Inventory Control CU71

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Useability updates to item search

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Item search

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Requester and open Item Search.
  2. For items on contracts, verify that there is no link on the item field. There should be a link on the item field if no contract exists.
  3. Verify that the list cannot be opened.
  4. Verify the header for requesting location is titled Default Requesting Location.
  5. Perform the Add To Requisition action for an item that is on a contract.
  6. Verify that the Vendor and Unit Cost fields are display only.


Bin group

This update adds the ability to insert lines within a bin record or par item record.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BinGroupDetail

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Open a Bin Group.
  2. Select Insert Lines Above.
  3. Specify lines to insert.
  4. Verify that the selected record and the records below are incremented by the entered lines.


Entity types and IDs for context viewer

This enhancement added missing entity types and IDs to these business classes:

  • Requesting Location
  • Inventory Company
  • Purchasing Company
  • Payables Company
  • Item Location
  • Franchise Sales
  • Franchise Prepayment
  • Inventory Location

These entity types and IDs are needed by In-Context BI Widgets to function properly.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Requesting Location
  • Inventory Company
  • Purchasing Company
  • Payables Company
  • Item Location
  • Franchise Sales
  • Franchise Prepayment
  • Inventory Transaction
  • Business Context Message

Use this information to test this enhancement:

Verify that business Context Message that contain the entity types and IDs listed above are displayed in Context viewer when accessing lists or forms of respective Business Classes.


Item Location context form enhancements for SoHo 4 UX

The Item Location context form was updated to utilize new SOHO 4 UX capabilities.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ItemLocation

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Confirm context portion of the form matches the color of the theme.
  2. Test that the context portion does not display when an item location is being created, and after you save the record, the context portion of the form displays the information in text form.
  3. Test that enterable fields of Company, Location, Item, and booleans of Active and Discontinued are in the Main section during record creation.
  4. After record creation, confirm Active and Discontinued booleans are visible underneath the field Maximum Requestion Quantity field.
  5. On the context, portion confirm for green Active tag, red tag for Inactive, and Discontinued.
