Global Ledger CU69
Added derived fields to GLCommit for Vendor, Item, Line, and Employee
Added Vendor, Item, Document Number, Document Line, and Employee information to Project Encumbrance lists.
Program/Business class/Process affected: GLCommit bl and ui
To test this enhancement, view Project Encumbrance. The lists should now include information for Vendor, Item, Document Number, Document Line, and Employee when applicable.
Added new event code for Labor Distribution Reversals
Added event code LR Project Labor Distribution Reversal Entries to primary system code PR for Labor Distribution Reversals.
This will allow users to easily distinguish the actions that have occurred by querying the GLTransactionDetail.
Program/Business class/Process affected: Labor Distribution Reversal action
To test this enhancement, run Labor Distribution Reversal action and query the GLTransactionDetail. Verify that the new event code LR is used.
You must run the FEG action to update event codes before you run the Labor Distribution Reversal action.
Internal Added LQ to list of generated System Codes
Need a system code for transactions coming from LeaseQuery.
Program/Business class/Process affected: GeneralLedgerSystemCodeData
To test this enhancement, on the FinanceEnterpriseGroup run Update System Codes. Verify that the code LQ is included in your list of codes.
Chart of Accounts Copy - Posting Accounts left in ReportingChartAccountUpload - Error: Display order cannot be negative
A few customer still have Posting Accounts with negative values in the Display Order.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
In the GeneralLedgerChartAccount business class, an instance was created that is available to users with negative display order: ResequenceAllDispayOrders.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Open Enterprise Chart for your FEG.
- Select the Hierarchy tab.
- If there is a negative value in Display Order, you can see the action enabled to those users.
Added the ability to rebuild average daily balance records for an account
New option in the Rebuild Average Daily Balance business task to rebuild average daily balance records for an account.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntity.busclass
- GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntityHierarchy.busclass
- GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerChartAccount.busclass
- GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerTransaction.busclass
- GeneralLedger/bl/ReportingBasis.busclass
- GeneralLedger/ui/AccountingEntity.busclass
- GeneralLedger/ui/FinanceDimension1.busclass
- GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerChartAccount.busclass
- ad/bl/ADBAccountMaster.busclass
- ad/bl/ADBAccountType.field
- ad/bl/ADBAggregateBalance.busclass
- ad/bl/ADBDailyAmount.busclass
- ad/bl/ADBTransaction.busclass
- ad/bl/ResetAverageDailyBalance.bustask
- ad/ui/ResetAverageDailyBalance.bustask
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Run Daily Balance on Reporting Basis, verify that records exists on ADBTransaction, ADBDailyAmount, ADBAggregateBalance.
- Select Global Ledger > Utilities > Rebuild Average Daily Balance > On Rebuild Option select Rebuild ADB Account.
- Specify values for other required fields.
- This should be able to rebuild the ADBTransaction, ADBDailyAmount, ADBAggregateBalance for the entered account or within account and dimension/accounting unit if entered.