Cash Management CU67

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Tax exempt cash ledger transactions

Distributions can be added using a tax code with no rates. Only the tax amount can be specified in cash ledger transactions.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerGLDistribution

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create a tax code that has no rates.
  2. Create a cash ledger transaction.
  3. Create a distribution for the transaction that uses the zero rate tax code. Specify a tax amount and no expense amount. Save. The record should be saved without getting an error requiring an expense amount.
  4. Create additional distributions to balance the transaction and then release it.
  5. Confirm that the tax transaction is created for the tax distribution.


Stale date functionality on Cash Ledger Bank Update

Cash Ledger Bank Update has these added functions:

  • Stale dating bank-issued check transactions.
  • Escheating bank-issued check transactions from either an open or stale dated state.
  • Stale dating both bank-issued and non-bank-issued open transactions.
  • Escheating both bank-issued and non-bank-issued stale dated transactions.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerUpdateAction
  • CashLedgerBankUpdate
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • CashLedgerGLDistribution
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Run the Cash Ledger Bank Update action.
  2. Confirm the new functionality is as expected.


Cash Manager for mobile application

The Cash Manager role is on the mobile application.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BankServiceCode.busclass

  • BankServiceStatement.busclass

  • BankStatement.busclass

  • BankStatementLine.busclass

  • CashAccountComment.busclass

  • CashAccountCorrespondence.busclass

  • CashAccountLockbox.busclass

  • CashManagementAccount.busclass

  • CashManagementAccountDocument.busclass

  • CashManagementAccountResource.busclass

  • FinancialInstitution.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionBranch.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionBranchContact.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionBranchDocument.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionBranchIntBank.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionBranchRating.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionDocument.busclass

  • FinancialInstitutionRating.busclass






  • CashManager.webapp

  • BankEntityCreditRisk.busclass

  • CashCode.busclass

  • CashCodeTransactionCode.busclass

  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction.busclass

  • CashLedgerGLDistribution.busclass

  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment.busclass

  • CashLedgerPayment.busclass

  • CashLedgerTransaction.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign into the mobile application.
  2. Select 4.0 Harness4*CSF.
  3. Select Cash Manager.
  4. Select the Home page.
  5. Select Bank Administration.
  6. In Financial Institution Summary, run search and update actions.
  7. In Account Summary, run search and update actions.
  8. In Cash Position, run search and update actions.
  9. In Cash Ledger Transaction, run search and update actions.
  10. In Cash Ledger Payments, run search, update, release, and cancel actions.
  11. In Cash Ledger Payables Payments, run search, update, void, and stop actions.
  12. In Electronic Fund Transfer, run search, update, and release actions.


Cash Accountant for mobile application

The Cash Accountant role is on the mobile application.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashAccountant.webapp

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign into the mobile application.
  2. Select 4.0 Harness4*CSF.
  3. Select Cash Manager.
  4. Select the Home page.
  5. In Cash Ledger Transactions, run search and update actions.
  6. In Cash Ledger Payments, run search, update, release, and cancel actions.
  7. In Cash Ledger Payables Payments, run search, update, voice, and stop actions.
  8. In Electronic Fund Transfer, run search, update, and release actions.


Cash Analyst for mobile application

The Cash Analyst role is on the mobile application.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashAnalyst.webapp

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign into the mobile application.
  2. Select 4.0 Harness4*CSF.
  3. Select Cash Manager.
  4. Select the Home page.
  5. Select Bank Administration.
  6. In Financial Institution Summary, run search and update actions.
  7. In Account Summary, run search and update actions.
  8. In Cash Position, run search and update actions.


Security condition for PositivePayOutputFileHeader

A security condition was added for PositivePayOutputFileHeader.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Pay Output
  • PositivePayOutputFileHeader

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create cash code groups with different cash codes.
  2. Create a cash code group security group.
  3. Assign a group to an actor that can create PositivePayOutputFileHeader records.
  4. Create PositivePayOutputFileHeader and Detail records for cash codes.


Cash Ledger transaction record attachments

You can attach documents to cash ledger transaction records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a Cash Accountant.
  2. Select Process Cash Ledger > Cash Ledger Transactions.
  3. Create a cash ledger transaction record. Verify you can add and maintain a transaction attachment.
  4. Open an existing cash ledger transaction record. Verify you can add and maintain a transaction attachment.


Remittance lines when using Overflow Document Remittance

You can specify the number of remittance lines when using the Overflow Document Remittance option for the IDM output file payment format.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Cash Payment Format

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Open a cash payment format with IDM output file payment format and using the Overflow Document Remittance option.
  2. Specify the number of remittance lines.
  3. Test the electronic payment creation. The number of remittance lines on the generated IDM document should be equal to the specified number of remittance lines.
