User experience CU72

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Asset Management: 4.0 updates for Asset Dashboard

Updates to the asset dashboard and asset main forms are added. These updates focus on presentation and have no impact on functionality.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Asset dashboard and main form

To test this enhancement, review standard processing on the asset dashboard and asset main form.


Budgets: Display search on Budget Analyst and Budget Controller

The filter search now initially displays on lists, menus, and pages in the Budget Analyst and Budget Controller roles.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Lists that don't use search forms in user Budget Analyst and Budget Controller

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Access and view lists on the Budget Analyst and Budget Controller menus.
  2. Verify that all lists have the initially display search filter (with the exception of lists with search forms).


Contract Management: Contract Manager home page enhancements

This update simplified the Contract Manager home page. A contract dashboard is added to Manage Contracts. A new contract search field, related tables, information of contract, with a link to a new contract line dashboard are added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract and Contract Line web UI
  • Contract Manager home page

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > New Contract
  2. Search for a contract and review all of the data related to: contract lines, purchase order lines, invoice lines, requisitions.


Searchable text field added to contract

This update added a searchable text field to contract called Contract Search Document.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Searching for Contracts

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In SoHo UI, sign in as Application Administrator.
  2. Select Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Contract Utilities > Load Text Search On Contract.
  3. Run the action to load the new field to all existing open contracts.
  4. Create a new contract with unique values in Name and Primary Contact.
  5. Search for and open Manage Contracts.
  6. On these tabs: In Process, Inactive, Closed, On Hold, Active Not Expired, Active Expired, All Active Search for new Contract using the Search Contract (the looking glass next to called out actions) field based on these Contract values:
    • Name
    • Number
    • Supplier Name
    • Primary Contact Name
    • Working Contract
  7. Change the following and search for the new values:
    • Contract Name
    • Supplier
    • Primary Contact in Contact
    • Working Contract in Related References
    • Change the Supplier Name in Manage Suppliers and search on the new name.


Contract Management: Search for contract by Primary Internal Contact

You can now search on any of the internal contract list for the Primary Internal Contact.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract
  • Contract Attached Contract

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. Verify that any of the lists in Manage Contracts now have a Primary Internal Contact field displayed.
  3. Perform a search on first or last name of the primary internal contact.


Contract Management: Move called action for Contract Line error to Contract Line, take processing from Participant Group off called out actions for Contract

This change moved the called out action for contract line errors to contract line. We removed the check for line errors action, as well as actions that create members and participants from participant groups from called out actions. The actions still exist on the action drop down.

The action to create purchase froms from the contract is removed. Purchase froms are already created when a contract is released, and when new participant or member records are added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract processing

Security changes:

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

Security Class CMProcessContract_ST

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Verify that the following actions no longer appear in Contract lists as called out actions:
    • Import Tier Members From Group
    • Import Pricing Members From Group
    • Import Participants From Group
    • Create Purchase Froms For Participants
    • Check For Contract Line Errors
  2. Verify that Check For Contract Line Errors appears on Lines and the listing of Line Errors.
  3. Verify that all the above actions run and update correctly for all records.
  4. The action to create Purchase Froms should not appear for the Contract.
  5. Verify that creating a Contract Purchase From is created when a Member/Participant is added that contains an equivalent Purchase From for the Supplier.


Contract Management: Contract composite form enhancements for SoHo 4UX

The primary Contract form is redesigned. It is updated with a focus on a modern design consistent with other modernized forms on other classes. The ContextForm is now read only and uses your theme color. Panel tabs have been moved to the top.

Errors and important links have been moved from the context form to a new set of Alerts panels that contain all alerts, errors, warnings and additional information. If there are any errors in these panels a tag notification is displayed.

Purchase Type Information and Purchase Type Default panels are combined into a new Purchase Type panel. The new panel displays more data centered around the Purchase Type of the Contract, moved from the Contract panel.

Numerous icon buttons have been added to allow easy navigation to important information.

Commodity Code, Comment Code, Payment Due Days, Freight Terms and Ship Terms have been moved from the Contract panel to the Purchase Type panel.

Some items have been rearranged. They are more strategically placed with related fields and links. You can find everything in the either the Contract, Alerts, or Purchase Type panels.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract
  • Contract Templates

To test this enhancement, open, create, use, edit and maintain a contract. View its errors and alerts.


Global Ledger: Initially display search

The filter search now initially displays on lists, menus, and pages in the Controller role.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Lists that don't use search forms in user Controller

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Access and view lists on the Controller menu.
  2. Verify that all lists have the initially display search filter (with the exception of lists with search forms).


Use Vendor 'keyword' search field

This update improves keyword search functionally by using new VendorSearchDocument to allow a diverse search function.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Vendor
To test this enhancement, is displayed and functional by searching for these terms:
  • Vendor
  • VendorName
  • VendorSearchName
  • Reference1
  • Reference2
  • TaxID
  • EDINumber


Match: Theme color for Match Invoice Information

The Match Invoice Information context form is updated to use the selected theme color.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Invoice Matching

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select a theme.
  2. Verify the color of the Match Invoice Information form.


Payables: Choose and populate the Finance Code Block fields on PayablesDistribution

This update added a select list on Payables distribution to filter on vendor account restrictions when applicable.

You can now filter the Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit and Chart Account select lists in payables invoice distribution to the restricted accounts setup in the Distribution Restrictions on Vendor.

If a vendor has account restrictions set up for chart accounts only, the Use Finance Structure Relation Detail For Select functionality will not apply for the distribution selection on accounting entity or accounting unit. Vendor account restrictions will supersede any finance structure relation set up for that scenario.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice
  • Vendor
  • VendorAccountRestriction
  • TransactionCodeBlock
  • AccountingEntity
  • AccountingUnit

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Open a vendor record.
  2. On the Distribution Restrictions tab, specify the Account, Accounting Entity, and Accounting Unit.
  3. Create a payables invoice. On the Distributions tab, create a distribution.
  4. Verify the following for the Finance Structure select lists for accounting entity, accounting unit and account:
    • If Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit and Account are populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure select lists should be limited to the restrictions.
    • If only Accounting Entity is populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure accounting entity select list should be limited to the restrictions.
    • If only Account is populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure account select list should be limited to the restrictions and the accounting entity and accounting unit select lists should return all values.
    • If only Accounting Entity and Accounting Unit are populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure accounting entity and accounting unit select lists should be limited to the restrictions.
    • If only Accounting Entity and Account are populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure accounting entity and account select lists should be limited to the restrictions.
    • If there is a mix of records where only the Account field is populated AND records where Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit and Account are populated in the Vendor Distribution Restrictions, the distribution finance structure accounting entity select list should return all values, the accounting unit select list should return all values and the account select list should be limited to the restrictions.

Since this change was made to the Transaction Code Block, other modules to test are GL, PO, AP, AR and Cash. If a vendor with restrictions is tied to a record where you can populate a finance structure the select lists should not be limited. The only time the select lists should be limited to the vendor restrictions are on the distribution of the payables invoice.


Project Ledger: Project Resource and Project Certifier home pages redesigned

The Project Resource and Project Certifier home pages are redesigned.

A home page with menu icons for Labor Distribution and Effort Certification were added to Project Resource.

A home page with menu icons for My Employees Effort Certification and My Effort Certification were added to Project Certifier.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Resource and Project Certifier home pages

To test this enhancement, view the changes on the Project Resource and Project Certifier home pages.


Project Ledger: Project Ledger and Grant Accounting Soho Uplift UI enhancements

This update adds numerous Project Ledger and Grant Accounting user interface changes to support the new 4.0 controls.

To test this enhancement, review all the forms in Project Ledger and Grant Accounting.


Project Ledger: Billing and revenue totals moved from the project contract main form to a new totals tab.

The billing and revenue totals from the project contract main form to a new totals tab. Various forms in the projects module had field alignment issues when 4.0 controls was turned on.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectFundingSource
  • FinanceDimension2
  • ProjectContractChangeRequest
  • ProjectContractFee
  • ProjectContractRetainer
  • ProjectContractPercentComplete
  • ProjectFundingSourceChangeRequest
  • ProjectContractComments
  • ProjectFundingSourceComments
  • ProjectPersonnel
  • ProjectPeriodOfPerformance
  • ProjectFundingSourceDeliverable
  • GrantReportingSettings
  • ProjectIndirectBurdens
  • ProjectStructure
  • ProjectLaborSchedule
  • ProjectRole
  • ProjectSalaryCap
  • ProjectServiceLocation
  • ProjectAssignment
  • ProjectFeeCode
  • ProjectFundingSourceTemplate
  • ProjectUpload
  • ProjectAssignmentLabor
  • ProjectBillingOverride
  • ProjectBillingOverrideTemplate

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Open a project contract.
  2. Verify that the new Totals tab is displayed. Verify that it displays billing and revenue totals as it did on the main form.
  3. Verify that forms in the projects module and the field alignment is better when 4.0 controls are turned on.


Project Ledger: Project Administrator home page added

A Project Administrator home page was added. It is similar to the Project Accountant home page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Administrator home page


Project Ledger: Project Contract Dashboard added to Project Manager role

A new project contract dashboard was added to the Project Manager role. To view the dashboard select: Project Manager > My Project Contracts.

Dashboard displays a card view list of the projects I am responsible for managing displays along the left column of the form. When you select a project contract and the dashboard displays these items:

  • Project Contract Details
  • Billing/Invoiced Totals
  • Revenue Totals
  • Project Funding Sources list
  • Invoices list
  • Revenue Recognition list

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Manager role

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Manager.
  2. Select My Project Contracts.
  3. Verify that the list displays all project contracts for which the user is designated as the person responsible.
  4. Select a project contract and the dashboard will display project contract information, totals, funding sources, invoices and revenue.

Dependencies: Project Manager role and actor must be assigned as person responsible on the summary project designed as contract.


Project Ledger: Verbiage changed in forms

This changed some of the verbiage in various forms.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectAccountantHomePage
  • ProjectAccountantPage
  • ProjectAdministratorHomePage
  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectContractMilestone
  • ProjectPesonnel
  • ProjectAssignment

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. On the Project Administrator home page:
    • Verify that the word set up is changed to setup.
    • The text for Employees Icon is changed to Setup and maintain employee responsibilities.
    • Verify that in the Document Templates menu, the word set up is changed to setup.
    • Select Project Assignments. Verify that the page is titled Project Assignments.
  2. On the Project Accountant home page:
    • Verify setup appears as one word under Project Funding Sources.


Purchasing: Purchasing receiver vendor list

The Vendor list in the Purchasing Receiver user is updated to a dashboard list to enhance visibility.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement: Confirm Vendor in the View Other Information menu for Purchasing Receiver is displaying a dashboard, list, and search panels.


Purchasing: Theme color for purchase order context line

The Purchase Order Line context form is updated to use the selected theme color.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Purchase Order

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select a theme.
  2. Verify the color of the Purchase Order Line form.


Receivables: Credit And Collections Specialist - initially display search

In the Credit and Collections Specialist user role, multiple lists now initially display the filter search.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Lists that don't use search forms in the user Credit and Collections Specialist.

To test this enhancement, verify that lists under the Credit and Collections Specialist menus have the initially display search filter, with the expectations of lists with search forms.


Warehouse, Purchasing, Inventory Control, Requisitions:

This update improves accessibility to ItemDashboardForm. Drill navigation on lists and forms was added to these items:
  • Inventory Line Transaction
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Contract Line
  • Warehouse Shipment Line
  • Warehouse Demand Line

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InventoryTransactionLine
  • PurchaseOrderLine
  • RequisitionLine
  • WarehouseDemandLine
  • WarehouseShipmentLine

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In line lists and forms, verify that you can access:
    • item information in the drill around
    • ItemDashboardForm
