Requisitions CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Requisition UX Enhancements for SoHo 4 UX

Several enhancements were made to take advantage of new functionality available in SoHo 4 UX:

Requester Dashboards:

  • New Requester Profile detail section
  • Detail sections sized appropriately for data
  • Detail sections hidden when no data

Requisition Dashboard and Requisition Line Dashboard Forms:

  • Detail sections hidden when no data
  • Updated context form.

My Requisitions and All Requisitions pages:

  • Fields on search forms reorganized

Requester Form:

  • View only context form
  • Fields reorganized

Requisition Form:

  • View only context form
  • Fields reorganized
  • New Add On Charges panel to show both Misc and Spread AOCs

Requisition Line Form:

  • View only context form
  • Fields reorganized

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Requester and Requisition user interface

To test this enhancement, verify display of lists/forms/pages for Requester and Requisitions.


Enabled budget rebuild process for Requisitions

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Requisitions processing when using Budgets

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a requisition with lines and distributions that are related to existing budget templates.
  2. Set an existing budget template from Ready to Not Ready by running the Deactivate action
  3. Set the budget template to Processing by running the Activate action
  4. While the template is in a Processing state, update the amount on the Requisition line.
  5. View the Budget Editing Information after the template is back to a Ready state. Verify that it does not reflect the changed amount. A Budget Rebuild record now exists. View the Commitment information for the Requisition. Verify that it is for the correct amount
  6. Release the Requisition. View the Commitment information. Verify that the commitment is released.
  7. Select Budget Templates > Find a Budget Template related to the requisition line distribution and open it.
    1. Select the Groups tab
    2. Find the correct related account information and open it.
    3. Click the Log link in the correct period

Expected results: Verify that the full amount of the requisition line is reflected in the log

These processes are currently supported by the rebuild process. Processes not noted here will still cause an error message:

  • Requisition line distribution creation
  • Requisition line distribution maintenance prior to release
  • Requisition line cost/quantity changes prior to release
  • Requisition interface
  • Requisition line creation from contracts
  • Budget template processing at the time a requisition is released.


Mobile Requisition Line context form background color

A minor enhancement to use the theme color of the application as background color of the Requisition Line context form for smart phone devices.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Requisition Approval > Requisition Line

Use this information to test the enhancement:

When approving a Requisition in devices using Infor Go, verify that the background color of the context form of the Requisition Line is the same as the selected theme color of the application.


Create Warehouse location rule for cross company ordering

The current Warehouse Location Rule definition does not allow creation of details or locations from different companies.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Warehouse Location Rule
  • Warehouse Location Rule Detail

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Warehouse Location Rule.
  2. Create Warehouse Location Rule Details of locations belonging to different companies.
