Payables CU65

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Electronic Government ID field added to Vendor

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Vendor
  • VendorImport
  • ElectronicGovernmentID

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open a vendor record.
  2. On the Main tab, verify that you can specify a value for the Electronic Government ID field.
  3. Import the record and verify that the vendor record created shows the specified Electronic Government ID value.


Tax Code and Tax Rates is displayed in Chargeback Report if a tax table is used

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Chargeback Report

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run a Chargeback report for a payables invoice that has adjusted purchase order cost and that is using a tax table with multiple tax rates.
  2. Verify Tax Code and Tax Rates are displayed in the report.


Email notification sent if attempted invoice reassign but Reassign To Approval Level field blank

For payables invoices in the approval process: If you do not specify a value for the Reassign To Approval Level field before clicking the Reassign button, an email is sent to notify you that the invoice was not reassigned.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Go to My Inbasket and open an invoice in the approval process.
  2. Do not specify a value for the Reassign To Approval Level field and click the Reassign button.
  3. Verify that an email is received stating the invoice was not reassigned.
  4. Test the same scenario but using the Reassign button from an email notification for approval. Verify that an email is received stating the invoice was not reassigned.


Payables Manager enabled in Infor Go

The Payables Manager role can now use Infor Go to perform searches and actions on vendors and invoices.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Business classes:
    • GeneralLedgerTransaction.busclass
    • GLTransactionDetail.busclass
    • GeneralLedgerJournalControl.busclass
    • GeneralLedgerJournalComment.busclass
    • GLCurrencyJournalControl.busclass
    • GeneralLedgerJournalDocument.busclass
    • VendorCompanyDefault.busclass
    • PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
    • VendorCertification.busclass
    • MerchantCrossReference.busclass
    • VendorComment.busclass
    • PurchaseOrderReceiptLine.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceDetail.busclass
    • Item.busclass
    • CrossReferenceVendor.busclass
    • MatchInvoiceMessage.busclass
    • PurchaseOrder.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceAddOnCharge.busclass
    • VendorItem.busclass
    • VendorAddress.busclass
    • PurchasingVendor.busclass
    • VendorDiversity.busclass
    • Vendor.busclass
    • VendorBalance.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceDistribution.busclass
    • PayablesInvoice.busclass
    • VendorLocation.busclass
    • VendorContact.busclass
    • ItemUOM.busclass
    • PurchaseOrderAndLineAddOnCharge.busclass
    • PayablesInvoicePayment.busclass
    • MatchPurchaseOrderInvoice.busclass
    • PayToVendor.busclass
    • PayablesOnHold.busclass
    • ContractLineSpecialItemLink.busclass
    • PurchaseFromLocation.busclass
    • Contract.busclass
    • ContractLineImport.busclass
    • ContractLine.busclass
    • RecurringJournalControl.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceAudit.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceDocument.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceError.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceComment.busclass
    • MatchInvoiceMessageComment.busclass
    • MatchInvoiceReference.busclass
    • JurisdictionResults.busclass
    • PayablesInvoiceSpreadAddOnCharge.busclass
    • VertexTaxAreaIdResults.busclass
    • VendorAttachment.busclass
    • BudgetEditError.busclass
    • VendorWithholdingCode.busclass
    • ReconciliationDetail.busclass
    • ReconciliationDetailComment.busclass
    • ReconciliationPeriodDetail.busclass
    • ItemAttachment.busclass
    • VendorAccountRestriction.busclass
    • PurchasingVendorAttachment.busclass
  • Web apps:
    • PayablesManager.webapp
  • Pages:
  • Menus:

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in to Infor Go.
  2. Select 4.0 Harness4*CSF.
  3. Select PayablesManager.
  4. Go to Home Page and click Vendors.
  5. In Vendors, perform these actions:
    • Search
    • Keyword search
    • Update
    • Update Vendor Location
    • Update Vendor Contact
  6. Go to Home Page and click Invoices.
  7. In the Invoice panel, perform these actions:
    • Search
    • Keyword search
    • Update
    • Release unreleased invoices
    • Cancel invoices
    • Approve invoices
    • Reject invoices
    • Assign Processor
    • Update distributions


Complete payment cycle edit indicates bank transaction code that is inactive

When performing Complete Payment Cycle edit, if a bank transaction code is inactive, that bank transaction codes is clearly indicated in the message.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BankTransactionCode

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and click Run Processes > Process Payments > Cash Requirements Results.
  2. Click Perform Cash Requirements and view the results.
  3. Verify that there are multiple bank transaction codes scheduled.
  4. Make one of the bank transaction codes inactive and click Complete Payment Cycle.
  5. Verify that a message is displayed stating the bank transaction code that you made inactive is not active.


Fields added to Manage Invoice Search

The System Invoice Number, Authority Code, and Process Type fields were added to the Manage Invoice Search panel. The Match Invoice field was removed and replaced by the new Process Type field.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Manage Invoices Search

To test the enhancement, verify that you can perform a Manage Invoice Search by system invoice number, authority code, and process type.


AddOnCharge field added to Load.SupplierInvoice BOD

The AddOnCharge field was added to the Load.SupplierInvoice BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_LoadSupplierInvoice_Inbound.lpd

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a channel for Load.SupplierInvoice.
  2. Pass AddOnCharge(Charge) in the header level and pass Distributions in Charge.
  3. Pass AddOnCharge(InvoiceCharge) in the line level and pass Distributions in the InvoiceCharge.
  4. Verify that work unit is created without errors.
  5. Open Match Invoice Import and validate Add On Charge in header level and line level.
