BOD Connectors CU75

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials & Supply Management for

Localization Services (FR): Entity Tax number should send in SyncAccountingEntity_Out bound BOD Entity Tax number should send in SyncAccountingEntity_Out bound bod:send the Tax number at tax entity level for the Accounting entity.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:




2.New Required Setup:

Added new System Configuration parameter : IntegrationApplication

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New Changes:

IPA Changes:

- In Start node

added new variables "TaxID"

added new variables "IntegrationApplication" and assigned system configuration parameter :IntegrationApplication

- Added new find query node "LMTxnTaxEntity"

- Added neq Assign node "Assign4790" and added Javascript for TaxID.

- Added <TaxID>{TaxID}@NoNullTag@</TaxID> tag in "XML_GLAE"

BusinessClass Changes:

-In AccountingEntity : added new Instance action "TriggerAccountingEntityRules"

-In TaxEntity : if (TaxID entered) invoked "TriggerAccountingEntityRules" instance action in "Create" action exit rules.

if (TaxID changed and TaxID !=blank) invoked "TriggerAccountingEntityRules" instance action in "Update" action exit rules.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to and country "FR"(France)

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Service Definition, set up "AccountingEntityService" for FSM_ION_SyncAccountingEntity_Out.

- In System Configuration, set up IntegrationApplication = ""

2. How to Test:

- For AccountingEntity country =FR:

- Create TaxEntity with TaxID field.(or)

- Update TaxEntity.TaxID field in TaxEntity busclass.

- Bod will trigger.

3. Verify the Result:

- Chech TaxEntity.TaxID value in AccountingEntity/TaxID Xpath

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Acknowledge.Shipment Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - Acknowledge.Shipment Inbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG.

->Added Conditions in node HeaderVars.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_AcknowledgeShipment_Inbound.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

2. How to Test:

->Once the BOD gets processed WarehouseShipment gets Updated.

3.Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then VendorReturn will create/update by getting the Company from Xpath Shipment/ShipmentHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then Company will get value from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Process.AdvanceShipmentNotice Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - Process.AdvanceShipmentNotice Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,CrossGLC,ITSXML,ITAXML.

->Added conditions in nodes AssignDocDate,Assign710,AssignQty.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "InventoryTransactionService" for FSM_ION_ProcessInventoryTrans_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create and release an InventoryTransaction of type Issue.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_ProcessInventoryTrans_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is InventoryTransaction @@ I and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Process.Shipment Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - Process.Shipment Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,CrossGLC.

->Added conditions in nodes AssignVars,AssignUserArea,AssignQty

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "WarehouseShipmentService" for FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->When warehouseshipment record of type requisition gets created.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is Warehouseshipment @@ P and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncShipFromPartyMaster Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncShipFromPartyMaster Outbound.

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,CrossGLC,GLCCompany.

->Added new nodes Branch2270,GLC,Assign4340,Branch6960,XML6530,IONOutbox8540,Branch8380,GLC1,Assign6030,Branch3720,XML7590,IONOutbox6880.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "VendorLocationService" and "POVendorLocationService" for FSM_ION_SyncShipFromPartyMaster_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create,Update,Delete a VendorLocation and PurchaseFromLocation.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipFromPartyMaster_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is Vendor@@VendorLocation and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.

->RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y and AllCompanyFlag = Y is not valid scenario.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncRequetingLocation Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncRequetingLocation Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,CrossGLC.

->Added Conditions in node AssignVars.

->Added new nodes Branch4410,Assign1050.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "RequestingLocationService" for FSM_ION_SyncRequetingLocation_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create,Update or Delete a RequestingLocation.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncRequetingLocation_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is RequestingLocation and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncRequisitionReturn Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncRequisitionReturn Outbound.

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,CrossGLC.

->Added Conditions in node AssignVars.

->Added new nodes Branch1680,Assign8210.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "RequisitionReturnService" for FSM_ION_RequisitionReturn_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create and release a requisitionreturn.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_RequisitionReturn_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is Requisition and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncCodeDefinition Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncCodeDefinition Inbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-XM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG.

->Added Conditions in node ExpenseVars.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFAE

2. How to Test:

->Once the BOD gets processed ExpenseManagementInterfaceExpenseType gets Created or Updated based on ActionCode.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then ExpenseManagementInterfaceExpenseType will create/update by getting the AccountingEntity from Xpath CodeDefinition/DocumentID/ID@accountingEntityin concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then AccountingEntity will get value from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFAE destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncAdvanceShipNotice Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncAdvanceShipNotice_Inbound .This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

- Added new System Configuration parameters : IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID

- CrossReference used: "DESTAEVSCSFGLC"

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node

added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG

added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Header_Variables" for company and po_number.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-SCE Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncAdvanceShipNotice_Inbound.

- Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

- Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y

2. How to Test:

- When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.

- PurchaseOrderReceipt will be released with out any errors.

3. Verify the result:

BOD should trigger without any errors and PurchaseOrderReceipt will release without any errors.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value and value is split and company is taken.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, PurchaseOrder value is taken from Xpath AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID without concatenation.

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncInventoryAdjustment Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncInventoryAdjustment_Inbound .This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

- Added new System Configuration parameters : IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID

- CrossReference used: "DESTAEVSCSFGLC"

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node

added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG

added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Headervariables" for company, location and location.

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "LineVariables" for RequestedItem.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-SCE Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryAdjustment_Inbound.

- Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

- Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y

2. How to Test:

- When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.

- InventoryTransaction will be created.

3. Verify the result:

BOD should trigger without any errors and InventoryTransaction will release without any errors.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value and value is split and company is taken.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Item, InventoryLocation values are directly taken from the XPaths without concatenation

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncReceiveDelivery Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Inbound. This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-SCE Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

- Added new System Configuration parameters : IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID

- CrossReference used: "DESTAEVSCSFGLC"

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node

added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG

added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Header_Variables" for documentID.

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "ReferenceNumber" for company and warehouse.

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "PONumber" for po_number.

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "ReclineAssignments" for item.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-SCE Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Inbound.

- Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

- Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y

2. How to Test:

- When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.

- PurchaseOrderReceipt will be Created with out any errors.

3. Verify the result:

- If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N , Company value is taken from XML.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N, Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value and value is split and company is taken.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y.

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncInventoryHold Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncInventoryHold_Inbound . This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-SCE Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

- Added new System Configuration parameters : IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID

- CrossReference used: "DESTAEVSCSFGLC"

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node

added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG

added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Headervariables".

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "LineVariables" for item.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-SCE Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryHold_Inbound .

- Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

- Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y

2. How to Test:

- When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.

- InventoryTransaction will be Created with out any errors.

3. Verify the result:

- If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N , Company value is taken from XML.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N, Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value and value is split and company is taken.

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncExpenseReport Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound. This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-XM Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

- Added new System Configuration parameters : IsMultipleFEG, RequiredCleanDocumentID


4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node,added variable "company"

added new variables "ConfigFEG" and assigned system configuration parameter :IsMultipleFEG

added new variables "ConfigDocID" and assigned system configuration parameter :RequiredCleanDocumentID

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Assign1300".

- Added new branch "Branch5540". If ConfigDocID = N || If ConfigDocID = "", go to "Branch6720" else If ConfigDocID = Y goes to "LMTxnGLCompany".

- Added new assign node "Assign6460", "Assign9840"

- Added ConfigDocID Javascript code in assign node "Assign7160".

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-XM Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound .

- Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC,DESTAEVSCSFAE

- Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y

2. How to Test:

- When the ExpenseReport is processed form XM side, "ExpenseManagementStagingHeader" and "ExpenseManagementStagingDetail" are created and is moved to "ExpenseManagementInterfaceHeader" with line records in "ExpenseManagementInterfaceDetail".

- BOD will trigger and Work unit will be generated successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound BOD.

3. Verify the result:

- If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N , Company and AE values are taken from XML.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N, Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value and value is split and company is taken.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N, AE value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFAE destination value.

- if RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@AE value will be taken from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFAE destination value and value is split and AE is taken.

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


Clean DOC ID Solution: Process.VendorReturn Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessVendorReturn Outbound.

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG.

->Added new nodes Branch8120,Assign8260,Assign4340,AssignQty.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "VendorReturnService" for FSM_ION_ProcessVendorReturn_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source GLCCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFGLCVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create PurchaseOrder and release it and create a PurchaseOrderReceipt and Release it.

->Create a VendorReturn and perform ship action to it.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_ProcessVendorReturn_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is Vendor@@VendorLocation and Accountingentity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Sync.Shipment Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncShipment Inbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-SCE Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,VenretCompany.

->Added Conditions in node HeaderVars,Track_DTL.

5.Integration Specific:No

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Inbound.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

2. How to Test:

->if record in WarehouseShipment exists and status is printed and Once the BOD gets processed then status will change to shipped.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=N then warehouseShipment record status will change by getting the AccountingEntity from Xpath DataArea/Sync/AccountingEntityID in concatenation form.

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then AccountingEntity will get value from CrossReference DESTAEVSCSFGLC destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-XM Integration

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables.

->Added new nodes Branch4930,Branch3320,AE TransactionNode,Assign8960,XML_CUXRC,IONOutbox2300,Branch6000,FAE TransactionNode,Assign7740,Branch4320,periodrate_C_xml,IONOutbox4130,Assign9190.

->Modified java script in "CUXR_VAR","PERIOD_VAL" nodes, Added new condition in Branch5640.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "CurrExchangeRateService" and "PeriodRateService" for FSM_ION_SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster_Out.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFAEVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create or Update CurrExchangeRate.

->Create or Update GeneralLedgerTranslationRate

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster_Out.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is currencyTable,FromCurrency,ToCurrency,exchangeDate values should publish.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncRemittanceAdvice Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - FSM_ION_SyncRemittanceAdvice_Outbound Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-XM Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables.

->modified java script and added new java script in "Assign" node.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "FSMRemitAdvice" for FSM_ION_SyncRemittanceAdvice_Outbound.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFAEVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

-> Create PayablesInvoice and Release.

-> Perorm cash requirement batch job.

-> Perform Electronicpaymentcreation batch job.

-> Perform Payment close batch job.

-> BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncRemittanceAdvice_Outbound.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is CashLedgerSourceRecord,CashCode,BankTransactionCode,TransactionIDNumber values should publish.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncProjectMaster Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-XM Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables.

->Added new nodes Branch4550,AE TransactionNode,Assign8460,Branch5390,XML_ACVC,IONOutboxACVC,Assign8110.

->Added new condition in SkipION.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "ProjectService" for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference :CSFAEVSDESTAE

2. How to Test:

->Create or Update Project.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->If RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y then DocID is Project values should publish and AccountingEntity value should publish.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncSupplierInvoice Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Inbound Outbound

Note: This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer and not existing customer using CSF-XM Integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID”. Default value for the flag is "N". When the Value is set to "Y", to enable RequiredCleanDocumentID.

->Added new System Configuration Parameter "IsMultipleFEG”. Default value for the flag is "N". The Value is set to "Y", to enable IsMultipleFEG.

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:

->In Start node added new variables.

-> Added new nodes Assign8500, Branch2440, FindFEG, Assign9410.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Inbound.lpd

->Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC

2. How to Test:

->Once the BOD gets processed PayablesInvoice gets Created..

3. Verify the Result:

-> Work unit should create with out any errors.

-> Payables invoice should create.


ILS: Trigger Shipment BOD from OE/BL (Sales transport Document)

Added new trigger logic for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out for Integration: BOD should be triggered when shipment is created from Customer Order.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:

- FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.

2.New Required Setup:

- System Configuration Parameter "IntegrationApplication”: Set the Value to "".

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No new variable is added.

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a. Branch7830 newly added to verify the condition:

- If IntegrationApplication = "" and WHShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandSystemCode="OE" go to "AssignUserArea"

- If WHShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandSystemCode="RQ" go to "REQ"

- else go to "End"

b.For If IntegrationApplication = "" and WHShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandSystemCode="OE" mapped following values to the below XPaths :

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ PartyIDs /ID: WarehouseShipment.Company @@ Customer@@ CustomerShipTo

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Name : CustomerShipTo.Name

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ AddressLine1 : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ AddressLine2 : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine2

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ AddressLine3 : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine3

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ AddressLine : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine4

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ CityName : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Municipality

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ CountrySubDivisionCode : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.StateProvince

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ CountryCode : CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Country

- ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/ Location/ Address/ PostalCode: CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.PostalCode

- ShipmentItem/SalesOrderReference/DocumentID/ID : WarehouseShipment.Company @@ WHShipment.WarehouseDemand.DemandDocument

5.Integration Specific:

These changes are related to Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "ShipmentService" for "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound".

- System Configuration Parameter "IntegrationApplication”: Set the Value to "".

2.How to Test:

Scenario 1:

- Create CustomerOrder with CustomerOrderLines and release the CustomerOrder.

- Run "WarehousePickListPrint"

- BOD will be triggered and Work Unit will be generated.

Scenario 2:

- After "WarehousePickListPrint" is run go to "WarehouseShipment"

- Right click the record and select "Finish", then again right click and select "Release".

- Run "OrderEntryDailyShipmentJournal".

- BOD will be triggered and Work Unit will be generated.

3. Verify the Result:

When IntegrationApplication = "", the above scenarios are executed, SyncShipment_Out bod should be triggered for CustomerOrder.

>> What are the dependencies?

There are no dependencies.


SyncInvoice - Dummy Lines Invoice New Enhancements for ILS for the country India

SyncInvoice -Dummy Lines Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India. ShipFromParty and ShipToparty node added in InvoiceLine.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.In Assign4190 : added ShipFromParty nodes and ShipToParty nodes in InvoiceLine Xml.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration specific to India.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

1.Create ReceivableInvoice Batch and Release it.

4.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

for dummy line

InvoiceLine/ShipFromParty and ShipToParty x-paths are populating now.


Cross reference to be developed for Sync Supplier PartyMaster Bod

Added a new Cross reference for Sync.SupplierPartyMaster_Out BOd

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:



2.New Required Setup:Added a new CrossReference "M3".

3.New Variable Added in JSON:No

4.New IPA Changes:No

5.Integration Specific:CSF-M3

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

->Enable the service "VendorGroupService" for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd

2. How to Test:

->Set IntegratingApplication = "M3" is set in Configuration property.

->In Crossreference of "M3" give the values of Source BusinessGroup and Destination Accountingentiy.

->Create,Update or Delete a Vendor and save it.

->BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

->Mapped Destination value of crossreference "M3" to Xpath DataArea/AccountingEntityID if IntegratingApplication = "M3" is set in Configuration property.


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery -

JSONFILES_ST record updated in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.

FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.

Program/Business class/Process affected:



>> What should I test?

Go to Application -->Application Administrator -->Supply Management -->Shared Processes -->Sample Document Template.

Open Sample Document

In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.

In Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment.



Copy ProjectID field from EAMWorkOrder business class to PO

FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound: Move ProjectID field from EAMWorkOrder business class to PO

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- In Start node added new variables "UpdateProjectID"

- Added new assign node "Assign3550" and assigned ProjectID vaue to "UpdateProjectID".

- Added new branch "Branch3580"

- if UpdateProjectID != ProjectID then go to "FindPOLine" query and find PurchaseOrderLines for that EAMWorkOrder.

- Added new update query "UpdatePOLine"

- Added "Assign1640" and "Assign2900" for assing error messages for "FindPOLine" and "UpdatePOLine"

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound.

2. How to Test:

- When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.

- EAMWorkOrder will be Updated.

3. Verify the Result:

-When MaintenanceOrder_In receives new ProjectID value in Update scenario in MaintenanceOrder/MaintenanceOrderHeader/ProjectReference/ID: if ProjectID value is not same as existing ProjectID value then it will be replaced in EAMWorkOrder.ProjectID and PurchaseOrderLine.EAMProjectID fields. Also verify the Project ID is updated on all the PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLines releated to the EAM Maintenance Order.

JT-1473812 Populate fields in Shipment BOD

Populated new element in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD for

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No new setup is required

3.New Variables Added in JSON: No new variable is added

4.New IPA Changes:

Added new variables ShipBasedUOMQtyand ShipBasedUOM in Start Node

Created a new JavaScript in AssignQty node;

if (IntegrationApplication == ""){

ShipBasedUOMQty = WHL_ShippedQuantity;

ShipBasedUOM = WHL_TransactionUOM;


5.Integration Specific: Changes are related to integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

a.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

b.Enable the ServiceDefinition "ShipmentService" and ProcessDefinition "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out"

c.Set Value to "IntegrationApplication" = "" in System Configuration

2. How to Test:

a.Create Requisition and Release it.

b.Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.

c.Release the WarehouseShipment.

d.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out BOD.

3. Verify the Result:

Verify the below X-Paths values.



JT-1490353 : Populate fields in Inventory Adjustment BOD

Populating fields in Inventory Adjustment BOD for all countries

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.File Changed:


2.New Required Setup : No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.IPA Change :

a)Added 'BaseUOMQuantity' of string type in start node.

b)Added 'IntegrationApplication' of String type with value '_configuration.FSM_ION_Connector.IntegrationApplication' in start node.

c)Added below code in 'Assign_ICT_Line' node

if(IntegrationApplication == "")


BaseUOMQuantity = Quantity;


d)Added new line in 'InvAdjLine' XML as below.

<BaseUOMQuantity unitCode={TransactionUOM}>{Quantity}@NoNullTag@</BaseUOMQuantity>

5.Integration Specific:

These changes are related to

>> What should I test?


a)In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

b)Enable the Sync.InventoryAdjustment in FSMBODConfiguration

2.How to test

a)Create InventoryTransaction Header with document type as 'Adjustment'.

b)Go to Lines tab and create Inventory Transaction Line

c)Go to Actions and Release Inventory Transaction.

d)Inventory Transaction gets released.

e)Check the generated XML in IONOutQueue.

3.Verify the Result :

Verify below X-Path:



Add Sync_PayableTracker_Outbound BOD trigger when we run the Payment Clearing File Creation

Add Sync_PayableTracker_Outbound BOD trigger when we run the Payment Clearing File Creation

Program/Business class/Process affected:

>> What should I test?

For the Cash Payment formats like ACH and SWIFT file we run Payment Clearing File Creation instead of Electronic Payment Creation.

Added the BOD trigger for Payment Clearing Creation similar to Electronic Payment Creation


SyncInvoice -Dummy Lines Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India.

SyncInvoice -Dummy Lines Invoice-added ShipFromPart Node for for the country India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.After GetCompanyDetails Transaction node -->Customer Landmark Transaction node linked.(Moved Customer Landmark Transaction node from existing)

b.Added Assign1810 (with existing variable and values).

c.In Assign1740:Removed the variable and values which are mapped in Assign1810

d.In Assign4190 : added ShipFromParty nodes in InvoiceLine Xml.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration specific to India.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

1.Create ReceivableInvoice Batch and Release it.

4.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

for dummy line

InvoiceLine/ShipFromParty x-paths are populating now.


SyncInvoice -Project Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India

SyncInvoice -Project Invoice-Added ShipFromParty Node for -country India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a.After GetCompanyDetails Transaction node -->Customer Landmark Transaction node linked.(Moved Customer Landmark Transaction node from existing)

b.Added Assign1810 (with existing variable and values).

c.In Assign1740:Removed the variable and values which are mapped in Assign1810

d.In XML9570 :Added ShipFromParty nodes in InvoiceLine Xml

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration specific to India.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Do the required Setup for creating ProjectContract.

2.Goto ProjectContract and add 'Billing Milestones'

3.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Generate Invoices'.

4.Verify Invoices have been generated in Invoice Details tab.

5.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Journalize Invoice'.

6.ReceivableInvoice record should generate.

7.Verify generated work unit record.

4.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

InvoiceLine/ShipFromParty x-paths are populating now.


SyncInvoice -Project Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India

SyncInvoice -Project Invoice New Enhancements for for the country India.Added ShipFromPart and ShipToPart node in Line level.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

File Changed:


2.New Required Setup: No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

a. In XML9570: added ShipFromParty nodes and ShipToParty nodes in InvoiceLine Xml.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration specific to India.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

1.In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

2.Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.

Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

2. How to Test:

1.Do the required Setup for creating ProjectContract.

2.Goto ProjectContract and add 'Billing Milestones'

3.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Generate Invoices'.

4.Verify Invoices have been generated in Invoice Details tab.

5.Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Journalize Invoice'.

6.ReceivableInvoice record should generate.

7.Verify generated work unit record.

4.BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

InvoiceLine/ShipFromParty and ShipToParty x-paths are populating now.


Sync Supplier Invoice Dummy lines Bod Add shiptoparty node in line level

SyncSupplierInvoice - In Dummyline scenario ShipToParty details to be populated when an Expense is created in AP ,New Enhancement for India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:


2.New Required Setup:No

3.New Variable Added in JSON: No

4.New IPA Changes:

- Added new java script in Assign5110 node.

- Modified javascript in Assign5320 node related Dummyline scenario.

5.Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration.

>> What should I test?

1. Setup:

- In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.

- For SyncSupplierInvoice BOD, Enable the Service Definition "PayablesInvoiceService".

- In System Configuration Integration Applicati0on value should be "" and Country code India(IN).

2. How to Test:

- Create PayablesInvoice and Release it.

- BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Out BOD.

3. Verify the Result: ShipToParty details should be populate in line level(Dummyline scenario).
