Global Ledger CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Add Copy Members and Add Member Where This One Exists for Company, Entity, and Cash Code Groups

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Company, Entity, and Cash Code Group management

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a user who can maintain Company, Entity, and Cash Code Groups
  2. Select Global Ledger Setup
  3. For Global Ledger, Entity, and Cash Code Groups, at Group level, run the action Copy Members

    The action should copy all Members in a group to whatever other group is designated. This action can be used to easily combine various groups into one.

  4. At member/detail level, run the Create New Member Where This Member Exists action.

    This action will find all groups a member is in and add a new member to all of those groups.


GL: Restrict duplicate netting journal for Inter entity Netting process

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FinanceEnterpriseGroup
  • AccountingEntityGroup
  • AccountingEntity
  • GeneralLedgerJournalControl

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. If Accounting Entity Option is Single:
    • With period option “Specific Period”- if you try to run for the period which already has a journal in “Released” or “Pending Approval” state it throws an error saying Netting Journal already Present for that period.

      If the Action is used with a period value which has no journal created the action works as expected.

    • With “All Period” option – if there is a journal present in either “Pending Approval” or “Released” state the action will give an error a netting journal is present for the Accounting Entity. We need to limit that action because the totals from the period for which we have a journal would also be considered for the balancing amount.
  2. If Accounting Entity Option is Group or All.
    • With period option “Specific Period”- the action would create netting journals for all the entities except the entities which have a netting journal present in “Pending Approval or “Released” state without giving any error for the selected period and on the notification tab it will show conformation message for all the Accounting Entities the action is successfully completed.

      If the Action is used with a period value which has no journal created the action works as expected

    • With “All Period” option - The action would create netting journals for all the entities except the entities which have a netting journal present in “Pending Approval or “Released” state for any period without giving any error and on the notification tab it will show conformation message for all the Accounting Entities the action is successfully completed. We need to limit that action because the totals from the period for which we have a journal would also be considered for the balancing amount

Dependencies: Netting Journals created before these code changes should not be present in Pending Approval or released state


Created delivered security rules for GL related transactional business classes that include all dimensions

When viewing lists of records in these business classes, only records will display that satisfy all values for a users security groups. This includes Accounting Entity, Company, Chart Account, Accounting Unit, Project, and all Finance Dimensions.

These rules will display records that have blank values in a dimension that uses a security group

Business Classes:

  • GeneralLedgerTotal
  • GeneralLedgerTransaction
  • GLTransactionDetail
  • GLProcurementExpense
  • GLExpenseTotal

Additional conditions will be provided for configuration purposes that will not display a record if values are blank in a dimension that uses a security group.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Viewing of records for GL Transactions when using Security Groups

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. View these lists for users that have security groups for several dimensions outside of Accounting Entity:
    • Totals menu item for General Ledger Totals
    • Finance Transactions menu item for General Ledger Transaction
    • Finance Transaction Detail menu item for GL Transaction Detail
    • Departmental Procurement Expenses > Procurement Expense Summary tab for GL Expense Total
    • Departmental Procurement Expenses > Procurement Expense Details tab for GL Procurement Expense
  2. Verify that all lists have records that are available and that records are excluded based on the actors security groups
  3. Verify for each list that only qualifying records are visible.

    Note: Only records that satisfy inclusion for all security groups should be visible. For example, for a user with Finance Dimension 3 and Chart Account security, both the finance dimension 3 and the chart account must be valid for the user.

  4. Records that have a blank value for a secured value will be included.


Remove Staff Accountant full access to Account business class

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Processing of Account business class

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in with Staff Accountant role access but not Controller or Financial Business Analyst.
  2. Open the Finance Enterprise Group and click the Account tab
  3. Verify that you cannot create, update, or delete Accounts
  4. Verify that users with the Controller and Financial Business Analyst role can fully maintain Account

Security Changes

  • Added this rule to the GLAdditionalProcessing_ST security class:

    Account BusinessClass

    is accessible

    for all actions


  • Changed the Account rule on the GLBasicProcessing_ST security class:

    Account BusinessClass

    is accessible

    for RequestNewAccount



Provide Drillaround from GLTOT Encumbrance Scenario to GLCOMMIT

Need to provide drillaround functionality from GeneralLedgerTotal to GLCommit. This will provide detailed information that could help reconcile open encumbrances for a given code block and period.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GeneralLedgerTotal ui
  • GLCommit bl

Use this information to test the enhancement:

When Encumbrance Option for System Code PO, AP, RQ, or CB is set to Track or TrackAndEdit, users can inquire on General Ledger Total encumbrance or commitment scenario and be able to drillaround to the GLCommit records that make up the General Ledger Total record.


Add a purge program to purge migrated subsystem distribution records from GL Transaction Detail

Clients needed a way to delete migrated subsystem distribution records that were no longer needed for reference. These detail records do not have any associated General Ledger Journal Control or General Ledger Transaction records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Bl business classes:

  • AccountingEntity
  • FinanceEnterpriseGroup
  • GLTransactionDetail
  • PurgeNotToBePostedTransactionDetail

Ui business classes:

  • GLTransactionDetail

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the Controller menu go to My Reports > Transactions > Finance Transaction Detail.
  2. Filter on the Status column to select only the Not To Be Posted records.
  3. Select the Utilities menu and click the “Purge Not To Be Posted Transaction Detail” menu item.
  4. Select the parameter fields and submit the job. When the job completes go back to the Finance Transaction Detail list. Filter again on the “Status” column to select only the “Not To Be Posted” records.
  5. Verify that the list no longer contain records that match the parameters that were used on the purge job.


You must migrate subsystem distribution records with a status of Not To Be Posted to test this.


Added Utility to Global Ledger for missing period ending dates

There are instances the period ending dates on the Global Ledger Total business class are missing. Missing period ending dates will cause issues with Year end close and the period search on the Global Ledger Total. This new utility will be used to create missing period ending dates.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement, select the Utilities menu in a Finance role. Run the Fix Period Ending Dates In Global Ledger Total utility. When it completes, all period ending dates should be set.


Extended Netting Journal Approval process handling at FEG

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Introducing a new check box as Netting Journal Approval for Netting Balanced journal at Finance Enterprise Group Options
    1. Enable check box: Approval required and Approval Code would be mandatory at the Inter-Entity Netting balance set action.

      Process: Released balanced journal created if the amount is within the Accounting entity approval amount limit

      Approval required balanced journal created if the amount is more than the Accounting entity approval amount or even the accounting entity not eligible for Approval

    2. Not Enable checkbox: Based on the requirement user can make a decision at the time of initiating the Inter entity Netting Set action

      Process: Released balanced journal created if the amount is within the Accounting entity approval amount limit

      Approval required balanced journal created if the amount is more than the Accounting entity approval amount or even the accounting entity not eligible for Approval

      Posted Journals will be created if the user doesn’t select Approval required checkbox


GL Account BOD to LSPshould include translation

ChartOfAccounts BOD should include translation values of description.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncChartOfAccounts_Out
  • ReportingChartAccount

New IPA Changes:

  • Added Desc_XML variable in start node.
  • Added new "AT" Transaction node to retrive the values from Account_Translation businessclass
  • In Assign node derive the Desc_XML
  • In XML passing this Desc_XML under BaseChartOfAccounts/Description.
  • Integration Specific: No

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
  2. Enable ServiceDefinition for "ReportingChartAccountService" attach FSM_ION_SyncChartOfAccounts_Outbound.
  3. Update or Create Account Description translation values.
  4. BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncChartOfAccounts_Outbound.

Verify the result:

<AccountType listID="Account Types">Equity</AccountType>

<Description languageID="en-us">Translation Gain</Description>

<Description languageID="ar-OM">makasib altarjama</Description>
