Receivables CU69

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Implemented Contract Activity Group Build in LPL

The Contract Activity Group Build java code-based program was converted to a CSF standard code-based program. Tthe program menu name was changed from Contract Activity Group Build to Rebuild Receivable Project.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

The Contract Activity Group Build program.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Receivables Administrator and select Run Receivables Processes > Rebuild Receivable Project Transactions.
  2. Select Company or Company Group and click OK.
  3. A notification is sent to user when the job is finished.
  4. Click the notification to view Details and number of updated Receivable Project Transaction records.


Receivables security changes

These security class changes were made:

  1. Receivables-related business classes in security classes that contain AR as part of the name: ARImport_ST, ARSetupAdmin_ST, ARBasicProcessing_ST, ARCreditAndCollectionReportAccess_ST, ARCustomerSetup_ST
  2. Changed rules for Receivables related business classes in security classes that did not contain AR as part of the name: APProcessingReportAccess_ST, EDISetupAdmin_ST, FINCommonSetup_ST, FRSetupAdmin_ST
  3. Changes on IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST give users this security access. Changes were made for all related business classes.
  4. Replaced unconditional to new condition inside these security classes:
    • Company.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess
    • CustomerGroup.CustomerGroupAllowsAccess
    • ReceivableGLDistribution.ReceivableCompanyDataGroup.TransactionCompany.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess
    • CashApplicationResult.PrmCompany.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess
    • InvoiceAccountGroup.Company.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Restrict the users to view or access the data for Receivables at the company level or the customer group level information at assigned roles. Enable Global Ledger Security Setup security groups or Company security groups.


Receivable Invoice Detail Exception tab on Manage Invoices

A new Invoice Detail Exceptions tab is available on Manage Invoices. It shows a list of Receivable Invoice Detail Exceptions. There are columns for Past Due, Unreleased, Unposted activity, such as Distributions or Applications. Pending activity, such as Reversals, AR To AP Applications, Applications, Adjustments, and Invoice Obligation grouping. A Search form can be used to filter this list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Receivable Invoice Detail
  • Receivable Invoices Page
  • Receivable Invoice

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Receivable Specialist or Receivables Manager.
    • For Receivable Specialist, select Invoices.
    • For Receivables Manager, select Processing > Invoices.
  2. Select the Invoice Detail Exceptions tab.
  3. Verify that you can view all of the new columns.


For an AR write-off, you can specify a write-off GL date that occurs before the invoice/payment GL date

When an invoice/payment write-off is performed, it was possible to set the write-off GL date to occur before the invoice/payment GL date. If you select the new company option, the write-off GL date can only be greater than or equal to the invoice/payment GL date.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ReceivableApplication
  • ReceivableApplicationAdjustment
  • ReceivableApplicationAdjustmentSelect
  • ReceivableApplicationSelect
  • ReceivableCompany, both ui and bl
  • ReceivablePayment
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the Receivable Company record Apply tab. Select the Prevent Write Off Before Transaction GL Date field.
  2. Verify all invoice and payment writeoff scenarios

    For example, invoice credit, debit applications with positive negative writeoffs.

  3. Tolerance adjustments, if application are having lesser GL dates then tolerance adjustments creation being skipped.
