Payables CU64

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Added new tab as an alternative for Cash Requirements Helper List

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashRequirementsResult
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • CashLedgerPayment

Testing this enhancement:

The helper list in cash requirements result for payables payments and cash ledger payments has been replaced by two new tabs: Available Invoices For Selection and Available Cash Ledger Payments For Selection. The new tabs are displayed when the cash requirements result status is created or selected. The results that are returned on the lists are filtered by these parameter fields: Process Group, Cash Code, Invoice Company, Payment Code and Process Level. Another feature on the Available Invoices For Selection list is the ability to update the Pay Immediately field directly from the list.

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Run Processes > Process Payments > Cash Requirements Result.
  2. Click Start Cash Requirements.
  3. Specify the required fields and save the parameters.
  4. Verify that the Process Payments field is set to Payables Payments or Both Payables And Cash Ledger Payments. The Available Invoices For Selection list is displayed when payables payment records fall within the parameters.
  5. Verify that the Process Payments field is set to Cash Ledger Payments or Both Payables And Cash Ledger Payments. The Available Cash Ledger Payments For Selection list appears when cash ledger payment records fall within the parameters.
  6. Verify that the two new lists filter when Process Group, Cash Code, Invoice Company, Payment Code or Process Level parameter fields are populated.
  7. Finally, verify that the Pay Immediately field can be updated in the Available Invoices For Selection and the call out action of Add To Cash Requirements Result works in both lists when the status is Created or Selected.


Added new index set to APINVOICE table

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a vendor.
  2. Create a payables invoice for the vendor and verify that you cannot delete the vendor.
  3. Delete the invoice.
  4. Now create a new payables invoice and populate the Pay Vendor field with the new vendor that you just created.

  5. Verify that you cannot delete the vendor.
  6. Delete the invoice and verify that you can delete the vendor.


Vendor statements require an option to process non contiguous Vendors

Program/Business class/Process affected: Vendor Statements

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run Vendor Statements with the vendors specified in the new Vendor array that is provided.
  2. Verify that the transactions on the Vendor Statement Listing are filtered based on the Vendors that are specified.
  3. Vendor Range option is mutually exclusive to the Vendor array option. Only one can be used at a time
  4. On the Vendor Statement page, you should be able to select Vendors and Vendor Class from a list.


Include Fax and Email field value default

Default the Include Fax and Email field to both email and fax in the complete payment cycle action and electronic payment file creation.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashRequirementsResult
  • ElectronicPaymentCreation

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run Cash Requirements to select invoices for payment.
  2. Verify that the default value for the Include Fax and Email field is Both Email and Fax.
  3. Run Electronic Payment File Creation.
  4. Verify that the default value for the Include Fax and Email field is Both Email and Fax.
