Close Management CU74

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management for

Close management security changes

Program/Business class/Process affected:

These are security class changes, below are the list security classes got changed.

  1. Close Management related business classes in security classes that contain CLOSE as part of the name as example as below.


  2. Below is the list of security classes which are modified.
    • CLOSEAdditionalTaskProcessing_ST
    • CLOSEAdministratorMenu_ST
    • CLOSEBasicTaskProcessing_ST
    • CLOSEManagerMenu_ST
    • CLOSEManualApproveTask_ST
    • CLOSEResourceMenu_ST
    • CLOSESetupAdmin_ST
  3. We made changes on IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST, this will make all users get this security access. changes made for all related business classes.
  4. Replaced unconditional to new condition as below inside the security classes.


To test this enhancement, restrict the users to view or access the data for company level information at assigned roles. You must enable company Security Setup
