Item Lifecycle Management CU75

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials & Supply Management for

Change number of days for range of NRAC Retrieval process to 7

Change number of days for range of NRAC Retrieval process to 7

Program/Business class/Process affected:

NRAC Retrieval for Item Lifecycle Management

Use this information to test the enhancement:

1) Item Lifecycle Administrator > Utilities > Retrieve NRAC Notices - Run Retrieve NRAC Recalls – should see Helper Text by Date Range (defaults to last retrieval date; cannot be greater than a seven day range)

2) Item Lifecycle Administrator > Utilities > Retrieve NRAC Notices - Run Retrieve NRAC Recalls and on the parameters enter a date range that is 8 days apart should hit edit “Date range is greater than seven days; to ensure acceptable processing times date range must be seven days or less“

3) Enter a date range that is 7 days apart and the action should submit with no errors
