BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

NativeLPL: Changes needs to be done in SyncPurchaseOrder_Out BOD and Mapping

Added new elements in FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseOrder_Outbound BOD for CSF-GRC PI Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed:
    • PurchaseOrderLine Business Class
    • UserTemplate.csv
  2. New Required Setup:
    • No new Setup is required.
  3. .New Variable Added in JSON:
    • No new variable is added in JSON.
  4. New Changes:
    • In PurchaseOrderXMLBOD.xml, added new XPath : PurchaseOrderHeader/ExtendedReportAmount
    • In PurchaseOrderLineXMLBOD.xml, added new XPaths:



  5. Integration Specific:
    • These changes are related to CSF-GRC Integration.

      Use these steps to test the enhancement:

      1. Setup:
        • In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be selected.
        • Enable the Sync.PurchaseOrder in FSMBODConfiguration.
      2. How to test:
        • Create PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLine, Pass Contract value in PurchaseOrderLine and release it.
        • In PurchaseOrderLine BusinessClass,added DerivedContractID and DerivedBODContractLine derived fields.
        • BOD will trigger and check the generated XML in IONOut.busclass.
      3. Verify the Result:
        • PurchaseOrderHeader/ExtendedReportAmount
        • PurchaseOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID
        • PurchaseOrderLine/ContractReference/LineNumber


Changes for Sync_Invoice_Outbound-- Flow

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. File Changed:
    1. FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
    2. New Required Setup: No
    3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
    4. New IPA Changes:

      In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

      1. Below new variable added in start node:
        1. TermDiscountAmount
        2. TermDiscountBaseAmount
        3. ReportDiscountAmount
        4. ReportDiscountAmountCurrency
          • In PurchaseOrderLine BusinessClass, added DerivedContractID and DerivedBODContractLine
      2. In BLinvoice transaction node, added TermsDiscount.TransactionAmount and TermsDiscount.BaseAmount.EnteredCurrencyAmount field.
      3. In Assign8960: .
        • TermDiscountAmount variable mapped to BLinvoice_TermsDiscount
        • TransactionAmount TermDiscountBaseAmount variable mapped to BLinvoice_TermsDiscount.BaseAmount.EnteredCurrencyAmount
      4. Assign4010

        Modified Javascript:

        For SystemID "BL" and getInvoiceDetails_recordCount >0

        ReportDiscountAmount = DiscountAmount;ReportDiscountAmountCurrency = origCurrency;

        if SystemID == "BL" && IntegrationApplication == ""

        DiscountAmount = TermDiscountAmount; DiscountAmount = DiscountAmount.toFixed(2);

        TempDiscountBaseAmount = TermDiscountBaseAmount ;TempDiscountBaseAmount = TempDiscountBaseAmount.toFixed(2);

        ReportDiscountAmount = DiscountAmount * ReportingCurrRate;ReportDiscountAmount = ReportDiscountAmount.toFixed(2);

        ReportDiscountAmountCurrency = ReportCurrencyOne;

      5. In XML_INVHDR



      6. In XML6640:

        InvoiceLine/PricingAmount/UnitPretaxAmount@CurrencyID -->BLinvoice_Currency

    5. Integration Specific: Yes

      These changes are related to Integration For BL Flow(SystemID="BL").

      Use these steps to the enhancement:

      1. Setup:
        1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
        2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

          Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

      2. How to Test
        1. Create BillingInvoice and provide PaymentTerm and Release.
        2. Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.
        3. Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint
        4. Execute SubSystemUpdate
        5. ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.
        6. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.
      3. Verify the Result:

        Verify the newly added below x-path:







Changes to be done for SyncLCLTaxReport bod For Country Great Britain

Changes done for SyncLCLTaxReport bod For Country Great Britain

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. Files Changed:
    • FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport.lpd
  2. New Required Setup:No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON:No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • Added VatReportingDetails1,VatReportingLine2,VatUsageCode2,GBtx queries.
    • Added assign nodes Assign8770,Assign560,Assign5080,Assign1140.
    • In Assign160 node derived TaxTransaction1.TransactionTaxableAmount field and added a javascript to evaluate condition based on sign condition in vatreportinglinedetail to sum or difference the value.
    • In Assign8200 derived TaxTransaction.TransactionTaxableAmount field and added a javascript to sum the above value.
    • In "Branch8050" added a condition to go to vatreportinglinedetail1 and get summarize of lines if countrycode is GB.
    • Added "Branch8140" after VatReportingLine1,if no source present it should go to vatreportinglinedetail1 query.
  5. Integration Integration for GB Country
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    • Enable the service "TaxReportService" for FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport _Out.lpd.
    • In SystemConfiguration give the value of IntegrationApplication == ""
  2. How to Test:
    • Create a Payables invoice with tax and release it. Do the payment for the Invoice by performing actions:
      1. Perform cash Requirements
      2. Electronic Payment Creations
      3. PaymentClose
    • Run Vat Return Report batch Job. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully
  3. Verify the Result:

    For lines (1-5)SyncLCLTaxReport/DataArea/LCLTaxReport/TaxReportLine/TotalAmount is mapped to TaxTransaction.TransactionTaxAmount

    For lines (6-9)SyncLCLTaxReport/DataArea/LCLTaxReport/TaxReportLine/TotalAmount is mapped to TaxTransaction.TransactionTaxableAmount


Add new elements and Update mapping Sheet for SyncSalesOrder_out

Added new elements and Updated mapping sheet for Sync.SalesOrder_Out BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. Files Changed:
    1. FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Outbound.
    2. FSM_SalesOrder_Outbound_Template.xls
    3. SalesOrder_Out.xlsx
  2. New Required Setup:

    No new Setup is required

  3. New Variable Added in JSON:
    1. CustomerOrder.UpdateStamp.Actor as "UpdateActor"
    2. CustomerOrder.BillName as "BillToName"
    3. CustomerOrder.BankPaymentCode as "BankPayCode"
    4. CustomerOrder.RequestedDate as "ReqDate"
    5. CustomerOrder.CreateStamp.Actor as "CreateActor"
  4. New IPA Changes:
    1. Added new variables,"PartialShipmenIndicator","ReqDelDate","CustReqDate", in Start node.
    2. Added new JavaScript,in Assign node, for formatting the "ReqDate" variable to suitable date format.
    3. Added new JavaScript,in Assign node, for defining the "PartialShipmenIndicator" variable.

      if (ShipComplete = "N")

      PartialShipmenIndicator = "true"

      else if (ShipComplete = "Y")

      PartialShipmenIndicator = "false"


      PartialShipmenIndicator = ""

    4. Added new JavaScript,in Assign node, for formatting the "CustOrderLine_EarlyDeliveryDate" variable to suitable date format.
  5. Integration Specific:

    These changes are related to GRC Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
    2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "CustomerOrderService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Outbound".
  2. How to Test:
    1. Create CustomerOrder and Release it.
    2. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD.
  3. Verify the Result:

    Verify the below X-Paths:

    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/LastModificationPerson/IDs/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/DocumentDateTime
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CustomerParty/Name
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/PartyIDs/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/BillToParty/Name
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/PartyIDs/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PayFromParty/Name
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PartialShipmentAllowedIndicator
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PaymentMethodCode
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/RequestedShipDateTime
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/PurchaseOrderReference/DocumentID/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/Item/ItemID/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UnitPrice/Amount
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ContractReference/DocumentID/ID
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/ShippedQuantity
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/RequiredDeliveryDateTime


Add elements and modify the mapping sheet for SyncShipmentBOD

Added new elements and Updated mapping sheet for Sync.Shipment_Out BOD

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. Files Changed:
    1. FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.
    2. Shipment_Out.xlsx
    3. FSM_Shipment_Outbound_Template.xls
  2. New Required Setup:

    No new setup is required

  3. New Variables Added in JSON:
    1. WarehouseShipment.UpdateStamp.TimeStamp as "WAUpdateTime"
    2. WarehouseShipment.UpdateStamp.Actor as "WSLastModActor"
  4. New IPA Changes:
    1. Added new variables,"LastModifiedDate","ServiceIndicator","DocRefType", in Start node.
    2. Added new JavaScript,in Assign node, for formatting the "WAUpdateTime" variable to suitable date format.
    3. Added new JavaScript,in Assign node, for defining the "DocRefType" variable.

      if (WarehouseDemand.DemandDocument = "OE")

      DocRefType = "Sales Order"


      DocRefType = ""

  5. Integration Specific:

These changes are related to GRC Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked
    2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "ShipmentService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound".
  2. How to Test:
    1. Create Requisition and Release it. Run Warehousepicklistprint batch job.
    2. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out BOD.
  3. Verify the Result:

    Verify the below X-Paths.

    • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/LastModificationDateTime
    • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/LastModificationPerson/IDs/ID
    • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/DocumentDateTime
    • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ActualShipDateTime
    • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ReturnToShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/ServiceIndicator
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/Description
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/OrderQuantity
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/ShippedQuantity@unitcode
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/DocumentReference@type
    • Shipment/ShipmentItem/LineNumber



Document Flow for GRC-PI -P2P Module

Added new document flow for FSM to DataLake.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed:
    • fsm_connection_point_ST.xml
    • FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml
    • FSM_all_documentflows_ST.xml
    • FSM_IMS_All_DataFlows_ST.xml
    • FSM_ims_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml

    Use this information to test the enhancement:

    1. Import FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST document flow.
    2. Document flow should create with out any errors.


Document Flow for GRC-PI -O2C- Module

Added new document flow for FSM to DataLake.

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. Files Changed:
    • fsm_connection_point_ST.xml
    • FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml
    • FSM_all_documentflows_ST.xml
    • FSM_IMS_All_DataFlows_ST.xml
    • FSM_ims_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml

    Use these steps to test the enhancement:

    1. Import FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST document flow.
    2. Document flow should create with out any errors.


Document Flow for GRC-PI-GL-Module

Added new document flow for FSM to DataLake.

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  1. Files Changed:
    • fsm_connection_point_ST.xml
    • FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml
    • FSM_all_documentflows_ST.xml
    • FSM_IMS_All_DataFlows_ST.xml
    • FSM_ims_DataLake_documentflow_ST.xml

    Use these steps to test the enhancement:

    1. Import FSM_DataLake_documentflow_ST document flow
    2. Document flow should create with out any errors.


Moved FSMIONCONTENT* records


Program/Business class/Process affected:



1.iefin\wfdata SampleDocumentTemplate - Removed FSMIONContent* records.


- updated FSM_ION_CONTENT* - 3 records.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management > Shared Processes >Sample Document Template.

Open Sample Document

In the All tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, Verify that there are three records for the above search with attachments.


Added elements and updated mapping sheet for SyncInvoice_Out

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: Yes


4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.In Start node added these variables:



b.GetCompanyDetails Transaction node linked to CustShipTo Transaction node.

c. Assign1480 added.

ShipToPartyIDGRC -->Company Delimiter CustomerShipto

d.In BLinvoice Transaction node added TermsDescription1 field.

e.Assign1740 : Added Java script.

if SystemID == "BL" and IntegratingApplication == "GRC"

PaymentTermID = BillingInvoice.TermsCode;

LastModificationPerson = LastModPerson;

TCDescription1 = BillingInvoice.TermsDescription1; else blank.


Added InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/ID and InvoiceHeader/PaymentTerm/Description x-paths.

g. In XML6640:

Added X-path- InvoiceLine/ShipToParty/PartyIDs/ID

h. In Assign5720:java script modified:

if IntegrationApplication == "" or IntegratingApplication == "GRC"

Extendedamount -->BillingInvoiceLine.LineGrossAmount else BillingInvoiceLine.LineNetAmount.TransactionAmount.

ExtendedreportAmount -->BillingInvoiceLine.ExtendedAmount in ReportingCurrency; else blank.

if IntegratingApplication == "GRC"

ShipToPartyIDGRC = ShipToPartyIDGRC; else blank.

if IntegrationApplication == "CRM" or IntegratingApplication == "GRC"

if BillingInvoice.CustomerOrder > 0

BillingInvoiceLine = BLInvoiceline.BillingInvoiceLine

BL_CustomerOrder = lawsonCompany Generic_Delimiter BLinvoice_CustomerOrder; else blank;

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to GRC Integration .IntegratingApplication= "GRC".

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODTrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice and provide required values and Release.

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

3. Verify the Result:

Verify the below x-path :












Accounting entity should be picked from Cross reference for SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out

Accounting entity is picked from Cross reference for SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:



2.Required Setup:give IntegratingApplication =GRC

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:No

5.Integration Specific:GRC

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "VendorGroupService" for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartymaster_Out.lpd

2. How to Test:

->Create,Update or delete an vendor and save it.

->Give the AE value in destination for the corresponding Source businessgroup in crossreference screen.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartymaster_Out.lpd BOD (VendorGroupService).

3. Verify the Result:

->The above mapped AE will populate in the XPath DataArea/Sync/AccountingEntityID.


Last modification date and time should be sent in SyncPurchaseOrder_Out

Added new xpath(PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime) in Sync.PurchaseOrder_out BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


1. PCR_VARIABLES assign node

2. XML_PCR xml node

2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. Create service definition for Sync.PurchaseOrder_Outbound BOD and Service name - PurchaseOrderService.

2. How to Test:

1. Create PurchaseOrder and Release.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Validate the xml PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/LastModificationDateTime in this path and lastmodification should exists.

2. Work unit should create with out any errors.


Last modification date and time should be sent in SyncRequisition_Out

Added new xpath(Requisition/RequisitionHeader/LastModificationDateTime) in Sync.Requisition_out BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


1. RequisitionHeader node

2. AssignVars assign node

2. XML_Hdr_Req xml node

2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. Create service definition for Sync.Requisition_Outbound BOD and Service name - RequisitionService.

2. How to Test:

1. Create Requisition and Release.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Validate the xml Requisition/RequisitionHeader/LastModificationDateTime in this path and lastmodification should exists.

2. Work unit should create with out any errors.


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery - CU 70 - July 01, 2020 Release

Latest IPA JSON files delivery-

JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in wfdata/SampleDocumentTemplate.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management -->Shared Processes -->Sample Document Template.

Open Sample Document

In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.


Changes for Sync_SupplierInvoice_Outbound--

Covert PaymentTerm/Discount/ReportAmount into ReportingCurrency

Program/Business class/Process affected:


New Required Setup: Yes

In Configuration Parameter Add Integration equals to ""

New IPA Changes: Yes

Added TermsReportDiscAmount,TermReportCurrency variable in start node.

In Assign4810 java script derived the TermsReportDiscAmount by multiplying Discountamount with ReportingCurrencyRate.

For TermReportCurrency passing the Currency from FinanceEnterpriseGroup.ReportCurrencyOne

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup: Provide the setup to execute the flow/changes.

In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.

EnableServiceDefinition "PayablesInvoiceService" attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

2.How to test:

Create PurchaseOrder an release it.

Create Receipt and release it.

Create MatchInvoice by adding PaymentTerms and release it.

BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

3. Verify the result:



<ReportAmount currencyID="CAD">7.83</ReportAmount>




Add New Elements for Sync.Supplierinvoice bod for

SupplierInvoice - new field mappings added as part of and for country Argentina

Program/Business class/Process affected:


New Required Setup: Yes

In Configuration Parameter Add Integration equals to ""

New IPA Changes: Yes

Added PayablesInvoice.GlobalDocumentType variable in JSON node.

In Assign 4810 in HeaderUserAreaXML added Property name lcl.SubInvoicetype and passed GlobalDocumentType

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration , Argentina Specific Country

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup: Provide the setup to execute the flow/changes.

In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.

EnableServiceDefinition "PayablesInvoiceService" attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

2.How to test:

Create PurchaseOrder an release it.

Create Receipt and release it.

Create MatchInvoice Providing GlobalDocumentType.

BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

3. Verify the result:


<NameValue name="lcl.SubInvoiceType" type="StringType">INV</NameValue>



Add New Elements and Map accordingly for Sync Invoice BOD (

Added GlobalDocumentType in Header UserArea SyncInvoice_Out BOD for

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: Yes


4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a. Below new variable added in start node:


b. In BLinvoice transaction node, added GlobalDocumentType field.

c. In Assign8960 -

BL_GlobalDocumentType variable mapped to BLinvoice_GlobalDocumentType.


modified Javascript:If SystemID ="BL" and IntegrationApplication == "" and Country Argentina

then In Header UserArea Properties will be added name="lcl.SubInvoiceType" and value BL_GlobalDocumentType type="StringType">{RIGlobalDocumentType}

If SystemID not "BL" and IntegrationApplication == "" and Country Argentina

then In Header UserArea Properties will be added name="lcl.SubInvoiceType" and value RIGlobalDocumentType

e.Added Branch4070 --> If AddressCode exist it will go to AddressCode Transaction node and it will go to Branch8000

else it will go to Branch8000

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration for Argentina Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice and provide GlobalDocumentType and Release.

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.


1.Create BillingInvoice/ReceivableInvoice and provide GlobalDocumentType and Release.

2.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

3. Verify the Result:

Verify the newly added below x-path:


Mapping element: Billing - BillingInvoice.GlobalDocumentType

AR - ReceivableInvoice.GlobalDocumentType


Add New Elements for Sync.SupplierPartyMaster Bod For Country India and For

Added New Element(TaxRegistrationType) for SyncSupplierPartyMaster BOD For Country India and For

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. BOD trigger should be enable in FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

2. In System configuration set "IntegrationApplication" should be "".

3. Enable Service definition for SyncSupplierPartyMaster BOD.

2. How to Test:

1. Create/Update Vendor with country code "IN" and TaxRegistrationType value.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Check the TaxRegistrationType value in this path - SupplierPartyMaster/DataArea/SupplierPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code.

2. Workunit should create without any errors.


Add New Elements for SyncShipFromPartyMaster Bod For Country India and For

Added New Element(TaxRegistrationType) for SyncShipFromPartyMaster BOD For Country India and For

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. BOD trigger should be enable in FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

2. In System configuration set "IntegrationApplication" should be "".

3. Enable Service definition for SyncShipFromPartyMaster BOD.

2. How to Test:

1. Create/Update VendorLocation with country code "IN" with TaxRegistrationType value.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Check the TaxRegistrationType value in this path - ShipFromPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code.

2. Workunit should create without any errors.


Add New Elements and Map accordingly for Customerpartymaster BOD For Country India

Added New Element(TaxRegistrationType) for SyncCustomerPartyMaster BOD For Country India and For

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. BOD trigger should be enable in FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

2. In System configuration set "IntegrationApplication" should be "".

3. Enable Service definition for SyncCustomerPartyMaster BOD.

2. How to Test:

1. Create/Update Customer with country code "IN" and TaxRegistrationType value.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Check the TaxRegistrationType value in this path - CustomerPartyMaster/DataArea/CustomerPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code.

2. Workunit should create without any errors.


Add New Elements and Map accordingly for SyncShipToPartyMaster BOD For Country India

Added New Element(TaxRegistrationType) for SyncShipToPartyMaster BOD For Country India and For

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1. BOD trigger should be enable in FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

2. In System configuration set "IntegrationApplication" should be "".

3. Enable Service definition for SyncShipToPartyMaster BOD.

2. How to Test:

1. Create/Update CustomerShipTo with country code "IN" with TaxRegistrationType value.

3. Verify the Result:

1. Check the TaxRegistrationType value in this path - ShipToPartyMaster/Classification/Codes/Code.

2. Workunit should create without any errors.


SupplierInvoice - new field mappings

SupplierInvoice - new field mappings added as part of Integration for Mexico Country

Program/Business class/Process affected:


New Required Setup: Yes

In Configuration Parameter Add Integration equals to ""

Country Code should be Argentina

New IPA Changes: Yes

Added TaxJurisdicationCode variable in Start Node.

In Assign 4810 in Tax xml passing TaxJurisdicationCode in SupplierInvoiceHeader/Tax/TaxJurisdicationCodes/Code.

In SupplierParty xml in TaxID schemeAgencyName passing "AR:IIBB".

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration for Argentina Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup: Provide the setup to execute the flow/changes.

In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

EnableServiceDefinition "PayablesInvoiceService" attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

2.How to test:

Create PurchaseOrder an release it.

Create Receipt and release it.

Create MatchInvoice Providing tax details and release it.

BOD will trigger and workunit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

3. Verify the result:

<TaxID schemeAgencyName="AR:IIBB" schemeName="TaxIdentificationNumber">758899</TaxID>

<Tax sequenceNumber="1">

<ID accountingEntity="A100@@101" schemeName="TaxCode">10%AR</ID>





SupplierInvoice - new fields mappings for India

New Mappings for Sync_SupplierInvoice_Outbound-- India specific

Program/Business class/Process affected:


New IPA Changes:

Added ShipToParty_XML and SupplierTaxID variable in start node.

In Assign_4810 Java script Derived the XML for ShipToParty_XML with passing PartyID/ID, TaxID and LocationID.

In ShipFromParty_XML added node for TaxID/ID

In Supplierparty_XML mapped SupplierTaxID (Vendor.VATRegistrationNumber) for TaxID/ID for and Country India.

Integration Specific: Yes

These Changes for specific India Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.

Enable ServiceDefinition for "PayablesInvoiceService" attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

Create a PurchaseOrder and release it.

Create Receipt and release it.

Create MatchInvoice and release it.

BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

3. Verify the result:




<TaxID schemeAgencyName="IN_GST" schemeName="TaxIdentificationNumber">6857</TaxID>






<TaxID schemeAgencyName="IN_GST" schemeName="TaxIdentificationNumber">76587</TaxID>









<TaxID schemeAgencyName="IN_GST" schemeName="TaxIdentificationNumber">5476</TaxID>







SyncInvoice- New fields additions

Added ItemTranslation Description and DisplayID changes in SyncInvoice_Out BOD for

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:

  1. FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  2. New Required Setup: No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow:

a. New variable added in start node:



b. In Assign7240, added java script :Item_Description_XML = new XML();

c. Added Branch8130

if getITEMdetails_recordCount > 0 it will go to find Item_Translation

else go to Branch1660 (existing).

d.Added Item_Translation Transaction node - it will find IsoLocale & Description.

e.Added Assign9170:

Added javascript for Item_Decription.

Item_Description_XML +=<Description languageID={IsoLocale}>{Item_Translation_Description}@NoNullTag@</Description>

languageID value(IsoLocale) : underscore replaced with hyphen.

f.In XML6640

Added Item_Description_XML in InvoiceLine->Item->Description x-path

In Existing Item->Description added @languageID attrubute .default to "en-us"

g.In Assign4010:

Added java script :if SystemID == "BL" and IntegrationApplication == "" and Country Argentina

DisplayID = BLinvoice_CertificationNumber;

else, DisplayID = invoice;(like existing)

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

ItemTranslation Description changes for Integration.

DisplayID changes for Integration and Country specific to Arentina.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice and provide CertificationNumber and Release. (for specific Item also create some Item_Translation Description)

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

3. Verify the Result:

Verify the newly added below x-path:





SyncInvoice- New fields additions for Argentina

SyncInvoice_Out -CertificationNumber value mapping for specific to Argentina.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:

  1. FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  2. New Required Setup: No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow:

  1. Assign8960:

    Added java script.BL_CertificationNumber_AR = BL_CertificationNumber_AR.replace(/-/g, "");

    If CertificationNumber value having hyphen its replaced with blank.The value should come without hyphen.

    For example, 101-CERT >101CERT.

  2. In Assign4010,java script modified: DisplayID = BL_CertificationNumber_AR;
  3. In Assign1740

    java script modified:

    For IntegartionApplication and Country Argentina


    BL_CertificationNumber_AR =BL_CertificationNumber_AR;

    else Locally_DocID_schemeName_AR="";

    BL_CertificationNumber_AR =document1;

  4. Integration Specific: Yes

    These changes are related to Integration and specific to Argentina.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:


  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

    Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create BillingInvoice and provide CertificationNumber and Release.
  2. Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.
  3. Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint
  4. Execute SubSystemUpdate
  5. ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

Verify the x-path:

for Country Argentina:

InvoiceHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID > BillingInvoice.CertificationNumber (if hyphen value should come without hyphen)

InvoiceHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID@schemeName > lcl.Government

InvoiceHeader->DisplayID > BillingInvoice.CertificationNumber if hyphen value should come without hyphen


PayableTracker - Location Element addition in the Document Reference

Adding location in documentreference and eliminate characters from Invoice number.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Added location in Documentreference

Added new Landmark transaction node to get the country code value from AccountingEntity businessclass.

To remove hyphen (-) from Invoice added code in java script for and argentina specific country

Integration Specific: Yes

As payablestracker is using for only.

Eliminating characters from invoice changes are specific to Argentina country

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" check box should be checked.
  2. Enable ServiceDefinition for "PayableTrackerService" attach FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Outbound.
  3. Create a PurchaseOrder and release it.
  4. Create Receipt and release it.
  5. Create MatchInvoice and release it.


  6. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation

    BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

  7. Verify the result:

    Location in Document reference

    special characters should not populate in Invoice



<DocumentReference type="SupplierInvoice">


<ID accountingEntity="A100@@1805" location="A100@@1805">1805@@1@@BINV65SG@@1</ID>




SupplierInvoice - Mapping enhancements for Argentina - remove characters from invoice

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To remove hyphen (-) from Invoice added code in jav script for and Argentina specific country

Integration Specific: Yes

These Changes for specific Argentina Country.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. In Finance Enterprise Group, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable ServiceDefinition for "PayablesInvoiceService" attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.
  3. Create a PurchaseOrder and release it.
  4. Create Receipt and release it.
  5. Create MatchInvoice and release it.

    BOD will trigger and work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.

  6. Verify the result:

Special characters should not populate in Invoice

SupplierInvoice type="Invoice">



<ID accountingEntity="A100@@1805" location="A100@@1805" variationID="1">1805@@1@@BINVSG34@@3</ID>



<ID accountingEntity="A100@@1805" schemeName="Supplier" variationID="1">BINVSG34</ID>


Addition of Withholding Tax details to Receivable Tracker BOD

Addition of Withholding Tax details to Receivable Tracker BOD.

Add Trigger code to trigger REceivableTracker BOD when Adjustment is added to the ReceivableApplication.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • NationalAccountTransaction.busclass.
  • ReceivableApplicationAdjustment.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable BODTrigger in FEG.
  2. Enable servicedefinition for "ReceivablTrackerService" and attach FSM_ION_SyncReceivableTracker_out.lpd.
  3. Create ReceivableInvoice and release it.
  4. Create ReceovablePayment and release it.
  5. Create ReceivableReason for tax type
  6. Apply Payment to the Invoice, Add withholdingtaxAdjustment to the Application.
  7. Check the workunit, workunit should be triggered for this.
  8. Update and delete adjustment record.
  9. Verify that workunit is riggered for both scenarios.
