Billing CU 75

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials & Supply Management for

Acknowledgement from Localization Services of AR receipt

This enhancement is for Mexico about the BOD processing from ILS.

BillingInvoice should stay in unreleased state until CSF receives the ProcessInvoiceBOD and invoice is updated with required information.

When BOD is processed successfully, the Invoice is released.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

BillingCompany, BillingInvoice, OrderEntryDailyShipmentJournal, OrderEntryShipImmediates, BillingInterface

Use this information to test the enhancement:

NOTE: This is only for companies that have the ProcessInvoiceBods flag enabled at BillingCompany level.

Navigation to these screens:


Financials > Billing - Setup > BillingCompany


Financials > Billing > Processing - Invoice


SupplyManagement > WarehouseProcessing > WarehouseProcessing > WarehousePickListPrint


SupplyManagement > WarehouseProcessing > WarehouseProcessing > Shipments


SupplyManagement > ItemAndOrderBillingProcessing > CreateItemAndOrderBillingProcesses > OrderEntryDailyShipmentJournal


Financials > Billing > Run Processes > BillingInterface

Use these steps:

Test case 1-

1) BillingCompany -- Enable the flag ProcessInvoiceBods at BillingCompany level.

2) BillingInvoice -- Create an Invoice for the company with a line and fill in any other required information and perform the Release action.

3) When Release action is performed,

a) System should show a message "Sync invoice BOD triggered"

b) Invoice should stay in unreleased state

c) Invoice should display a description "Waiting for process invoice BOD"


4) If the BOD registration is successful then user doesn't need to do anything else. The ProcessInvoiceBOD received by the invoice will release the Invoice.

5) If the BOD is not registered successfully then user can perform the Release action again which will trigger a new SyncInvoiceBOD after which steps listed in Test case1.3 will go on.

Expected results: For a BillingCompany with the flag ProcessInvoiceBods set to true, Performing Release action on any Invoice (Credit or debit memo) should show a message indicating that the SyncInvoiceBOD is triggered, should keep the invoice in Unreleased state and should display a description about ProcessInvoiceBOD.

Test case 2-

1) CustomerOrder -- Create a CustomerOrder for the company, add a line and Release it.

2) WarehousePickListPrint -- Run WarehousePickListPrint (depends on BillingCompany setup) and verify reports.

3) WarehouseShipment -- Perform the required actions like Finish and Release on the Shipment record.

4) OrderEntryDailyShipmentJournal -- Run Daily Journal job with the field "Release Option" set to either "ReleaseBatchToInvoicePrint" or "ReleaseAndBypassInvoicePrint".

5) verify reports and status of the Invoice created on Billing side.

Expected results: For a BillingCompany with the flag ProcessInvoiceBods set to true, running the daily journal job should invoke Release action on the created invoice unless job is run with ReleaseOption field set to "Do Not Release".

The Invoice should stay in Unreleased state and should display a description about ProcessInvoiceBOD.

NOTE: If daily journal job is run with ReleaseOption field set to "Do Not Release", then one should manually perform Release action on Invoice.

Test case 3-

1) BillingInvoiceImport -- Create an Import record.

2) BillingInterface -- Run interface job with the field "Release Option" set to either "ReleaseBatchToInvoicePrint" or "ReleaseAndBypassInvoicePrint".

3) verify reports and status of the Invoice created on Billing side.

Expected results: For a BillingCompany with the flag ProcessInvoiceBods set to true, running the daily journal job should invoke Release action on the created invoice unless job is run with ReleaseOption field set to "Do Not Release".

The Invoice should stay in Unreleased state and should display a description about ProcessInvoiceBOD.

NOTE: If Interface is run with Release Option field set to Do Not Release, then one should manually perform Release action on Invoice.


Billing and Receiving Portal - SoHo 4 UX Uplift

Enhanced the Billing & Receivables Portal to utilize the new Soho 4.0 controls. Changes were specific to the user interface and did not change existing features or functionality.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

CustomerGroupPortalContact (bl)

CustomerRepresentative (bl)

CustomerRepresentativeContact (bl)

BillingReceivablesPortalLinksAndInstructions (ui)

BillingReceivablePortalPage (page)

CustomerGroupPortalContact (ui)

CustomerRepresentative (ui)

CustomerRepresentativeContact (ui)

CustomerRepresentativeHome (menu)

CustomerRepresentativeQuestionResponse (ui)

ReceivablePayment (ui)

BillingReceivablesPortal (webapp)

CustomerRepresentativeAnonymous_ST (secclass)

CustomerRepresentativeContact_ST (secclass)

CustomerRepresentativePrimaryContact_ST (secclass)

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Changes were made primarily to the home pages for an anonymous user, logged-in user, and the customer profile.

Anonymous - added new welcome card with Request Customer Access and Forgot User Name links. Added new card views for Instructions and Announcements, Links and Attachments, and Contact Us. Content for these cards is setup in the Customer Group. The Request Customer Access wizard was not changed.

Logged-In - added new profile card with summary information along with a link to the Profile details. Added new card views for Instructions and Announcements, Links and Attachments, Quick links, Messages, and Contact Us. Added new decorator icons for phone, email, etc. Added read alert for High priority messages and tags to the message status.

Profile - added cards for Customer Profile, Balances, Questions (if setup for Customer Group), and Contacts. Also, created a context form along the left edge of screen to display Contact and Customer information. Added tags to the Registration Status under both the Customer Profile and Contacts. Buttons and Edit icons allow for the updating on Contact, Secondary Contacts, and/or Customer information.

Security Changes:

Added the following rule to CustomerRepresentativeAnonymous_ST:

hcmfn Module

is accessible

for all actions


Added the following rule to CustomerRepresentativeContact_ST:

CustomerGroupPortalContact BusinessClass

is accessible

for all inquiries

when (CustomerGroup = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).CustomerGroup)

Added the following rules to CustomerRepresentativePrimaryContact _ST:

CustomerRepresentativeContactMessage BusinessClass

is accessible

for all inquiries, MarkAsRead, MarkAsUnread, MoveToInbox, MarkAsDeleted

when ((CustomerGroup = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).CustomerGroup)

and (CustomerRepresentative = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).CustomerRepresentative))

CustomerGroupPortalContact BusinessClass

is accessible

for all inquiries

when (CustomerGroup = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).CustomerGroup)

Customer BusinessClass

is accessible

for all inquiries, PortalCustomerUpdateRequest

when ((CustomerGroup = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).CustomerGroup)

and (Customer = actor.agent(CustomerRepresentativeContact).Customer))

ActionReason BusinessClass

is accessible

for all inquiries

