Intercompany Billing CU68

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Tax GL accounts on Intercompany Billing document with Vertex Taxes

When using a tax table, distributions are created for each member of the table when the receivable and payables invoices are created. This applies to either the Infor Tax system or the Vertex tax system.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Taxable recharge line items
  • IntercompanyBillingDocumentLine
  • IntercompanyBillingDocumentTax

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

For a tax entity using the Infor tax system:

  1. Set up a tax table tax code.
  2. Specify an intercompany billing document with a taxable recharge line item using the tax table tax code.
  3. After the line is saved, verify the Tax Info for the line has an entry for each tax code member of the tax table.
  4. Release the billing document and verify the associated receivable and payables invoices have a tax distribution for each tax code member of the tax table. These should be the same as the entries under the Tax Info for the billing document line.

For a tax entity using the Vertex Tax system:

  1. Set up a Tax Distribution Code that has a level to reflect each type of India tax: SGST, CGST, and ICGST.
  2. Specify an intercompany billing document for companies that are located in the same India state with a taxable recharge line item.
  3. After the line is saved, verify that the Tax Info for the line contains an entry for the SGST portion of tax. Verify that it contains an entry for the CGST portion of tax.
  4. Release the billing document and verify that the associated receivable and payables invoices have tax distributions for the SGST and CGST portions of tax. Verify that they are the same as the entries under the Tax Info for the billing document line.
