User experience CU74

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management for

4.X Contract Line enhancements for SOHO 4UX #1

Contract Line and its related business classes are modernized to new UX standards.

Some names and column labels are simplified to better suite their context in Contract Line. Standard actions have been simplified to single icons. They are sorted and placed to the right of other actions.


  • New context form
  • Main, Item Details and Purchase Type forms are cleaner and spread apart.
  • Hold Contract Line action renamed to Hold Line
  • Healthcare Information renamed to Healthcare
  • Composite Form titles changed to Contract <Contract#> Line <Line#>
  • List actions are simplified and standardized.
  • Misc capitalization fixes.
  • Contract navigation added to Drill List


  • List Name simplified to "Add on Charges" in Contract Line.
  • AOC removed from labels as it is redundant.
  • List actions simplified and standardized.
  • Standardized context area on top of form.
  • ContractLineAttachment:
  • List name simplified to Attachments in Contract Line.
  • Line column Attachment Title changed to Title
  • Standardized context area on top of form.
  • Misc capitalization fixes.


  • List name simplified to Comments in Contract Line.
  • Standardized context area on top of form.
  • Attachment field simplified.
  • Create action form is more spread.


  • List name simplified to Distributions in Contract Line.
  • Open action is restricted.
  • Standardized context area on top of form.


  • Standardized context form on top of form.
  • List actions simplified and standardized.
  • Form is more distributed and makes more use of available space.


  • List name changed to "Maximum Spread (Remaining to be Spread <RemainingToBeSpread>)" in Contract Line.
  • Standardized context area on top of form.
  • Open Action is restricted, inline create is available instead.


  • List actions simplified and standardized.
  • ContractLineTierCost:
  • Standardized context area on top of form.


  • Standardized context area on top of form.
  • ItemUOM:
  • List name simplified to "Units of Measure" in Contract Line.
  • Form is more distributed.
  • List actions simplified and standardized.
  • Misc capitalization fixes.


  • List name simplified to "Patient Charges" in Contract Line.
  • List actions simplified and standardized.
  • Misc capitalization fixes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:













Use this information to test the Create, view, and maintenance:

Contract Line

Contract Line Add on Charges

Contract Line Attachment

Contract Line Distribution

Contract Line Maximum Spread

Contract Line Member

Contract Line Member Tier Qualifier

Contract Line Patient Charges

Contract Line Spread

Contract Line Suggested Items

Contract Line Tier Cost

Contract Line UOM


Asset Dashboard - create card view list for Books

Creating card view list for books in Asset Dashboard.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Asset.busclass (UI)

AssetBook.busclass (BL & UI)

To test this enhancement, verify that the books panel in the Asset Dashboard list is changed to card view as required.


Highlight Asset Adjustment changed fields

Previously, the Asset Adjustment form displayed all fields, regardless of what was adjusted. Now, only the adjusted fields are displayed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

AssetItemAdjustment.busclass (BL & UI)

AssetBookAdjustment.busclass (BL & UI)


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Release an asset.

2. Adjust the asset (Main, Items or books) and check the adjustment for the changed/adjusted fields.


Uplift the Purchase Order Request form

Updated the context portion of PurchaseOrderInterfaceForm to better use the space. Added Select For Purchase Order and Add to Purchase Order action to the form.

Program/Business class/Process affected:



To test this enhancement, verify that the context portion is set up with a three-column layout. Verify that the Purchase Order and Add to Purchase Order actions are available when valid.


Uplift Create Purchase Order from Purchase Request form

Updated the Create Purchase Order From to be more streamlined and have more precise descriptions. Updated the title on the Add to Purchase Order action form and organized the Select All action form to align with the search filter.

Program/Business class/Process affected:



Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Verify the new format on Create Purchase Order form. Verify that when records are selected when creating a new purchase order, these fields are auto-field: Purchasing Company, Vendor, Purchase From Location, and Buyer. Confirm that the number of records selected is displayed. Confirm that the Select All form is set up in a four-column, five-row layout.


Store item master item contract line data on text search

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Search on Contract Line

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an Item including values in these fields: Inventory and Purchasing Class, Commodity Code, second and third Description, and Generic Name.
  2. Create a Contract line using the Item.
  3. Select Search For Contract Information > Line Items.
  4. Search on all of the above pieces of information plus Item and Description.

    Expected results: The Contract line is returned based on the search.

  5. Update one of the pieces of information on the item:
  6. In Contract Line search, search on the new information. The Contract Line should be returned.
  7. Search on the old information. The Contract Line is not returned.

    Searching on the beginning of a text string returns a result, but searching on the end of a string does not.

    Because the data is now contained in the Item Keyword, formerly the Special Item Keywords field, these fields have been removed: Item Number, Item Master, and Item Description 1.

    To load text search values to existing contract lines for item master items, sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Application Update. Run the Load Contract Line Text Search For Item Master.


Close Dashboard for Asset Accounting

The new dashboard called Asset Close Dashboard has been added to the close menu in the asset system. This renders information related tot he close cycle including Unreleased and In progress assets. Company system close control status, Status of various asset processing as in Assets have been released, depreciation calculated, and period closed as well as book details identifying the status of each asset book. While this display does not impact processing or change functionality, it pulls together a variety of content pertinent to the close process into a single location.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Asset close Dashboard

To test this enhancement, validate the contents of the dashboard, monitor the display through the close cycle.


Suppier Portal - SoHo 4 UX Uplift: Anonymous Home Page Fix

Home page panels were available to anonymous users when the supplier group had this feature disabled.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

To test this enhancement, verify that the correct home page panels are displayed to anonymous users as specified in Supplier Group.
