Electronic Data Interchange CU72

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

EDI Data Substitution to disable mapping No Charge Items

This enhancement added new EDI data substitution record to provide method for customer to disable mapping of zero cost item for a trading partner or all trading partners.

The use case for disabling mapping zero cost on a vendor basis is customer orders a line item which is a kit. The kit is made up of several items. Vendors invoice includes a line for the kit with the cost and information lines of all the items in the kit with a zero cost.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • EDI translation of 810 transaction documents

The change:

If the 810 transaction contains a kit item and its components are included, the user may opt to disable mapping of the zero cost items by adding MAP_ZERO_COST = N to the data substitution table.

Otherwise the default behavior is to map lines with zero cost.

Example of kit item with its components mapped:











For the example, if MAP_ZERO_COST is set to N then only the IT1 segment with cost will be mapped.

Use these steps to test this enhancement:
  1. If MAP_ZERO_COST = N and external value = tpid, zero cost items will not be mapped for the specific trading partner.
  2. If MAP_ZERO_COST = N and external value = *, zero cost items will not be mapped for all trading partners.


Add Comment field to Trading Partner Screen

You can now add comments to a specific trading partner.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • EDITradingPartner
  • EDITradingPartnerComment

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. On the Trading Partner page, verify a Comments field is displayed.


EDI Data Substitution to Disable Mapping of GTIN from Inbound transactions

This enhancement added new EDI data substitution record to provide method for customer to disable mapping of GTIN for a trading partner or all trading partners.

If the customer is not transacting in GTINs and/or the vendor provided GTIN is not valid this can cause errors in processing.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • EDI translation of 810
  • 855 and 856 transaction documents

If the customer is not transacting in GTINs and/or the vendor provided GTIN is not valid, the user may opt to disable mapping of the GTIN by adding MAP_GTIN = N to the data substitution table.

Otherwise the default behavior is to map lines with the GTIN.

Example of EDI transaction with GTIN:

ISA^00^ ^00^ ^00^810 ^00^810 ^200625^1314^U^00200^723491258^0^P^|







IT1^1^5^EA^11^^IN^458^VC^FLOAT INV^UK^10634158608732







For the example, if MAP_GTIN is set to N then it will skip mapping of GTIN (UK^10634158608732) that can be found on the IT1 segment.

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. If MAP_GTIN = N and external value = tpid, GTIN will not be mapped for the specific trading partner.
  2. If MAP_GTIN = N and external value = *, GTIN will not be mapped for all trading partners.


Data Substitution to Map Interfaced Third-Party PO Number

This enhancement adds a new EDI Data Substitution record (MAP_TO_INTERFACED_PO) to enable mapping the third-party order number in 810 and 856 transactions directly to the Interfaced Purchase Order field. The Interfaced Purchase Order will then be used by the Receiving and Match interfaces.

If customers are interfacing orders from a third-party system, the EDI 810 Invoice and 856 Advanced Ship Notice will contain the third-party order number.

An existing EDI Data Substitution record (LOOKUP_INTERFACE_PO) exists to cross-reference the third-party order number with the Supply Management purchase order number.

The look-up during EDI translation is not necessary if all receipts and invoices are for interfaced purchase orders.

Create an EDI Data Substitution record with these values to enable direct mapping.


Your Value: "Y"

External Value: <tpid> for Trading Partner or "*" if all trading partners use interfaced orders.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Translation of an EDI 856 or an EDI 810 documents for interfaced third-party orders. With the data substitution record, EDI translation will not perform the cross-reference look-up. The Interfaced Purchase Order field will have the order value from the EDI data. The Purchase Order field will not be populated.

For 856 Advanced Ship Notice processing, the Purchase Order is the first element of the PRF segment (PRF01). Example: Given PRF^164709800, InterfacedPurchaseOrder will be set to 164709800 and Purchase Order will be blank.

For 810 Invoice processing, Purchase Order is the fourth element of the BIG segment (BIG04). Example, given BIG*20200707*4101087554*20200706*164709800***DI,

InterfacedPurchaseOrder will be set to 164709800 and Purchase Order will be blank.

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Test an 856 and an 810 translation with the MAP_TO_INTERFACED_PO data substitution enabled.
  2. Test an 856 and an 810 with the MAP_TO_INTERFACED_PO data substitution disabled. The receipts interface input list the inbound PO number should be mapped to the interfaced PO field.
  3. In the EDI invoice match interface input list when looking at the details the inbound PO number should be mapped to the interface PO field.


With the data substitution record, EDI translation will not perform the cross-reference look-up. All 810 invoices and 856 ship notices received from a trading partner are for interfaced orders.

If documents are received for both interfaced and non-interfaced orders, use the LOOKUP_INTERFACE_PO data substitution record (JT-1276041).


Add EDI Processing Monitor to Control Job Execution

Two or more Translate Outbound or Translate Inbound tasks are now able to run concurrently with the same parameters.

If an EDI Translate task scheduled to run on a timed interval as part of a multi-step job stream or individually, another instance could begin running before the first one completes. It was possible for the same input data or a portion of the input data to be translated by each task, resulting in duplicated output.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Added EDI Processing Monitor similar to the CashLedgerProcessingMonitor
  • PayablesProcessingMonitor

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Translate Inbound and Translate Outbound tasks.
  2. Manual testing can be completed by scheduling a Translate Outbound or Translate Inbound task to run as frequently as every 30 seconds.
  3. Manually add EDI Processing Monitor records and execute test tasks with and without parameters matching the EDI Processing Monitor records.
