Matching CU74

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management for

Match prepayment not recognizing Service line in SMR details

Fixed the issue where matching a prepayment invoice using the prepay from invoice method when the purchase order includes service lines. A pseudo receipt was not available in match prepayment reconciliation, and the service line did not close.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Match Prepayments

Use this information to test then enhancement:

Verify that when you are matching a prepayment invoice using the situation indicated, that you can see a pseudo receipt in match prepayment reconciliation. Verify that the service line closes.


Adjust match process for catch weight items - receipt line open to match will be in Vendor Buy UOM

Invoices for catchweight items are priced by the stock UOM, not the buy UOM.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Match process

Use these steps to test then enhancement:

  1. Create an item and set it up as a catchweight item
  2. Create a PO for the catchweight item. The item is purchased by the buy UOM and priced by the stock UOM.
  3. Receive the purchase order. You will be required to put in both the buy and stock UOM quantities. Specify the stock quantity as one higher than the conversion factor.
  4. Release the receiver
  5. Enter invoice.
  6. On the PO lines, tab the unit of measure that is shown is the stock UOM and the quantity matches the receipt.
  7. To adjust the quantities, open the line and you will be able to adjust both the stock UOM and the Buy UOM.
  8. Catchweight items require both UOMs on transactions.


Catchweight: UI changes for match invoice messages

The receipt line panel on a match invoice message did not show catchweight information.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Match Invoice Messaging

To test this enhancement, verify that the receipt line panel on a match invoice message shows catchweight information.
