Requisition Self Service CU64

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Added tax total to RSS shopping cart

Enhancement to show the tax total with the requisition totals.

To test this enhancement, add a taxable item to a requisition and verify that the tax amount shows.


Filter search results by OnContract and IsPreferred for all item types

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Requisition Self Service
  • Item
  • ContractLine
  • KeywordShadow
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

When searching for items on Contract in RSS Catalog Search, the search results should include all valid item types for the requester.


Add substitution alert for Replacement functionality

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Requisition Self Service, Inventory Company

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

When an item has been replaced on a Requisition Line, an item substitution alert icon should be displayed. The tool tip message should indicate the original item being replaced. This alert icon is available on Requisition Lines page, Requisition Line detail page, and Cart lines list.


Catalog Search type ahead configuration is enabled

The Catalog Search Type Ahead feature had been disabled due to performance issues. Some customers want the ability to turn it back on using a configuration.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Requisition Self Service, Inventory Company, Requester

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select the Catalog Search Type Ahead to Show, in the RSS Display Options section of the Requester or Inventory Company.
  2. Click Save and verify that this warning is shown: "Warning: showing the catalog search type ahead feature may affect performance; continue?"
  3. Click Yes to save the configuration change.
  4. Perform a catalog search in RSS and verify that the type ahead search is working.


Advanced Search: Removed expandable area for contract fields

On the Advanced Search screen, removed the Specials and Services on Contract expandable area. The Contract and Preferred Contract search filters that are currently in the expandable area, now apply to all items, not just specials and services.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Requisition Self Service

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open RSS.
  2. Click the New Request button.
  3. Select the Search the Catalog tab.
  4. Click on the Switch to Advanced Catalog Search link.
  5. Verify that the Specials and Services on Contract expandable area has been removed.


Catalog Search Sorting

The Catalog Search results were only sorted by lowest cost first. Customers have requested to be able to sort by other columns. We have added the ability to configure how the Catalog Search is sorted. We have added the ability to configure the number of records that are displayed in the Catalog Search list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Requisition Self Service
  • Inventory Company
  • Requester

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Configure the Catalog Search Sort Order and the Catalog Search Page Size in the RSS Display Options section of the Requester or Inventory Company.

Perform a catalog search in RSS. Verify that the sort order is matching the configuration. Verify that the max number of rows shown in the search results list matches the configuration.
