Contract Management CU73

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Improved efficiency of creation of members and participants from participant group

The efficiency of creation of members and participants from a participant group has been improved.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Creating new members and participants on contracts

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create participant groups. At least one should have manufacturer or distributor contracts and at least one should not.
  2. Select a manufacturer, distributor, and non manufacturer and distributor contract.
  3. From the Contract actions, run the appropriate action between:
    • Import participants from group
    • Import Pricing members from group
    • Import members from group
  4. Verify that the Members and Participants are added appropriately to the Contracts. If the Members or Participants already exist on the contracts, they should be skipped during import.


Adding contract actions to contract queue

New actions were added to the contract queue.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Contract processing

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select the Queue Mappings menu.
  2. Verify that these actions are on the list in the contracts queue:
    Class Action
    ContractImportTierMember AddMembersToContractSet
    ContractImportGPOMembership ProcessNewMembers
    ContractDistributorPricingMember SetToReleased
    ContractLine SetCanUseForCostDefaultingFalse
    ContractLine SetCreateDistributorContractLine
    MfgContractMemberPivot CreateDistributorPricingMembers
    ContractLine CreateDistributorContractLines
    ContractLine DeleteAllLines


Default value on the Contract Line List

The default value on the Contract Line List has been changed to have the Base Cost as Allow Update.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Contract processing

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create four types of contracts:
    • Service
    • Non-service, non-manufacturer/distributor
    • Manufacturer/Distributor with GPO Negotiated not selected
    • Manufacturer/Distributor with GPO Negotiated selected
  2. Create lines for each of the contract types.
  3. View the lines on the list for the contract.
  4. For the GPO Negotiated contracts, Base Cost cannot be updated on the list. For the other types of contracts, these fields should be updated on the list: Vendor Item, UOM, and Cost.


Searching for Contract Line on line list

You can search for Contract Line on the line list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Contract maintenance

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create a contract.
  2. Add multiple contract lines.
  3. Use the Search action on the Contract Line list.
  4. Verify that the search works for the Line column.


Buyer and Payables Specialist maintaining Suppliers

Menu items and access has been added so users with Buyer and Payables Specialist roles can maintain Suppliers and run Supplier Vendor Compare.

Users with the Supply Management Administrator role will still be able to maintain Suppliers. The security classes added for these roles are removed from the Contract Manager or Sourcing Manager role. The security classes can still be added to the Contract Manager or Sourcing Manager roles.

For any user where sensitive fields must be secured, removing the SCMCommonSupplierVendorCompare_ST security class from the role does not allow them to see Supplier Vendor Compare details.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Supplier maintenance

Menu changes

Added the MaintainSuppliers menu to these menus:

  • BuyerMenu
  • PayablesSpecialistMenu

Security changes

  • APPayablesSpecialistMenu_ST
  • POBuyerMenu_ST
  • SCMCommonSupplierVendorCompare_ST
  • SCMSupplyManagementAdministratorMenu_ST

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. For a user with the Buyer role, add these security classes to the role:
    • SCMCommonSupplierBasicProcessing_ST
    • SCMCommonSupplierVendorCompare_ST
    • Optionally, add SCMCommonSupplierCreateVendor_ST
  2. View the home menu for the actor with the Buyer role and verify that the Manage Suppliers menu item is displayed.
  3. Verify that Suppliers can be maintained.
  4. Verify that Supplier Vendor Compare can be run, and the results maintained.
  5. If SCMCommonSupplierCreateVendor_ST is added, verify that a Vendor can be created from a Supplier.
  6. Perform the same steps for a user with the Payables Specialist role.


Selecting lists in Contracts, Sourcing, and Supplier for Commodity Code

Selecting lists has been improved in Contracts, Sourcing, and Supplier for Commodity Code.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Selecting on lists of Commodity Codes in Contract Management, Sourcing, and Supplier

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select a Commodity Code in these lists:
    • Contract header and line
    • Sourcing Event line and Commodity Code tab
    • Subcontractor Commodity Code
    • Supplier Contact on the Buyer side
  2. In each case, there should be a Commodity Search field that allows searching on both the Commodity Code value and Description.
  3. Verify that the search works correctly, including searching on a commodity code value string that includes the "-" character.
