Asset Management CU64

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Added Asset Inventory Report List to the Conversions And Interfaces menu

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AssetItem.busclass
  • AssetItemInvenory.busclass (BL & UI)

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. The list compares the item quantities of Asset Item Inventory and the Asset Item on the asset based on bar code. For each item the list includes Bar Code, Inventory location, Asset, Item, Inventory Quantity, Item Quantity, Item cost. A search form can be used to show records that meet the search criteria.

2. Verify whether the bar code can be assigned to one item.


4.0 Controls - Asset context form fixes

Some forms in Assets had misaligned fields.

To view this enhancement, access Books, Asset type, Manage Asset, Utilities > Purge Asset.


Purge Asset History-conversion from static Java to LPL

The current purge programs were not purging the records from the database. Instead, they are being marked as deleted and they still reside in the database and still consume space.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Purge Asset History

To test this enhancement, run the Purge Asset History program. Verify that the Asset History records and transactions are completely purged from the database.


Book Purge-conversion from static Java to LPL

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AssetBook
  • AssetBookDisposal
  • AssetBookHistory
  • AssetBookPeriodHistory


  • AssetBookReinstatement
  • AssetBookTransfer
  • AssetRecapture
  • PersonalUseHistory

To test this enhancement, run the Book Purge program.
