Tax CU64

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Tax Analysis Report, by Tax Entity, able to specify a Tax Code

Tax Analysis Report errors out with a Tax Code does not exist message when a valid Tax Code is selected.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Tax Analysis Report

To test this enhancement, run the Tax Analysis Report for the Tax Code that is not in Entity Tax Code. Verify that the job completes successfully.


Tax Codes from Tax Table are now shown on Billing Invoice Document

Enable Tax Codes, Rates, and Amounts from a Tax Table Tax Code to show in Billing Invoice Document (Billing Invoice Line).

Program/Business class/Process affected: Billing Invoice

To test this enhancement, generate the Billing Invoice IDM Document with Tax Table Tax Code.

IDM template should be customized by using the updated Billing Invoice IDM XML from Sample Document Template.


India GST - Tax Code Defaulting with Infor Tax System

Based on the new HSN/SAC Code field that was added to the item master, tax defaulting must happen using Country/State Province. This change is required for India GST with Infor Tax System.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/CustomerBusinessGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/CustomerBusinessGroup.busclass
  • modules/Projects/bl/ProjectContractInvoice.busclass
  • modules/Projects/bl/ProjectFundingSource.busclass
  • modules/Projects/ui/ProjectFundingSource.busclass
  • modules/ap/bl/Vendor.busclass
  • modules/ap/bl/VendorImport.busclass
  • modules/ap/bl/VendorLocation.busclass
  • modules/ap/ui/Vendor.busclass
  • modules/ap/ui/VendorImport.busclass
  • modules/ap/ui/VendorLocation.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/CompanyCustomerConversion.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/CompanyCustomerImport.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/Customer.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivableInvoice.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivableInvoiceDetail.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivableInvoiceDetailImport.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/CompanyCustomerConversion.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/CompanyCustomerImport.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/Customer.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/ReceivableInvoiceDetail.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/ReceivableInvoiceDetailImport.busclass
  • modules/bl/bl/BillingInvoice.busclass
  • modules/bl/bl/BillingInvoiceLine.busclass
  • modules/bl/bl/CustomerShipTo.busclass
  • modules/bl/bl/ShipToLoadImport.busclass
  • modules/bl/ui/CustomerShipTo.busclass
  • modules/oe/bl/CustomerOrder.busclass
  • modules/oe/bl/CustomerOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/po/bl/PurchaseOrder.busclass
  • modules/po/bl/PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/po/bl/VendorReturn.busclass
  • modules/po/bl/VendorReturnLine.busclass
  • modules/po/ui/PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/rq/bl/RequisitionLine.busclass
  • modules/rq/ui/RequisitionLine.busclass
  • modules/tx/bl/HSNSACCode.busclass
  • modules/tx/ui/HSNSACCode.busclass
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select the Use HSN/SAC Code field on the Business Group.
  2. Select the Use HSN/SAC Code field on the Customer Business Group.
  3. Select the Require HSN/SAC Code field on the General Ledger Company.
  4. Create HSN/SAC Code and provide Intrastate, Interstate, Import, Export and NoTax TaxCodes.
  5. When taxed transactions are created in P2P, O2C processes, the tax code is defaulted from HSN/SAC Code field based on the country and state province of vendor and customer.
