Global Ledger CU67

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Single average daily balance entity to single average daily balance basis

An entity can only be assigned to a single average daily balance basis.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntity.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntityHierarchy.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/ReportingBasis.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Associate the same ADB entity to more than one basis without ADB enabled. Associating the entity to both bases should be allowed.
  2. Enable ADB for a basis. Updating the basis is allowed when any of its associated ADB entities are not in another ADB basis. Updating the basis is not allowed when any of its associated ADB entities are in another ADB basis.
  3. Enable ADB for the entity. Updating an entity is allowed when it is currently associated to a single ADB basis. Updating an entity is not allowed when it is currently associated to multiple ADB bases.


Logging for BudgetGroupTotal obligation amounts

Obligation updates to a budget template can be audited to track missing updates.
Note: Enabling this functionality may affect performance. We recommend only enabling it while troubleshooting a mismatch between the Global Ledger totals plus unposted journals and the budget template obligations.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BudgetGroupTotalLog
  • BudgetTemplate
  • BudgetTemplateGroupTotal
  • BudgetEditBatch
  • BudgetGroup
  • BudgetGroupTotal

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. On the Main tab of the budget template, select Enable Logging. The Obligations Log tab is displayed on the template and budget group. A log link is also available for each budget group obligation record.
  2. Each log entry includes the timestamp, budget group amount, increment amount, and previous amount. The log entries include the business class that triggers the change and context.
  3. When a template is activated and budget template obligations exist, initial log entry is created to reflect the existing obligation amounts for the templates.
  4. When transactions from systems with budget edits enabled are released that update the budget template obligation, a log entry is created.
  5. When process pending actions are performed, logs are created, updated, or removed.
  6. Log entries are deleted when templates are deactivated or deleted. You can manually purge the log entries.
  7. When logging is enabled, log entries are retained when the logging is disabled or a scenario is reset.
    Note: If logging is disabled, any updates to the budget template obligations are not tracked until it is enabled.


Memo account type

A Memo account type is available for accounts.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Account

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Verify the Memo account type is available for accounts.


Override the beginning balance period based on the allocation date

When referencing a custom total in a compute statement, you can override the custom total period with the beginning balance period based on the allocation date.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AllocationLine
  • AllocationContext.field

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Set up a custom total to access a beginning balance.
  2. Set up an allocation line to use a source compute that references a custom total for the beginning balance.
  3. Specify a beginning balance period override in the source compute by adding GeneralLedgerTotal.EntityYearPeriod=AllocationContext.PeriodBB to the compute formula. The beginning balance referenced by the custom total based on the allocation date is retrieved by the period override.


Override the allocation period to retrieve the LTD balance for custom allocation computes

When referencing a custom total in a compute statement, you can override the custom total period with the life to date period based on the allocation date.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AllocationLine
  • AllocationContext.field

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Set up a custom total to access a beginning balance.
  2. Set up an allocation line to use a source compute that references a custom total for the beginning balance.
  3. Specify a life to date period override in the source compute by adding GeneralLedgerTotal.EntityYearPeriod=AllocationContext.PeriodLTD to the compute formula. The life to date balance referenced by the custom total based on the allocation date is retrieved by the period override. The PeriodLTD override is independent of the allocation line LTD flag.


Public Sector fund accounting

Fund accounting is an accounting system for recording resources for which use has been limited by the donor, grant authority, governing agency, or other individuals or organizations or by law. Fund accounting emphasizes accountability rather than profitability. It is used by nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, schools, and government-run utility companies.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Global Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Cash Management, Projects, and Asset Management modules

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Contact your Infor Client Results Executive or Customer Success Manager about being an early adopter for fund accounting.


Netting journal transaction date changed inter-entity netting run date

Netting journal transaction date has been changed to inter-entity netting run date.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AccountingEntity

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Check the transaction date for the inter-entity journal created after running the Inter-Entity Netting action.


Average daily balance calendar setup optimization

You can select an average daily balance run date not specified in the Global Ledger calendar associated to average daily balance basis.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/ReportingBasis.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select Global Ledger > Processing > Reporting Basis > Reporting Basis.
  2. Select the average daily balance basis and click Daily Balance.
  3. Specify a Run Date and click OK. Only run dates within the specified calendar setup are allowed.


Average daily balance utility updates

The Rebuild ADB for URE utility was updated to be more intuitive for users.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntityHierarchy.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/ReportingBasis.busclass
  • modules/ad/bl/ResetAverageDailyBalance.bustask
  • modules/ad/ui/ResetAverageDailyBalance.bustask

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select the Include Undistributed Retained Earnings check box in the finance enterprise group.
  2. Ensure Global Ledger has existing posted transactions using income statement accounts.
  3. Select Global Ledger > Utilities > Rebuild Average Daily Balance.
  4. In the Rebuild Option field, select Rebuild ADB for URE.
  5. Select the Reporting Basis and Fiscal Year. The Last Run Date for the selected basis is displayed.
    Note: Only bases enabled for average daily balance with existing average daily balance are allowed for the rebuild.


Mapping of new elements in SSJE BOD

New elements are mapped in the SSJE BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Enable the service definition GLJournalControlService for process FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry.lpd.

For Localization Services:

Billing for country code France (FR):

  1. Create a billing invoice and release it.
  2. Run the Invoice Verification Report.
  3. Run the Invoice and Register Print action.
  4. Run the Sub System Update action.
  5. Journals will be created in a Released state. Run the Quick Post action on the journals.
  6. The BOD will be triggered. Verify the XML line level user area for customer details.

Receivables for country code France (FR):

  1. Create a Receivables invoice batch and release it.
  2. Journalize the distributions created. The journal will be created in a Released state.
  3. Run the Quick Post action. The record will be moved to a Posted state.
  4. The BOD will be triggered. Verify the XML line level user area for customer details.

Payables for country code France (FR):

  1. Create and release a Payables invoice with distributions.
  2. Journalize the distributions. A journal will be created in a Released state.
  3. Run the Quick Post action. The record will be moved to the Posted tab.
  4. A work unit will be created. Verify the XML line level user area for vendor details.


Remove time stamp/changed totals for Retained Earnings journal process

Retained earnings can be processed by a journal entry. The sum of all the expense account type totals from the Income Statement is saved in the Retained Earnings entry. This total will be booked into a Expense Summary system account and the offset will affect Retained Earnings. All the revenue account type totals from the Income Statement are then added. This total will be booked into the Revenue Summary system account and the offset will affect Retained Earnings. Each entry should be four lines per entity and ledger processed unless no entry is needed. This process must be done prior to year end close, and run similar to the year end close process.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AccountingEntityHierarchy
  • GeneralLedgerTotal
  • ReportingBasisYear

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a Controller.
  2. Select Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance.
  3. Open an enterprise group and select the Reporting Basis tab.
  4. Open the reporting basis for which to process the Retained Earnings entry.
  5. Select the Process Retained Earnings check box.
  6. Click Save.

This will create two new system accounts: Revenue Summary and Expense Summary. Open each system account and specify the account number. A new Retained Earnings ledger will be created. This ledger is where the Retained Earnings entry will be placed.

To run Retained Earnings:

  1. Sign in as a Controller.
  2. Select Processing > Reporting Basis > Reporting Basis.
  3. Open the same reporting basis and select the Process Retained Earnings check box.


Verify that the entry totals are as expected. If there are multiple ledgers, separate entries for each ledger and entity should be created. The entry should be in a Posted status. The entry should include a Revenue Summary amount, a Retained Earnings amount that offsets the Revenue Summary, an Expense Summary amount, and another Retained Earnings amount that offsets the Expense Summary amount. There should be four lines per ledger and entity. Run the action again with no changes to verify that no entry was created. Post some more income statement entries and rerun Retained Earnings to verify that only the changes were updated. Check the other transaction amounts. The Summary Expense in the Retained Earnings ledger should offset the sum of all income statement expenses in the respective ledger by entity.
