Project Ledger CU72

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Labor Distribution and Effort Certification UI enhancements

The Labor Distribution and Effort Certification forms received numerous UI improvements.

Effort Certification form (all roles):

You can now sort on effort percent column to allow the ability to sort project assignment labor with entered effort to the top of the list. Employees who have large amounts of project assignment records can view records with effort at the top of the list. This allows for easier subtotaling and access to the "certify" action at the top of the form. Also, we added the total effort percent to the header of the form to easily view the total without scrolling.

Project Resource role - labor distribution (all periods tab)

We changed the existing list over list form. The new list presents a list to labor periods. Select labor period to launch new from/list of project assignment labor records for the period and shows a full page of records.

Project Resource role - effort certification (all periods tab)

We changed the existing list over list form. The new list presents a list of effort periods. Select effort period to launch new form/list of project assignment labor records for the period and shows a full page of records.

Project Accountant role:

We added a tab to access included labor periods to the Effort Certification form. This allows accountant to view certification and access to the associated labor distribution records. If adjustments are required, you can access processed labor tab to adjust percentages and redistribute labor. The processed labor form contains a link to effort certification. You can easily transfer back and forth to certified effort.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Effort Certification and Labor Distribution

To test this enhancement, verify that the above changes are displayed.


Salary cap overage amount added to processed labor distribution list

This enhancement added a salary cap overage amount to processed labor distribution list. Previously, the list only displays undistributed overage. If customers posts salary cap overage to an overage account, the overage is not visible (they must decipher from the distributions/transactions list). This enhancement will add an additional column to the list for distributed overage.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Processed Labor Distribution list

To test this enhancement, verify that an additional column is added to the list for distributed overage.


Changes for Sync_PayableTracker_outbound

Changes for Sync_PayableTracker_outbound ReportAmount and BaseAmounts should be converted based on InvoiceDate and PaymentDate for Mexico and Argentina Country.

DisplayID should be PaymentNumber

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd

New IPA Changes: Added 8 new transaction nodes to get the values for Currency rates based on InvoiceDate/PaymentDate

In FSM_ION_PayablesTracker_Out IPA flow below changes done:

Below variable added in start node:

  • CurrRateFun
  • CurrRateRep
  • CurrRateWHFun
  • CurrRateWHRep
  • DisplayID

In Assign3280 converted all the amounts based on currency rates for Mexico and Argentina country

In Assign 3140 Converted all the amounts for withholding scenario both Mexico and Argentina country.

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

As PayableTracker as using for

Use these steps to test this enhancement:


  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. In Service Definition enable the service for "PayableTrackerService" and attach FSM_ION_SyncPayablesTracker_Out

How to Test:

  1. In AccountingEntity Add CountryCode Mexico/Argentina.
  2. Add WithHolding details in Vendor.
  3. Create PayablesInvoice, using above vendor and release Invoice.
  4. Run PerformCashRequirements.
  5. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation Batch job.
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_PayablesTracker_Out BOD (PayablesTrackerService).
  7. Verify that the XML paths are populated with values.
  8. Verify all the amounts in Normal scenario and AdjustmentScenario in both Headera and Line.
  9. Verify the display ID.


Run concurrent jobs for Generate Invoice and Recognize Revenue

This update added the ability to run concurrent jobs for Generate Invoice and Recognize Revenue. Currently, Generate Invoices and Recognize Revenue actions should be run single threaded. Actions are directed to the ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue job queue with max active actions = 1. The reason for the restriction is to prevent the execution of jobs with overlapping contract groups or run wide open from running at the same time.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • JournalizeContractInvoices
  • JournalizeContractRevenue
  • ForecastContractBillingAndRevenue

Use this information to test this enhancement:

This enhancement will prevent problems from occurring if the job queue allows max active actions greater than 1 and overlapping jobs are run at the same time.

JournalizeContractInvoices, JournalizeContractRevenue, and ForecastContractBillingAndRevenue will continue to use the “run after” logic to ensure that each invoice (or contract) is single threaded.


Customer PO number added to Project Funding Source form

This change added a new field to ProjectFundingSource business class to store ProjectFundingSource.CustomerPONumber.

Requirements is for professional services industry. Posting FD2 dimension setup represents a customer. For professional services a customer may have multiple contracts, each with a unique PO#. Users want the same FD2 customer (funding source) assigned to multiple contracts.

This enhancement will add Customer PO Number to the ProjectFundingSource so it can be overridden by project contract.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource

Use this information to test this enhancement:

If the Customer PO Number is entered on the FD2, it will be defaulted when adding the FD2 as a project funding source, with the ability to override. The ProjectFundingSource.CustomerPONumber will be updated to the ReceivableInvoice when Journalize Invoices action is run. This allows the ability to sort/filter receivable invoices by Customer PO Number when applying cash in AR.
