Contract Management CU72

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Removed ability to invoice a service contract for a contract line that is not effective yet

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Service Contract invoice processing

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create a Service Contract.
  2. Create Service Contract lines, where some lines have a date range that is less than the Contract date range.
  3. Create a Payables Invoice for the Service Contract, where the invoice date is within the Contract dates, but outside the Contract Line dates.
  4. Create a Payables Invoice detail record for a line whose dates are outside the invoice date.
  5. Verify that you receive an error regarding the date range.


Add name to an attachment

You can now add a name and description to attachments in Contract Management and Sourcing.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract and Event attachments

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create Contracts and Sourcing Events with lines.
  2. Create attachments for Contract and Event headers and lines.
  3. Verify that you can enter a name and a description for all four types of attachments.
  4. You should not be required to enter either a name or a description. If you do not enter a name, it will default from the attachment title.
  5. Select Search For Contract Information > Attachments.
  6. Verify that you can search by Name or Description.
  7. Create an Event with Contract output.
  8. Add attachments at both header and line level with names and descriptions, that will go to Contract Management.
  9. Release, respond, and award the Event.
  10. Verify that the attachments are created in Contract Management with the correct Names and Descriptions.


Add indicator for contract lines that are expired on item dashboard

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract line processing

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Add several contract lines for the same item, where:

  1. One is available for cost defaulting.
  2. One is on hold.
  3. One is closed.
  4. There is a variety of effective dates.
  5. There is a variety of expiration dates where some are prior to current date.
  6. Some are active and some are draft.

Navigate to Manage Items and view he item on the Item Dashboard and verify the following:

  1. The lines with an expiration date prior to the current date are tagged in Red (in the SOHO UI), with an alert that indicates they are expired.
  2. The line on hold is tagged in Red (in the SOHO UI), and there is an On Hold column.
  3. The Closed line does not display.
  4. The draft line has a Yellow tag (in the SOHO UI) and an alert that the line will not be used for cost defaulting.
  5. The lines are sorted from newest to oldest effective date.


Configuration for fractional quantities on a contract

This update allows decimalized quantities for min/max fields on Contract Line.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Decimalized quantities for min/max fields on Contract Line

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create a contract and a contract line.
  2. Verify that quantities with decimals can be entered for these fields:
    • Lifetime Maximum Quantity
    • Per Order Maximum Quantity
    • Per Order Minimum Quantity
  3. If the Item exists in the Item master, the number of decimals allowed will be based on the Max Number of Decimals

    If the item does not exist in the item master, the number of decimals allowed will be four.


Allow new manufacturer members to be created directly from GPO interface contracts

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GPO Contract processing

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create a GPO interface contract from GPO data with multiple Tier Members.
  2. Create a manufacturer Contract from the GPO Contract.
  3. Delete one of the Tier Members on manufacturer contract.
  4. View the interface contract- You should see:
    • A text statement on the header that Interface Contract Has Members Not On Contract
    • An action at header level called Add Members To Contract
    • An action for the missing Member called Add Member To Contract
  5. If you run the action at header level, it will add all missing members to the manufacturer contract.
  6. If you run the action at member level, it will only add the single missing member to the manufacturer contract.
