Contract Management CU69
Allow distributor contract information to be deleted at the same time as an associated manufacturer contract
Program/Business class/Process affected: Contract processing
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create a manufacturer contract, tiers, members, and lines.
- Release members, release, and activate.
- Associate the manufacturer contract with an existing distributor contract (including members and lines).
- Attempt to delete the manufacturer contract. You should be able to do so with no errors.
- All associated distributor contract information (Manufacturer Contract, Pricing Members, and Lines) should be deleted.
- Create a manufacturer contract and associated parts.
- Release members, release, and activate
- Attach the manufacturer contract, members, and lines to a distributor contract
- Delete the manufacturer contract on the distributor contract
- The contract and associated lines and members should all be deleted with no errors
- Create a manufacturer contract and associated parts
- Release members, release, and activate
- Create a PO line against one of the contract lines
- Release the PO
- Attempt to delete the contract
- You should get an error that you cannot release it because there is a PO associated with it.
- Verify that a Contract can now be deleted when in the following states-
- Draft, Active, Amendment, Addendum, ReadyToActivate
Security changes:
- Added the DeleteAllDistributorContractLinesForAManufacturer action to the rule for ContractLine business class in CMProcessContracts_ST:
- Added the DeleteContract and DeleteWithTemplate actions to the rule for Contract.
- Removed the Draft.DeleteContract action from the rule for Contract.
Allow new GPO participants for distributors when Manufacturer Contract participants already exist to be added
Program/Business class/Process affected: GPO Contract processing
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create a Contract Interface record with Contract Import Tier records and a Contract Distributor record with lines, but no Contract Import Tier Distributor records.
- Create manufacturer and distributor contracts
- In the ContractGPOParticipant record, add a new participant record for that GPO Contract and location, where the Item Supplier is the same as the one on the Contract Distributor record
- Run the Manage Interfaced GPO Contracts action with the Find New Participants option is set to true
Expected results:
Verify that a new Contract Import Tier Distributor record is created under the Contract Import Tier Member
Verify that a new Contract Distributor Pricing Member records is created and released on the Distributor contract.
Allow commitment amounts to be changed on Service Contracts after amounts are invoiced
Program/Business class/Process affected: Service Contracts with commitments
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create Service Contracts with commitments at the 4 levels- Contract, Contract Spread, Contract Line , Contract Line Spread
- Add lines for both quantity and amount services
- Release and Activate the Contracts
- Create Invoices against the Contracts for partial values
- Release the invoices
- Amend the Contracts
- Increase the Commitment Amounts on the Contracts
Expected Results:
Verify that you can increase the amounts with no errors
Verify that the commitment records increase accordingly
Prior to reactivating the Contracts, verify that the Budget Editing Information shows the correct amount
After the Contracts are released and activated, verify that the commitment records are released and the Budget Editing Information is be cleared
Display warning if interface contract creating new contract does not have a vendor for supplier
Program/Business class/Process affected: GPO Contract processing
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Create a Contract interface record for a GPO contract which has (Purchase Method should
be BOTH) -
Associated distributor contracts
Where the Suppliers for both the Manufacturer and Distributor Contracts do not have vendors
- Run the action Create Contract From Interfaced Records
- Expected result- Verify that you get a warning message for both levels where the supplier does not have a vendor
Allow Purchase From to be changed when Supplier/Vendor changed on Contract Import
Program/Business class/Process affected: Changing Suppliers on Contracts from GPO menu
Use this information to test the enhancement:
- Create a GPO Interface Contract for a supplier that is not linked to any other GPO contracts. Specify a Purchase From on the Interface Contract.
- Associate one of the Contract lines with an item that has an Item and Item Location record.
- Create a Manufacturer contract from the interface contract
- Go to the Supplier Mapping and Processing in the GPO menu
For your supplier, click the Update Supplier action
- Specify a different Supplier Number and click OK. Leave the check box selected.
- On the Contract Supplier changes menu item, find your Interface Contract
- Select the Change Supplier and Vendor action
- Specify a Purchase From associated with the new Supplier/Vendor
- View the Manufacturer Contract and verify that the Purchase From is updated correctly.
Uplift Contract Search Forms
Program/Business class/Process affected: Search For Contract Information page
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Sign in as Contract Manager
- Search for and open Search For Contract Information
- Verify that all search fields on all panels are laid out in the best possible manner