Infor Document Management CU73

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Max Length of FSM_ContractDocument attributes

Maximum lengths of these FSM_ContractDocument attributes have been removed:

  • Supplier
  • ContractGroup
  • Name
  • ContractType
  • ContractSubtype
  • ContractClassification
  • ContractSubclassification
  • Project
  • AccountingUnit
  • CommodityCode
  • InternalContact
  • ExternalContact

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IDM
  • Contract Document

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. If a config file is imported with no prior configuration of CSF, the attributes of FSM_ContractDocument have no max length. If it is imported to a system with an existing configuration, you must delete the Max Length values of the attributes of FSM_ContractDocument manually.


Max Length of FSM_ContractRedlineDocument attributes

Maximum lengths of these FSM_ContractRedlineDocument attributes have been removed:

  • Supplier
  • ContractGroup
  • Name
  • ContractType
  • ContractSubtype
  • ContractClassification
  • ContractSubclassification
  • Project
  • AccountingUnit
  • CommodityCode
  • InternalContact
  • ExternalContact

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IDM
  • Contract Redline Document

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. If a config file is imported with no prior configuration of CSF, the attributes of FSM_ContractRedlineDocument have no max length. If it is imported to a system with an existing configuration, you must delete the Max Length values of the attributes of FSM_ContractRedlineDocument manually.


Support IDM Enterprise Print in CSF

Support for IDM Enterprise Print has been added in CSF.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IDM
  • IDMConfiguration
  • IDMJob
  • IDMPrinter
  • IDMConfiguration_SyncIDMPrinters

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. SyncIDMPrinter for both IDM Enterprise Print and Google Cloud Print.
  2. Create should be limited to Email Enabled Printers.
  3. You can print documents using both print services, depending on which is enabled in IDM.


Ephesoft integration - create DocumentInterfaceDistribution records from CaptureDocument

A process was added to create records in DocumentInterfaceDistribution from the CaptureDocument IPA flow.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • plugins/iefinconnector/mapping/CaptureDocument_In.xlsx
  • plugins/iefinconnector/pflows/inbound_process/FSM_ION_SyncCaptureDocument_Inbound.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Send a Sync.CaptureDocument BOD that has invoice distribution to CSF application.
  2. A record is created in DocumentInterfaceInvoice and in DocumentInterfaceDistribution.
  3. View the created record in Payables > Document Interface Invoice.


Enable regeneration of IDM output files or documents from Payment Output File Header

The Process IDM Output Files action was added under Payment Output Files.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payment Output Files
  • Cash Payment Format

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Test the new Process IDM Output Files action under Payment Output Files. It is only available if Cash Payment Format is using IDM Output File Payment format or Using IDM template for Remittance. The Cash Payment Format setup is returned for IDM and processed. The same IDM actions are called when you run Electronic Payment Creation or Payment Clearing so the result should be the same. If there is an automatic print and email setup, it is executed.
