Rapport Gebruik kritiek artikel

Als u rapporten in het dashboard Gebruik kritiek artikel wilt openen, selecteert u Voorraadbeheer > Gebruik kritiek artikel.

Rapportelement Kenmerken van onderwerpgebied voor voorraadtransacties
Code voorraadlocatie Inventory Location.Inventory Location Code
Primaire inkoopklasse Item.Purchasing Major Class
Inkoopklasse secundair Item.Purchasing Minor Class
Artikelnummer Item.Item
Artikelomschrijving Item.ItemDescription
Datum Time.Date
Aanvragende locatie Transaction Attributes.Requesting Location
Voorraadeenheid Item.StockUOM
Hoeveelheid Measures.ICT Quantity
Gebruik 3 dagen (rapportberekening)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))))
Gebruik afgelopen 3 dagen (rapportberekening)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-6,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Gemiddeld gebruik 30 dagen (rapportberekening)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-30,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Transaction Attributes.Inventory Transaction
Filters die in het rapport zijn ingebouwd