This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management for

SSJEBod: Replaced with Ledger filter in Criteria2 for the GLJournalControlService

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Finance Enterprise Group, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the Service Definition GLJournalControlService for FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry Outbound BOD.


  1. Create a Billing Invoice and release it.
  2. Run the Invoice Verification Report
  3. Run Invoice and Register Print
  4. Run Sub System Update
  5. Journals are created in released state. Perform Quick Post them.
  6. BOD is triggered. Check work unit should trigger without error and check criteria2 should show Ledger value in work unit.


  1. Create receivableinvoicebatch and release it.
  2. Journalize the distributions that are created. Journal is created in released state.
  3. Perform Quick Post, then record is moved to posted state.
  4. BOD is triggered. Check work unit should trigger without error and check criteria2 should display Ledger value in work unit.


  1. Create and release payables invoice with distributions.
  2. Journalize the distributions. When it is complete, journal is created in released state.
  3. Perform Quick Post. Record is moved to Posted tab.
  4. Work unit is created. Check work unit should trigger without error and check criteria2 should show the Ledger value in work unit.


Monitor Alerts

Enhanced the monitor Alerts of ItemMaster,FinancialParty,Location.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • fsm_ion_monitors_ST62.XML
  • fsm_ion_monitors_ST.XML

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create and delete an item
  2. Create and delete a Bank Entity.
  3. Create and delete an Inventory Location.
  4. Verify the Result:
    • For Item Creation Alert message will be Item [Item] - [ItemDescription] has been Created in ItemGroup [ItemGroup].
    • For Item Deletion Alert message will be Item [Item] - [ItemDescription] has been deleted in ItemGroup [ItemGroup]
    • For BankEntity Creation Alert message will be Bank [BankID] - [BankName] in [BankBranch], [BankCity], [BankCountry] has been created.
    • For BankEntity deletion Alert message will be Bank [BankID] - [BankName] in [BankBranch], [BankCity], [BankCountry] has been deleted.
    • For Location deletion Alert message will be Location [LocationID] - [LocationName] of type [LocationType] has been deleted in Company [Company]
    • For Location creation Alert message will be Location [LocationID] - [LocationName] of type [LocationType] has been created in Company [Company]


Create ION Data flow in CSFM1 with CSF as IMS connection point and Lawson as IOBOX

Added new document flow for FSM IMS to Lawson IOBOX.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ims_Lawson_documentflow_ST.xml
  • FSM_IMS_All_DataFlows_ST.xml

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Import FSM_ims_Lawson_documentflow_ST.xml file in data flows (ION).
  2. Verify the Result:
    • Document flows should create successfully in data flows (ION).
    • Verify FSM IMS to Lawson document flow.

JT-1471729 Populate fields in Shipment BOD: Sales transport Document

Added new element in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD for

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Sync.Shipment_Outbound.ipd
  • WarehouseShipment.busclass

New Variables Added in JSON:

  • InvName defined for InventoryLocation.Name
  • BODAE defined for WarehouseShipment.BODAccountingEntity

New IPA changes:

Added these variables in Start Node:

  • ShipFrmPrtyID
  • ShipFrmStateProvince
  • ShipFromAE
  • ShipFrmCountry
  • ShipFrmPrtyName
  • ShipFrmPostalCode
  • TaxID
  • SupPrtyID
  • ShipFrmAdr1
  • SupPrtyAE
  • ShipFrmAdr2
  • SupPrtyName
  • ShipFrmAdr3
  • ShipToAE
  • ShipFrmAdr4
  • ShipFrmCity

Added a new JavaScript in AssignNode AssignVars:

If (IntegrationApplication == "")
ShipFrmPrtyID = WarehouseShipment.Company + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.InventoryLocation
ShipFrmPrtyName = InventoryLocation.Name
ShipFromAE = FinanceEnterpriseGroup + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.BODAccountingEntity
ShipToAE = FinanceEnterpriseGroup + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.BODAccountingEntity
SupPrtyAE = FinanceEnterpriseGroup + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.BODAccountingEntity
TaxID = EntityTaxID
ShipFrmAdr1 = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1
ShipFrmAdr2 = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2
ShipFrmAdr3 = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3
ShipFrmAdr4 = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4
ShipFrmCity = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.Municipality
ShipFrmCountry = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.Country
ShipFrmStateProvince = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.StateProvince
ShipFrmPostalCode = InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.PostalCode
SupPrtyID = WarehouseShipment.Company + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.InventoryLocation
SupPrtyName = InventoryLocation.Name
If (IntegrationApplication == "" & WarehouseShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandSystemCode == "RQ")
ShipToPartyID = WarehouseShipment.CompanyAndLocation.RequestingCompany + GenericDelimiter + WarehouseShipment.CompanyAndLocation.RequestiingLocation

Integration Specific: Changes are related to localization integration

Use this information to test the enhancement:


  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the ServiceDefinition "ShipmentService" and ProcessDefinition "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out"
  3. Set Value to "IntegrationApplication" = "" in System Configuration

How to test:

  1. Create Requisition and Release it.
  2. Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out BOD.

Verify these X-Paths values:

  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/PartyIDs/ID
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Name
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/TaxID
  • Shipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/AddressLine
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CityName
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountryCode
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/PostalCode
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Name
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/SupplierParty/PartyIDs/ID
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/SupplierParty/Name
  • SyncShipment/ShipmentHeader/SupplierParty/TaxID


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers using CSF-EAM Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound

New Required Setup:

  • Added new System Configuration parameters: IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA changes:

In Start node

  • Added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEGDeclared a new variable EntityTaxID as Company.GeneralLedgerCompany.AccountingEntity.TaxEntity.TaxID in ServiceDefinition
  • Added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • Added new variable "company"
  • Added Javascript for Cross reference in Assign870.
  • Added new branch "Branch1400"
  • if ConfigDocID=="Y" then new "LMTxnFEG" query is added to find FinanceEnterpriseGroup value
  • Added new assign node: Assign5030

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:


  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC


  1. When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
  2. EAMWorkOrder will be created/Updated/Deleted.
  3. Declared a new variable EntityTaxID asif RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference.
  4. if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and is used to find the FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

Verify the result:

  • if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference.
  • if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and is used to find the FinanceEnterpriseGroup.


Whenever CSF receives SyncAssetMaster_Inbound. Its should validate with reference 1 field

Added new scenario (Update) in Sync.AssetMaster_Inound BOD. This scenario works based on reference1 field finding the asset record. if the asset record is found, the asset is updated, otherwise create new asset record.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Inbound
    1. Added new transaction nodes Fasset and UAsset nodes.
    2. Added new Branch node "Branch9590".
    3. Added new Assign node "Assign8770"
  2. New Required Setup:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. Create channels for Sync.AssetMaster_Inbound BOD.
  2. How to Test:
    1. Send valid XML and record should create in Asset.
    2. Send valid XML with same reference it should update record.
  3. Verify the Result:
    1. Verify record in Asset.
    2. Workunit should create without any errors.
    3. Update scenario should update the fields (ItemTotalBaseCost,AssetLocation,ItemTotalTransactionCost,Description).


Rollback old form names BODDataInitialLoad

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

For PayableTransaction and ReceivablePayment form name Rollbacked.

For PayableTransaction form name is: PayableTransactionHeader

For ReceivablePayment form name is: ReceivablePaymentHeader


CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG - ProcessRequisition Inbound

CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG changes in FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_Inbound

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_Inbound
  2. New Required Setup: Added new System Configuration parameter: IsMultipleFEG
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • In Start node added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG
    • Added Javascript in Hdr_variables.
    if(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG != "Y"){
    company = CrossAccountingEntity;
    else if(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG == "Y")
    company = CrossAccountingEntity.split(Generic_Delimiter);
    company = company[1];
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
    2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In.
    3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to Test:
    1. When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference and Requisition is created and released.
    3. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, and Requisition is created and released.
  3. Verify the Result:
    1. if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference and Requisition is created and released.
    2. if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, and Requisition is created and released.


CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG - ProcessReceiveDelivery Inbound

CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG changes in FSM_ION_ProcessReceiveDelivery_Inbound

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files changed: FSM_ION_ProcessReceiveDelivery_Inbound
  2. New required setup: Added new System Configuration parameter: IsMultipleFEG
  3. New variable added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • In Start node added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG
    • Added Javascript in Header_variables.
      f(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG != "Y"){
      company = CrossAccountingEntity;
      else if(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG == "Y")
      company = CrossAccountingEntity.split(Generic_Delimiter);
      company = company[1];
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
    2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessReceiveDelivery_In.
    3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to Test:
    1. When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=N, Company value will be taken from cross reference and PurchaseOrderReceipt is created and released.
    3. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, and PurchaseOrderReceipt is created and released.
  3. Verify the Result:
    1. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=N, Company value will be taken from cross reference and PurchaseOrderReceipt is created and released without any error.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, and PurchaseOrderReceipt is created and released.


CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG - ProcessShipment Inbound

CleanDOCIDSolution_IsMultipleFEG changes in FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Inbound

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Inbound
  2. New required setup: Added new System Configuration parameter: IsMultipleFEG
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • In Start node added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG
    • Added Javascript in Headervariables.
      if(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG != "Y"){
      company = CrossAccountingEntity;
      else if(ConfigDocID=="Y" && ConfigFEG == "Y")
      company = CrossAccountingEntity.split(Generic_Delimiter);
      company = company[1];
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
    2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Inbound.
    3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to test:
    1. When the BOD is processed, Work Unit is triggered.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference and Inventory Transaction is created.
    3. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, Inventory Transaction is created.
  3. Verify the result:
    1. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference and Inventory Transaction is created.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken and passed, Inventory Transaction is created.


User area values should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used

SyncPurchaseOrder Outbound: User Area AccountingEntity should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used. This parameter changes are only applicable for beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseOrder_Outbound
  2. New Required Setup:No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • Added "ToAccountingEntity" in Start node
    • Added ConfigDocID != "Y" condition for UserArea in javascript in assign node PCR_VARIABLES.
    • Added UserArea Property javascript and passed "CrossAccountingEntity" in assign node Assign3010
    • Added JavaScript code in assign node "UserArea" to pick AccountingEntity from Cross reference "CSFAEVSDESTAE" if RequiredCleanDocumentID = "Y"
    • Added JavaScript code in assign node "Assign3880" to pick AccountingEntity from Cross reference "CSFAEVSDESTAE" if RequiredCleanDocumentID = "Y".
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    • In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
    • For SyncPurchaseOrder BOD, Enable the Service Definition: PurchaseOrderService.
    • Enable the flags :RequiredCleanDocumentID = "Y" and IsMultipleFEG = "N"/"Y".
    • Pass the source "CSFGLC" and "DESTAE" values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE
    • Pass the source "CSFAE" and "DESTAE" values in Cross Reference "CSFAEVSDESTAE"
  2. How to test:
    • Create purchase order and release it.
    • BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseorder_Out BOD.
  3. Verify the Result:UserArea/fsm.AccountingEntity tags in PurchaseOrderHeader and PurchaseOrderLine.


User area values should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used

SyncSupplierInvoice Outbound: User Area AccountingEntity should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used.“ This parameter changes are Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration“

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound
  2. New Required Setup:No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • Added "ToAccountingEntity", "DistToAccountingEntity" in Start node
    • Added new variable in javascript Assign node "Assign5580".
    • Modified javascript in Assign4810 node related CleanDocumentID.
    • Modified javascript in Assign9870 node related CleanDocumentID.
    • Modified javascript in Assign2420 node related CleanDocumentID.
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    • In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.
    • For SyncSupplierInvoice BOD, Enable the Service Definition "PayablesInvoiceService".
    • Enable the flags :RequiredCleanDocumentID = "Y" and IsMultipleFEG = "N"/"Y".
    • Pass the source "CSFGLC" and "DESTAE" values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE
    • Pass the source "CSFAE" and "DESTAE" values in Cross Reference "CSFAEVSDESTAE"
  2. How to Test:
    • Create PayablesInvoice and Release it.
    • BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseorder_Out BOD.
  3. Verify the Result:UserArea/fsm.AccountingEntity and fsm.ToAccountingEntitytags values in Header level and Line level.


User area values should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used

Accountingentity value in UserArea is picked from CrossReference when RequiredCleanDocumentID = 'Y'

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files changed: FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd
  2. New Required Setup:
  3. New Variable Added in JSON:No.
  4. New IPA changes:
    • In InitialAssign,Assign3590 added a condition.
  5. Integration Specific:No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    • Enable the service "InventoryCountService" for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd
    • Pass the source GLCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE
  2. How to test:
    • Trigger MassBOD for InventoryCount.
    • BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd BOD.
  3. Verify the Result:
    • If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then in XPath InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@Name = fsm.AccountingEntity then it is AccountingEntity.
    • If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then in XPath InventoryCount/InventoryCountHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@Name = fsm.AccountingEntity then it is "CSFGLCVSDESTAE" CrossReference destination value.


User area values should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used

SyncAssetMaster Outbound: UserArea AccountingEntity should be picked from cross reference when CleanDocumentID solution is used.“ This parameter changes are Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration“

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Outbound
  2. New Required Setup:No
  3. New Variable Added in JSON: No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • Added new javascript in Assign4360 node.
  5. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    • In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the "BODtrigger" check box.
    • For SyncAssetMaster BOD, Enable the Service Definition "AssetMasterService".
    • Enalbe the flags :RequiredCleanDocumentID = "Y" and IsMultipleFEG = "N"/"Y".
  2. How to test:
    • Create Asset and Release it.
    • BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Out BOD.
  3. Verify the result :UserArea/fsm.AccountingEntity tags in HeaderUserArea.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncAssetMaster_Inbound

Note: This parameter is only applicable for beta customer and not existing customers using CSF-EAM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Inbound
  2. New Required Setup: Yes

    Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is N.

    When the Value is set to Y, to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

    Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is N.

    When the Value is set to Y, to enable IsMultipleFEG.

  3. New IPA Changes:

    In FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Inbound IPA flow below changes done:

    1. Added new variables in start node
    2. In Hdr_variables assign node: if(ConfigDocID == "Y") passing the below values directly with out split condition as the values are passed without concatenation.

      If (RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y) then AccountingEntity is taken form DESTAE and mapped to CSFGLC of Cross Reference:DESTAEVSCSFGLC. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Company value will be taken from cross reference

  4. Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
    2. In Channels Administrator, activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Inbound.
    3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to test:
    1. When the BOD is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Company value will be taken from cross reference and Asset is created and released.
  3. Verify the result:

    if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Company value will be taken from cross reference and Asset is created and released without any error.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncItemMaster Inbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  1. Files changed:
    • FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Inbound.lpd
  2. New required setup:
    • Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.
    • Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.
  3. New Variable Added in JSON:No
  4. New IPA Changes:
    • In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG.
    • Added Conditions in nodes Assign5730,Assign113.
  5. Integration Specific:EAM

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup:
    • Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Inbound.lpd
    • Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to test:
    • When the BOD gets processed, Item and ItemLocation are Created or Updated based on ActionCode.
  3. Verify the result:
    • If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then ItemLocation will create/update by getting the Company and ItemLocation from Xpath ItemMaster/ItemLocation/WarehouseLocation/ID Concatinated as Company@@ItemLocation.
    • If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then Company will get value from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC and Location from XPath ItemMaster/ItemLocation/WarehouseLocation/ID


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncSupplierRMA Inbound

Note: This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using CSF-EAM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New required setup:

-Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

-Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

-In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG.

-Added Conditions in nodes Assign5220.

5.Integration Specific:No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

-Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierRMA_Inbound.lpd

-Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

2. How to Test:

-When the BOD gets processed VendorReturn gets Created or Updated or Deleted based on ActionCode.

3. Verify the result:

-If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then VendorReturn will create/update by getting the Company and PurchaseOrder from Xpath SupplierRMA/SupplierRMALine/DocumentReference @type='Purchaseorder'/DocumentID/ID in concatenation form.

-If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then Company will get value from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC and purchaseOrder from XPath SupplierRMA/SupplierRMALine/DocumentReference @type='Purchaseorder'/DocumentID/ID.


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery

JSONFILES_ST record updated in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.

FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.

Program/Business class/Process affected:



Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management >Shared Processes >Sample Document Template.

2. Open Sample Document

3. On the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.

4. On the Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment.



SyncAssetMaster_Inbound should update the asset created, it should be done based on reference 1 field

Update scenario will work in Sync AssetMaster Inbound based on Reference1 field.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- Added new variables in Start node

- Added new nodes Assign4170, FAssetItem, Branch6890, Assign3880, UAssetItem,URelease, Assign7780, Assign2630.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

- Create Channels Administrator for Sync AssetMaster Inbound BOD.

2. How to test:

- Send valid XML and record should create in Asset.

- Send valid XML with same reference it should update record.

3. Verify the result:

- Check record in Asset.

- Workunit should create without any errors.

- Update scenario should update the fields.


PayableTracker BOD addition in mass BOD functionality

PayableTracker BOD - Addition in Mass BOD Functionality

Program/Business class/Process affected:




Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Enable the Service Definition for PayableTrackerService and provide the processes as FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd

2. Create Record in BODDataInitialLoad for select type Tranasction Data.

3. On the PayableTransaction Panel, select PayableSelect Type as Payable Tracker.

4. Click Save.

5. Provide respective criteria and select the Trigger check box.

6. Click the Trigger Now action respective selected criteria BOD will trigger.

7. Go to work unit and check.


Mass BOD Functionality for ReceivableTracker BOD

Program/Business class/Process affected:



Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Enable the Service Definition for ReceivableTrackerService and provide the processes as FSM_ION_SyncReceivableTracker_Outbound.lpd

2. Create Record in BODDataInitialLoad for select type Transaction Data.

3. On the Receivable Payment Panel, select Receivable Select Type as Receivable Tracker and save

4. Select respective criteria and select the Trigger check box.

5. Click the Trigger Now action respective selected criteria BOD will trigger.

6. Go to work unit and check.


SyncInvoice-Dummy Lines Invoice New Enhancements for India localization

SyncInvoice -Dummy Lines Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.added below variables in Start node:


b. Added :Branch6030: LocalyIndiaAR condition for India DummyLine.

c. Added Below nodes:

AMD3 Trnscation Node,Assign3070,Branch8930,TaxRate2,Assign1680,Branch3810,Assign940,ARTaxXML2,ARTaxXML1

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to localization Integration that is specific to India.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

ReceivableInvoice DummyLine.:

1.Create Receivableinvoice and Release it .

2.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.

3. Verify the Result:

dummyLine will create for SyncInvoice - ReceivableInvoice.

InterCompanyBilling DummyLine.:

1.Create InterCompanyBillingHeaderDocument and Line and Release it .

2.Receivableinvoice will create in Release state .

2.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.

3. Verify the result: dummyLine will create for SyncInvoice - InterCompanyBilling.


SyncInvoice - PaymentMethodCode changes in stand flow

SyncInvoice - PaymentMethodCode changes .

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a. Assign20 - Removed -lcl.PaymentMethod - properties.

b. Assign4010 - Added java script and added the lcl.PaymentMethod - properties.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice and Release it.

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

3. Verify the Result:

x-path - if in InvoiceHeader/PaymentMethodCode value populating, we shouldn’t send the xpath invoiceHeader/UserArea/Property@name="lcl.PaymentMethod" .


CreditTransfer BOD - added new element for ChargeBearerCode (Country Code: NZ)

Added new element in Sync.CreditTransfer bod for ChargeBearerCode(Country Code: NZ) specific to NewZealand Country.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup : No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.IPA Change :

a)Added one JavaScript at Assign1110 node for ChargeBearerCode as below.

if(IntegrationApplication == "" && DebtorAddressCountry == "NZ"){

ChargeBearerCode = "Creditor";


5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration for NewZealand Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup :

a.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

b.Enable the Service Definition and Processes.

2. How to test:

a .Perform required setup for CreditTransfer flow.

b.Create PayablesInvoice and release

c.Run Perform Cash Application job.

d.Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.

e.Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job

f.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.

3.Verify the Result:

Verify X-Path:


Expected Result:



SyncInvoice - Tax rate publishing

SyncInvoice - Tax Rate Publishing.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a. Assign5950 - TaxRate modified with 100

b. Assign5720 - TaxRate multiplied with 100.

c. Assign1770 - TaxRate multiplied with 100.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice and in BillingInvoiceLine provide Tax and Release it .

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.With respective newly added element.

3. Verify the Result:

For RateNumeric x-path - value populating correctly.


SyncInvoice - CreditMemo Scenario - Amounts Publishing

SyncInvoice - CreditMemo Scenario - Amounts Publishing.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.added below variables in Start node:DummyBaseUOMQuantity

b. Assign3140:Commented Javascript unused code; Tempnum1,Tempnum2 and TempunitPrice.

c. Assign4190: Added TransType=="C" condition for existing Javascript.

d. Assign1680: Added TransType=="C" condition for existing Javascript.

e. Assign1740: Added javascript for TransType=="C" condition.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to localization Integration specific.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Create BillingInvoice CreditMemo Release it .

2.Execute InvoiceAndVerificationReport.

3.Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint

4.Execute SubSystemUpdate

5.ReceivableInvoice Record will create in Released state.

6.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.Mentioned x-path value coming as negative for Credit Memo.

1.Create Receivableinvoice CreditMemo and Release it .

2.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate.

3. Mentioned x-path value coming as negative for Credit Memo.


PayableTracker - Tax Rate Publishing

Tax Rate Publishing in PayableTracker Out BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup : No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.IPA Change :

a)In Assign3140 node modified below code



PIWRate = PIWH_WithholdingRate*100;


5.Integration Specific: No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

1. Setup:

a.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

b.Enable the Service Definition and Processes.

2. How to Test :

a.Do required setup for With Holding Tax of PayableTracker flow.

b.Create PayablesInvoice with Tax information and release

c.Run'Perform Cash Application' job.

d.Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.

e.Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job

f.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd BOD.

3.Verify the Result :

Verify below X-Paths.



SyncInvoice - Tax Rate Publishing For Project Invoicing

Tax Rate Publishing in SyncInvoice Out BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.IPA Change :

a)In Assign1580 node JavaScripts modified below code:

In one JavaScript::

var PSLineTax;



PSLineTax = PSInvoiceLine_TaxRate*100;


In Other JavaScript::

PSTaxRate1 = TAXTable_TaxCode1Rate*100;

PSTaxRate2 = TAXTable_TaxCode2Rate*100;

PSTaxRate3 = TAXTable_TaxCode3Rate*100;

PSTaxRate4 = TAXTable_TaxCode4Rate*100;

PSTaxRate5= TAXTable_TaxCode5Rate*100;

PSTaxRate6 = TAXTable_TaxCode6Rate*100;

PSTaxRate7 = TAXTable_TaxCode7Rate*100;

PSTaxRate8 = TAXTable_TaxCode8Rate*100;

5.Integration Specific: for all countries

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

a. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BODtrigger check box.

2.Enable Service Definition and processes for Sync.Invoice Out BOD.

b. How to Test:

1.Do the required Setup for creating ProjectContract.

2.Goto ProjectContract and add 'Billing Milestones'

3.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Generate Invoices'.

4.Verify Invoices have been generated in Invoice Details tab.

5.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Journalize Invoice'.

6.ReceivableInvoice record should generate.

7.Verify generated work unit record.

8.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

c.Verify the Result :

Verify X-Path: InvoiceLine/Tax/Calculation/RateNumeric
