Strategic sourcing CU74

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management for

Credentialing tab is not displaying in Strategic Sourcing Register as a Supplier

When registering a Supplier where Supplier Group is set to show Credentialing tab, tab is not displaying

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Supplier registration when using Vendormate credentialing

Security changes:

For details about what was changed in these files, see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.


Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Remove the IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST security class from the SupplierAnonymous_ST role
  2. On the Supplier Group, select the Allow Suppliers To Populate Registration Information From Vendormate Vendor Credentialing field.
  3. Access Supplier Portal and take Register Supplier action

    Expected results: On the resulting form, a Credentialing tab is available..


Buyer and Sourcing Manager cannot see the Award All No Output button

When awarding an Event with No Output, Buyer and Sourcing Manager cannot see the Award All No Output button unless they also have Application Administrator role

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Awarding of Sourcing Event

Security changes:

For details about what was changed in these files, see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.


Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Sourcing Event with an Output Type of No Output
  2. Add a line and release the event.
  3. Respond to the event and submit the response.
  4. Sign in as a user with the Buyer_ST role.The user should not have the ApplicationAdministrator_ST role.
  5. Select Manage Events.
  6. On the Open tab, search for the event that was just processed.
  7. Click the Analyze hyperlink.

    Expected Results: On the Responses By Supplier tab, the Award All Not Output action is available.

    On the Responses By Line tab, the Award Line No Output action is available.


Supplier Group defaults for Certification and Diversity alerts

Optionally, you can now create default alert days for Supplier Certification and Diversity from Supplier Group

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Supplier certification and diversity maintenance

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the main Supplier Group form, under Certification and Diversity Alerts, specify the Red and Yellow alert due days.
  2. Create a new Supplier Certification.
  3. Verify that Red and Yellow alert days have defaulted
  4. Create a new Supplier Diversity, specifying an Expiration Date
  5. Verify that Red and Yellow alert days have defaulted

Additional tests:

  • If alert days are specified manually when creating records, the default alert days should not replace them.
  • Verify edits on Supplier Group, Certification, and Diversity.
  • If one of Red or Yellow is specified, the other must be specified
  • Yellow alert days must be a greater number.
  • Expiration date is not required on Diversity. Verify that if Expiration Date is removed, alert days are cleared. Verify that if Expiration Date is changed from no date to a date, that alert days are defaulted.


Final Entry Date on Sourcing Event Buyer Weighting

Allow final entry dates to be entered for Buyer Weighting scores against sourcing event responses. This will define the latest date a buyer weighting score can be entered prior to awarding of the event

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Sourcing event processing with buyer weighting defined.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an event with buyer weighting defined
  2. Specify a Final Entry Date: On the Weighting tab, view buyer weighting.
  3. Verify that the Final Entry Date is available and can be specified
  4. Verify that if there is no open and close date for the event, the Final Entry Date is later than the current date.
  5. Verify that if there is a close date for the event, the Final Entry Date is later than the close date.
  6. Final Entry Date is not required
  7. Verify that when Buyer Weighting Criteria is defined, the Buyer Weighting Final Entry Date field is available with the other date fields on the main Event form.
  8. Release the event
  9. Create responses for the event and submit them
  10. Verify that on Manage Events > Event Buyer Weighting for Buyers who are allowed to enter weighting scores, that the Event weighting is available and the Final Entry Date is available. Verify that the scores can be specified.
  11. On Analyze Events, view Missing Buyer Weighting Scores. Verify that scores can be specified.
  12. Click the Event Score hyperlink on the Buyer Score Details tab. Verify that the scores can be specified.
  13. Wait until the Final Entry date has passed.
  14. When viewing all of the forms above, score values should not be available to specify values.
  15. Missing Buyer Weighting Scores: Verify that the Add A New Buyer and Notify Buyers To Enter Scores actions are not available.
  16. If Final Entry Dates are specified and have passed, and some Buyer weighting scores have not been specified, and the Incomplete Buyer Weighting Score Edit is set to Hard Edit At Award Time, then when a response is awarded, an error message indicates that Final Award dates must be changed.
  17. Verify that if no Final Entry Dates are specified, Buyer scores can be specified at any time with no edits.
  18. Verify that Final Entry Dates can be changed at any time, and edit accordingly.
