Match CU69

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Payables Invoice Drill Around for Match Information

Match Information was spread across several forms in Drill Around; the contents of these has been consolidated.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement verify that the Drill Around, Match Invoice Information, replaces these forms: MatchInvoiceDashboard, ViewMatchInformation, ViewMatchInvoiceTotals, RelatedMatchInvoices, and MatchSubTotals. Verify that these old drills do not exist, and that the relevant fields are available in Match Invoice Information.


Added the ability to add exempt tax amount to the goods line for Match invoice

Added the ability to add an exempt amount on a match invoice line.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Invoice Matching

To test this enhancement, verify that two fields are added to the match invoice line form: Exempt Amount and Exempt Amount tax code.

If the exempt amount field is populated,the taxable unit cost is automatically calculated, allowing just a portion of the line to be taxed.

If the exempt amount tax code field is populated, then when the invoice is matched, a zero amount tax distribution is created. The tax distribution contains the specified tax code and contains a taxable amount that is equal to the exempt amount.


Update Smart Match Recon to use SOHO 4 UX icons

Smart Match Recon select and unselect did not work in 4 UX Controls because of icons. Icons are updated to use standard SOHO library icons.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Smart Match Recon and AOC Smart Match Recon

To test this enhancement, verify functionality of Smart Match Recon and AOC Smart Match Recon in SoHo 4 UX and SoHo 3 UX controls.


Do Not Allow Mix of Prepayment Methods on Invoices for a Purchase Order

Invoices with different prepayment methods for the same purchase order were allowed

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Invoice Matching

To test this enhancement, verify that all invoices for the same purchase order use the same prepayment method. Do not confuse Prepay From Invoice and Eligible For Prepay.


Improve performance for match analysis add on charge listing

Removed totals from the listing to improve performance.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Add On Charge listing

To test this enhancement, sign in as Match Specialist. Select Match Analysis > Add On Charge. Verify that the listing functions correctly.


UI changes for match rule setup

The match rule tolerance form was modified to have two tabs: one for received items and one for service items

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Match setup

To test this enhancement, verify that the match rule tolerance forms function correctly.


UI updates to match company Messaging tab

Label changes were made on the match company Messaging tab

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Match Company

To test this enhancement, verify the label changes:

  • Purchase Order Review section was changed to Invoice Entry Cost Review
  • Service Messaging field was changed to After Match Service Messaging


Intrastat line not created for service line after performing match in invoice

Intrastat lines were not created for service items for required countries on matching invoice

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement, verify that after matching an invoice with service items, where the originating or destination country is France or Italy, an intrastat line is created.


Enhancement: Do not call OneSource if unit cost = zero

For match invoices using OneSource tax engine, One Source was invoked for zero amount service lines.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Invoice matching using One Source

To test this enhancement, verify that when matching invoices using OneSource that OneSource is not called for zero amount service lines.


Match Invoice Analysis page

Many of the sub-menus in Match Invoice Analysis are repetitive or clutter the UI menu. To reduce the amount of menu clutter on both the navigation menu and the pages, several changes were made:

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • MatchInvoiceAnalysis
  • PurchaseOrderReceiptLine
  • PurchaseOrderReceiptInvoiceLink
  • PayablesInvoiceDetails
  • PayablesInvoiceAddOnCharge
  • MatchAnalysisMenu
  • PayablesInvoice
  • MatchPurchaseOrderInvoice

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Sign in as Payables Manager and select Analysis. There are fewer options. This is because Unmatched Receipts, Invoiced not Received, Invoice Cost Update, Invoice Message Listing, and Invoice Add On Charge Listing menus have been added to the Match Report Page.

Select Invoice Analysis. New side-card display, Invoice Summary Card, and Purchase Order information is available. The dependent lists under them have also been updated or modified to help you view and access data.


MatchInvoice Allow add of additional invoice lines, change/delete existing invoice lines after invoice Unmatch, eliminating the need for Cancel and rekey

If an invoice has been matched, and immediately unmatched, there was no way to modify the lines. The invoice must be cancelled and rekeyed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Invoice matching

To test this enhancement, verify whether an invoice has been matched, but not yet paid or posted, that it can be unmatched and the lines amended.
