Cash Management CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Replace java Stale Dating And Escheatment Report with LPL Search List

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • ReportDateRange.field (new)
  • StaleDateEscheatStatus.field (new)

Use this information to test the enhancement:

From the Manage Escheatment menu, open Stale Date and Escheat Search list. Use the search form to list stale dated or escheated transactions for the selected criteria. The list has changes that differ from the java based report.

1) You can select by State/Province.

2) You can select which address fields to see by personalizing the list to select from these address fields:

  • DerivedPayeeAddressCountry
  • DerivedPayeeAddressLine1
  • DerivedPayeeAddressLine2
  • DerivedPayeeAddressLine3
  • DerivedPayeeAddressLine4
  • DerivedPayeeAddressMunicipality
  • DerivedPayeeAddressState
  • DerivedPayeeAddressPostal

Note: The address fields on Cash Ledger Transaction records were not populated until CU63. So, for transactions with blank address fields, the derived address fields get their values from the Payee address on Cash Ledger Payment or from the vendor for AP payments, whichever is applicable.


Release cash ledger transactions for bank statement by account

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BankStatement
  • CashLedgerTransaction

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Cash Analyst, Statement Processing and then Bank Statements.
  2. Open a bank statement and create a new statement line using a Category that Post to Cash Ledger.
  3. Open another bank statement for the same cash management account and create a new statement line using a Category that Post to Cash Ledger.
  4. Navigate to Cash Accountant, Cash Transaction Search and filter on Unreleased Cash Ledger Transactions.
  5. Verify the two bank statement lines created above appear in the list.
  6. Back on the Open Bank Statement list, right click any bank statement for the Cash Management Account modified above and choose the action “Release Cash Ledger Transactions For An Account.”
  7. Verify the two cash ledger transactions created above are now in Open status.


Move post date for transactions that are not released at month end

Cash Ledger company period close needs ability to move post date for transactions not released at month end. With this enhancement the Bank Company Period Close has been converted from java to LPL. It has been renamed Cash Ledger Company Period Close. The old java based BankCompanyPeriodClose still exists on the menu but has been renamed OldBankCompanyPeriodClose.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GeneralLedgerCompany
  • GeneralLedgerCompanyGroup
  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • CashLedgerPayment
  • CashLedgerReturnedPayment
  • CashLedgerReconciliationAdjustment
  • CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader
  • CashLedgerFundTransferHeader
  • CashLedgerGLDistribution
  • NonCashLedgerDistribution
  • BankStatementLineDistribution
  • CashLedgerJobResult (new)
  • CashLedgerJobResultDetail (new)
  • CashLedgerJobResultError (new)
  • CashLedgerProcessMonthEnd
  • CashLedgerTransactionPage
  • CBBasicProcessing_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open CashLedgerCompanyPeriodCloseStatus. This will list any records that have outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to close.
  2. For outstanding distributions, these will need to be journalized/posted.

    For transactions you can either resolve the issue by performing the applicable action or “move” these into the next period by changing their post date. To do this run the close with the UpdateUnreleasedAndPendingApprovals checked and enter a NewPostDate.

  3. Run the CashLedgerCompanyPeriodClose with update option of yes.
  4. Confirm the CB system control is updated with the next valid date range for each company processed.
  5. Confirm the post date on the transactions and their distributions have been updated with the new post date.

Security Changes:

Added these rules to CBBasicProcessing_ST.secclass:

CashLedgerJobResult BusinessClass is accessible

for all actions

when (SecurityGroupAllowsAccess)

CashLedgerJobResultDetail BusinessClass is accessible

for all actions

when CashLedgerJobResult.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess)

CashLedgerJobResultError BusinessClass is accessible

for all actions

when CashLedgerJobResult.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess)

GeneralLedgerCompany - is accessible for


when (Company.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess)

Added the following rules to IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST:

CashLedgerJobResult - is accessible for all inquiries, all audit views


CashLedgerJobResultDetail - is accessible for all inquiries, all audit views


CashLedgerJobResultError - is accessible for all inquiries, all audit views



Bank Administration page

Updated Cash Manager's Manage Bank Administration dashboard for Financial Institutions Summary and Account Summary for improved UI panels. Added card view keyword search and updated card view logo to provide initials of bank institutions rather than a missing logo image: updated Document, Resource, and Comments panels for more dynamic UI. Attachment links have been replaced from hyperlinks to an icon paperclip to retrieved documents.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashManagementAccount
  • CashManagementAccountResource
  • FinancialInstitution
  • BankServiceCode
  • BankServiceStatement
  • CashAccountComment
  • CashAccountCorrespondence
  • CashManagementAccountDocument
  • FinancialInstitution
  • FinancialInstitutionDocument

To test this enhancement, confirm that keyword search is usable in card view and that either a logo or bank initials are visible. Test that the new attachment icon is able to retrieve documents. Confirm email icon button works for resource panel. Confirm that panels title corresponds to composite form title.


Enhanced cash reconciliation of cc/patient billing

Enhance the reconciliation process to allow for more efficient reconciliations with Patient Billing systems and/or Credit Card statements. To accomplish this, we are adding a new business class for defining details associated with a summarized bank statement line. These details can be created independently and later associated to a bank statement line. This process will allow clients to use the current reconciliation match rules process to perform a ‘detail to detail’ reconciliation.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BankStatement
  • BankStatementLine
  • BankStatementLineDetail (new)
  • BankStatementReconciliation
  • CashTransactionCategory

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Add/Change Bank Statement Line Details (Cash Administrator > Utilities). Should be able to add detail without assigning to an Account/Bank Statement Line and subsequently associate with an Account/Bank Statement Line.
  2. Mass update action on Bank Statement Line Detail to update Account/Bank Statement Line information.
  3. Require Bank Statement Line Detail flag on Category. Edit exists to prevent a manual Load and Reconcile if details are not defined.
  4. Link on bank statement line amount showing associated bank statement line details that have been defined. Alert exists if line details do not equal line amount. This will also prevent a manual Load and Reconcile.
  5. Load and Reconcile will bring all lines without details (excludes lines with details) and any details associated with a Line into the queue for reconciliation. Line Match Field from the Reconciliation Match Rule should be applied the same to the lines and line details brought into the queue.
  6. Line status will be marked as reconciled after all of the details are marked as reconciled. If only a portion are reconciled, the line status will remain as unreconciled.
  7. Reconciliation balances should be updated to properly reflect the total reconciled/unreconciled amounts of all the lines and details.

Security Changes:

  • Added this rule to CTMReconcileCashStatement_ST, CTMSetupAdmin_ST, ReconciliationAuditInquiry_ST, ReconciliationProcessing_ST, & ReconciliationReconcileCashStatement_ST:

    BankStatementLineDetail BusinessClass

    is accessible

    for all actions


    Added this rule to IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST:

    BankStatementLineDetail BusinessClass

    is accessible

    for all inquiries, all audit views


  • Added this rule to CTMReconcileCashStatement_ST:

    CashForecastDetail BusinessClass

    is accessible

    for all actions



Cash Analyst Home Page UI Enhancements

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Cash Analyst Home Page

Use this information to test the enhancement:

The Cash Analyst home page has been enhanced to include:

  • Moving the Load And Reconcile and Clear All Reconciliations call-out actions to buttons in each statement record
  • Adding posting status to the statement records
  • Adding an ‘Out of Balance’ tag to the statement records when valid
  • Adding Statement as a keyword search field
  • Navigate to the Cash Analyst home page and verify the statement functionality has been maintained in both v3 and v4 controls.
