Cash Management CU66

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Return Date field to identify a returned deposit transaction

A new Return Date field on CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction and CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader business classes identifies that a deposit transaction has been returned.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction
  • CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader
  • CashLedgerReturnedPayment

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Use CashLedgerReturnedPayment to return an EFT transaction and cash receipt.
  2. Save the record and view the affected EFT and receipt. Verify that the return date is displayed on the form.


Account Type field was added to EFT and CC Extract Entry

Account type field, BankAccountType, has been added to EFT and CC Extract Entry, receipt import, and EFTExtractOutputFile Detail.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction
  • CashLedgerReceiptImport
  • EFTExtractOutputFileDetail
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf
  • ExportExtractOutputFiles.lpd

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Use EFT Extract Entry to create an EFT transaction. Verify that you can add the account type on the page and release the record.
  2. Use the Receipt Interface Maintenance page to create an EFT receipt type record. Verify that you can add the account type on the page and import the record in a released state.
  3. Run the EFT Extract file Creation. Open the EFTExtractOutputFileDetail record. Verify that account type is displayed on the form.


Positive Pay file includes payee name entered or imported in cash ledger transactions

Payee name and payee address have been added to the CSV output for PositivePayFileCreation when importing cash ledger transaction records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Import cash ledger transaction records with values for payee name and payee address fields.
  2. Run PositivePayFileCreation to include these cash ledger transactions and transactions that are generated by Payables and Cash payments.
  3. On the PositivePayOutputFileDetail and CSV output file, verify that the payee name and payee address values are correct.
  4. Verify one of these sources for the value of the payee name:
    • If there is a payee name value in cash ledger transaction, this value is used.
    • If there is no payee name value in cash ledger transaction, the payee name value from CashLedgerPayment or Vender is used, whichever is applicable.
  5. Verify one of these sources for the value of the payee address:
    • If there is a value for address line 1 in cash ledger transaction, this value is used.
    • If there is value for address line 1 in cash ledger transaction, the payee address value from CashLedgerPayablesPayment is used.
