasingCompany | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForCompany |
Rebates | VendorReturn | BuildReturnRebateInvoiceLines |
Recall | RecallNotice | CloseResolvedNotices |
Recall | RecallNotice | RebuildRecallNoticeTextIndexes |
Recall | RecallProductItem | ProductActivityQuery |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | GainLossTotal | CreateGainLossTransactions |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | GeneralLedgerTotal | ProcessGainLoss |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCommodityCodeItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationBuyerItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateDiverseCodeVendor |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateUNSPSCItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | PurgeInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | UpdateUnreleasedInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoice | LoadInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoiceDetail | ExportToPoInvLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PurchaseOrderLine | ExportToPoLineFact |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImport | InterfaceInventoryTransactions |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImportLineDetail | InterfaceInventoryTransactionLineDetails |
SupplyChainImport | POReceiptAdjustmentAndInspection | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImport | InterfacePurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLine | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLineDistribution | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptImport | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineAOCImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineImport | ReceiptLineLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptAdjustmentInput | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | ReceiptLineLoad |
YearEndClose | AccountingEntityHierarchy | YearEndClose |
YearEndClose | GeneralLedgerTotal | YearEndClose |
ZoneBalance | GeneralLedgerZoneTotal | ProcessZoneBalancingTransactions |