Billing CU69

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Passing of HSN/SAC codes for Items to Vertex for Reporting Purpose

Changes made for calling systems to pass HSNSACCode to CalculateTax.CommodityCode if entered and HSNCalculateTax.CommodityCodeType. This field is currently passed to Vertex Version 9 only for reporting.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CalculateTax.field

  • ProcessTaxHistory.field

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Calling modules using Vertex version 9 only after changes have been made.


Set up Vertex version 9

Set TaxEntity to use Vertex


Allow Fund Accounting Rules to designate fields that should be blank

Enhancement to allow Fund Accounting Rules to designate fields that will be set as blank.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Fund Accounting Rules.

Use this information to test this enhancement:

Verify the designated fields on Fund Accounting Rules set to be blank result in Distributions with that field being blank.


Overriding Finance Dimensions when interfacing/importing Billing Invoices does not default from Process Level

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BillingInvoiceImport

  • BillingInvoiceImportLine

  • BillingInvoice

  • BillingInvoiceLine

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Billing Invoice Import and Special Type Line.
  2. In the GL Accounts, populate only the Finance Dimension Fields (Fund and Project Funding).
  3. Run the Interface Invoices.

Expected Result: You should be able to override the Finance Dimensions from the Import Line of the Interfaced Invoiced Lines. Other fields of the GL Accounts should default from Billing Process Level.
