BOD Connectors CU67

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

FSMInboundBODTracker to track all Inbound BOD processing status

As part of native LPL adoption, a FSMInboundBODTracker screen was created to track all inbound BOD processing statuses.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

New classes:

  • FSMInboundBODTracker
  • FSMAPInboundBODImport
  • FSMARInboundBODImport
  • FSMGLInboundBODImport
  • FSMCDInboundBODImport
  • FSMPOInboundBODImport
  • FSMRQInboundBODImport
  • FSMICInboundBODImport

Updated files:

  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf
  • FSMBODConfigurationDetail
  • AllBODMenu

Security class changes:

  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
  • IEFINBODProcessing_ST

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

As part of security changes, these codes were added in their respective security classes:

  • IEFINBODProcessing_ST security classes (all classes are accessible for all actions unconditionally):
    • FSMInboundBODTracker BusinessClass
    • FSMAPInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMARInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMGLInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMCDInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMPOInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMRQInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMICInboundBODImport BusinessClass
  • In IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST security classes (all classes are accessible for all inquiries and audit views unconditionally):
    • FSMInboundBODTracker BusinessClass
    • FSMAPInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMARInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMGLInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMCDInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMPOInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMRQInboundBODImport BusinessClass
    • FSMICInboundBODImport BusinessClass


ION Content for IMS Connection LPL BOD integrations

Document flows were added in ION Content as part of IMS BODs. These flows are delivered with existing templates. In IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST security classes (all classes are accessible for all inquiries and all audit views unconditionally):

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_EAM_dataflow_ims_STxx.xml
  • FSM_GFC_dataflow_ims_STxx.xml
  • FSM_HRCM_dataflow_ims_STxx.xml
  • FSM_MINGLE_dataflow_ims_STxx.xml
  • FSM_ALL_dataflow_ims_STxx.xml

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Load the document flows as part of LPL based BODs testing with respect to different applications.


Update JE sequence number for GFC BODs

In the FSM_ION_ProcessSSJE_Inbound BOD, the JE sequence number for GFC BODs was update with the user area property gfc.sourceJeLineSequence.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessSourceSystemJournalEntry_Inbound

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

In IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST security classes (all classes are accessible for allFor the sequence of GlTransactionInterface, priority should be given to line user area gfc.sourceJeLineSequence. If the value of gfc.sourceJeLineSequence is empty or null, then priority should be given to sequence attribute of JournalEntryLine. In ReferenceID, the sequence number should be based on these conditions.


SyncInventoryCount from Mass BOD

An option was added to select Item of SyncInventoryCount from Mass BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ItemLocation.busclass
  • BODDataInitialLoad. busclass(bl & UI)
  • CU80.faf

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable a service definition for InventoryCountService. Attach FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount.lpd.
  2. On the BODDataInitialLoad screen, create a record for Transactiontype or For Integration EAM.
  3. On the InventoryCount panel, specify the criteria related to Item.
  4. Enable the Trigger option and run the TriggerNow action.
  5. A work unit will be created for Item.


Item location using SyncItemMaster_inbound BOD

In PendingNativeLPLConversion, an error while trying to create an item location using SyncItemMaster_inbound BOD was fixed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSMICInboundBODImport.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable Sync.ItemMaster in FSMBODConfiguration.
  2. In FSMBODConfigurationParameter, set IntegratingApplication to EAM.
  3. Once the BOD is processed, an Item and ItemLocation are created and updated.
  4. For creating or updating ItemLocation, the value for Company and ItemLocation will be from XPath ItemMaster/ItemLocation/WarehouseLocation/ID. The value is concatenated as Company@@ItemLocation.


OutputFileHeader data for all payment formats

The WireTransferBOD trigger can handle OutputFileHeader data for all payment formats.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • WireTransferOutput

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, the BOD Trigger check box should be selected.
  2. In Service Definition, specify the Service Name as WireTransferService and the Process Name as FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd.
  3. Create WireTransferBatch and WireTransferBatchDetail. Release WireTransferBatch. The BOD will trigger and a work unit will be created.
Note: For WireTransferBatch, if the OutputFileType is BODOutput , the BOD will be triggered.


Changes for LCLTaxReport_Outbound Mexico

Changes were made for LCLTaxReport_Outbound Mexico.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport_Outbound BOD

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service definition with the Service Name of TaxReportService for processing FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport_OutBound.lpd.
  2. For Mexico, create a Payablesinvoice with tax and release it. Do the payment for the invoice by performing these actions:
    1. Perform Cash Requirements
    2. Electronic Payment Creations
    3. PaymentClose
  3. Run the Vat Return Report to trigger the BOD. When it is triggered, check XML for the Supplier details and summaryTransaction (TaxTransaction details) to verify it.


LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound IPA flow PayImmediately field

A new field PayImmediately field was added to the MatchInvoiceImport transaction node.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create channels for FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound.
  2. Send XML with the PayImmediately field in HeaderUserArea.
  3. A work unit should be created without any errors.
  4. Check the PayImmediately field in the MatchInvoiceImport businessClass.


LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound IPA flow add on charges

For PendingNativeLPLConversion, the LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound IPA flow had an add on charges field added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FAMAPInboundBODImport business class

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the Load.SupplierInvoice BOD in FSMBODConfiguration.
  2. Create PurchaseOrder and release it.
  3. Create PurchaseOrderReceipt and release it.
  4. Send the XML with AddOnCharge details in the header level and line level.
  5. An Inbound Tracker record should be created with a Complete status.
  6. Check the record in MatchInvoiceImport and AddOnCharge details.



For PendingNativeLPLConversion, SerialControlIndicator should be send a True or False value.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Item.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the ItemMaster Outbound BOD in FSMBODConfiguration.
  2. Specify the integration value as in the FSMBODConfigurationParameter IntegrationApplication field.
  3. Create, update, or delete the field.
  4. For the integration, when an item is tracked as serial tracked and sent as NotSerialTracked, then the value is passed as False. Otherwise, True is passed in the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/SerialControlIndicator Xpath.


New elements and map for discount related fields in SyncInvoice BOD

New elements and a map were added for discount related fields in the SyncInvoice BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  • FSM_Invoice_Outbound_Template.xls
  • Invoice_Out.xlsx

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODTrigger check box.
  2. Specify the Service Definition as ReceivableInvoiceService and Process as FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  3. Trigger the SyncInvoice BOD for Localization Services. The BOD will be triggered and a work unit will be created with the specified elements.


New elements for SyncInvoice BOD for Mexico

New elements were added for the SyncInvoice BOD for Mexico.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  • FSM_Invoice_Outbound_Template.xls
  • Invoice_Out.xlsx

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODTrigger check box.
  2. Specify the Service Definition as ReceivableInvoiceService and Process as FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  3. Trigger the SyncInvoice BOD for Localization Services. The BOD will be triggered and a work unit will be created.

These xpath elements specific to Mexico were added:

  • InvoiceLine/Item/ItemID/ID[@schemeName='Customer']
  • InvoiceLine/Item/ItemID/ID -->CustomerItemCrossReference


SyncSupplierInvoice BOD Amount field

An issue where NaN was displayed the Amount field in the SyncSupplierInvoice BOD has been fixed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODTrigger check box.
  2. Specify the Service Definition as PayablesInvoiceService and Process as FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  3. Trigger the SyncInvoice BOD for Localization Services. The BOD will be triggered and a work unit will be created.

These xpath elements were updated so NaN is not displayed:

  • SupplierInvoiceHeader/ExtendedPretaxAmount
  • SupplierInvoiceHeader/SubTotalAmount


SyncSupplierInvoice BOD mapping changes

SyncSupplierInvoice BOD mapping changes were made for AlternateDocumentID.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  • SupplierInvoice_Out.xlsx
  • FSM_SupplierInvoice_Outbound_template.xls

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODTrigger check box.
  2. Specify the Service Definition as PayablesInvoiceService and Process as FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  3. Trigger the SupplierInvoice BOD for Localization Services. The BOD will be triggered and a work unit will be created.

The xpath element AlternateDocumentID/ID should be mapped correctly.
