Payables CU67

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Nest approval codes into an approval code group

The new approval code groups functionality allows you to build a new approval route by nesting existing approval codes into levels within an approval code group. Approval codes can be used in many approval code groups and updates made to an approval code is applied globally to all approval code groups that include that approval code as a level.

Escalation to the next level is now allowed on the last approval level in an approval code. If the approval code is in an approval code group with an active next level, the escalation occurs. If there is not an active next level, no escalation occurs.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InvoiceRoutingCodeGroup
  • InvoiceRoutingCodeGroupLevel
  • InvoiceRoutingCode
  • InvoiceRoutingCodeResource
  • InvoiceRoutingRule
  • PayablesInvoice
  • DocumentInterfaceInvoice
  • EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput
  • MatchInvoiceImport
  • FinanceAdministratorSetUpAPAutoMenu
  • APSetupAdmin_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Setup > Invoice Approval Setup > Invoice Approval Code Groups.
  2. Create an approval code group with multiple levels.
  3. Create a routing rule using the approval code group.
  4. Create a payables invoice that falls within the routing rules and verify the approval routes through all approval codes and levels as set up in the approval code group.
  5. Test these other scenarios:
    • Approval codes that use individuals, teams, and roles with the various setup options.
    • Escalate to next level on the last approval level in an approval code.
    • Add security that removes the auto-approve option when submitting for approval and testing all scenarios.


Enhanced UI for Payables Invoice Vendor and Remit To Addresses

Eliminated extra vertical padding, especially when multiple lines were used.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables Invoice

To test this enhancement, verify the address fields of a payables invoice record. Verify any other locations where a city, state, or zip field is related to a vendor address.


Improved alignment on Distribution Audit History, Invoice Payment History, and Invoice audit History search form

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Distribution Audit History
  • Invoice Payment History
  • Invoice Audit History

To test this enhancement, sign in as Payables Vendor Specialist and verify the search form for Distribution Audit History, Invoice Payment History, and Invoice Audit History. These pages are located in the Run Processes > Manage Payments menu.


Corrected titles for Payment Output Files list and form

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payment Output Files

To test this enhancement, sign in as Payables Payment Processor and go to Payment Output Files. Verify the titles of the list and form.


Enhanced UI for Distributions By Payment list and form

Corrected title for Distributions By Payment list. The search form UI has also been enhanced to remove extra rows and dashes in labels for To Payment Date and To Payment Amount.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Distributions By Payment

To test this enhancement, sign in as Payables Payment Processor and verify UI enhancements for Distributions By Payment.


Corrections to list names in Payable Vendor Specialist

List names in Payable Vendor Specialist corrected to match corresponding menu names. Vendor Address Interface Maintenance create form name has also been corrected.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • VendorAddressImport
  • VendorBalanceImport
  • VendorImport

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Verify Vendor Interface Maintenance, Vendor Balance Interface Maintenance, and Vendor Address Interface Maintenance menu names and list names are the same.
  2. Verify the create form for Vendor Address Interface Maintenance has the title Vendor Address Import.


Corrections to titles and enhanced UI for Payables Invoice Withholding

Global Withholding list and form title has been updated to be consistent with the menu title. The UI of the currency portion of the form has also been updated for better readability.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoiceWithholding

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Vendor Specialist and select Run Processes > Process Tax Documents > Global Withholding.
  2. Verify the list and form titles are Global Withholding.
  3. Verify the labels, amount, currency, and rate fields of the currency portion of the form are properly aligned.


Enhanced UI for Payables Invoice Payment

Arrangement of fields in Payables Invoice Payment has been improved and redundancy has been removed from drill items.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Go to Payables Invoice Payment and verify correct fields are displayed with correct alignment.
  2. Verify Apply Payment is in the drill menu and redundant payment options do not appear.


Payables Invoice context forms for invoice information standardized

Invoice Information area of Payables Invoice child record forms that provide context information have been updated to be more consistent.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoiceAddOnCharge
  • PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • PayablesInvoiceDocument
  • PayablesInvoiceComment
  • PayablesInvoiceAudit
  • PayablesInvoiceEmail
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PayablesInvoiceSpreadAddOnCharge
  • PayablesInvoiceDetail
  • PayablesInvoice

To test this enhancement, go to these forms and verify the Invoice Information area is consistent:

  • PayablesInvoiceAddOnCharge
  • PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • PayablesInvoiceDocument
  • PayablesInvoiceComment
  • PayablesInvoiceAudit
  • PayablesInvoiceEmail
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PayablesInvoiceSpreadAddOnCharge
  • PayablesInvoiceDetail
  • PayablesInvoiceDetails


Corrected labels and code list for Issue Bill Of Exchange Payment

Bill Of Exchange Payment form has been updated to no longer display incorrect labels. The Bank Transaction Code list has also been updated to exclude codes that are not Bill Of Exchange codes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesBillOfExchange
  • PayablesInvoicePayment

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. On Issue Bill Of Exchange Payment form, verify the string Prm is no longer at the beginning of these labels:
    • Bank Transaction Code
    • Draft Number
    • Draft Suffix
    • Draft Date
  2. Verify the Bank Transaction Code list only displays Bill of Exchange codes.


Corrected FEG field and code list for Apply To Bill of Exchange

Apply To Bill of Exchange form has been updated so finance enterprise group is no longer editable. The Bank Transaction Code list has also been updated to exclude codes that are not Bill Of Exchange codes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • BankTransactionCode

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager, click Manage Invoices and open an invoice.
  2. On the Pay Schedule tab, select a payment record and click Actions > Apply To Bill Of Exchange..
  3. Verify the finance enterprise group field displays the FEG correctly and it is not editable.
  4. Verify the Bank Transaction Code list only displays Bill of Exchange codes.


New Payables Invoice Interface page

Payables Invoice Interface menu has been converted into a page. Menu items are now tabs on a new Payables Invoice Interface page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables Invoice Interface Menu

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Invoice Processor and select Payables Invoice Interface.
  2. Verify the functionality on the new page.


New Discount pane for Payables Invoice Interface Maintenance

Instead of a Discount button that opens a sub-form on the Payables Invoice Interface Maintenance page, a new Discount pane has been added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoiceImport

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Run Processes > Payables Invoice Interface > Payables Invoice Interface Maintenance.
  2. Verify vendor discount information is available in a new Discount pane.


Vendor URL moved from Options tab to Vendor Information area of Main tab

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Vendor

To test this enhancement, verify that the vendor URL is displayed in the Main tab under the Purchasing Vendor Contact field.


Enhancements to Accounts Payable security

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Security classes:
    • APAutoApprove_ST
    • APBasicInvoiceProcessing_ST
    • APCreateOneTimeVendor_ST
    • APInterfaceExpenseInvoices_ST
    • APManageDistributions_ST
    • APManualApproval_ST
    • APPaymentProcessing_ST
    • APProcessingReportAccess_ST
    • APReassignApprover_ST
    • APRefreshPayablesCubes_ST
    • APReleasedInvoiceNumberUpdate_ST
    • APSetupAdmin_ST
    • APSpecialistProcessing_ST
    • APVendorSetup_ST
    • ARBasicProcessing_ST
    • CBBasicProcessing_ST
    • CBSetupAdmin_ST
    • CMLoadRebateInformation_ST
    • CMLoadTierInformation_ST
    • CMProcessContract_ST
    • CMRefreshSpendCube_ST
    • CTMCreateDirectForecast_ST
    • CTMReconcileCashStatement_ST
    • EDISetupAdmin_ST
    • FINCommonSetup_ST
    • ICItemSetup_ST
    • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
    • IEFINSharedInbasketApproval_ST
    • LMBasicProcessing_ST
    • LMSetupAdmin_ST
    • MAInterfaceMatchInvoices_ST
    • MASetupAdmin_ST
    • MASmartReconciliation_ST
    • POBasicPurchaseOrderProcessing_ST
    • POInterfaceReceipts_ST
    • POManualApproval_ST
    • POPurchaseOrderRelease_ST
    • POPurchasingVendorSetup_ST
    • POReceiving_ST
    • PORefreshBuyerCubes_ST
    • POSetupAdmin_ST
    • POVendorReturns_ST
    • RecallProcessNotice_ST
    • RQBasicProcessing_ST
    • RQReceiving_ST
    • SCMCommonCreateSpend_ST
    • SCMReloadBuyerCubes_ST
    • SupplierOrderMgmtInvoiceCreate_ST
    • SupplierOrderMgmtInvoices_ST
    • SupplierOrderMgmtOrders_ST
    • SupplierOrderMgmtReceipts_ST
    • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
  • Replaced unconditional with these new conditions in security classes:
    • PayablesCompany.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess
    • Company.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess
    • VendorGroup.BusinessGroupAllowsAccess

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In Global Ledger Security Setup, enable company security group and vendor business group security and assign test actors.
  2. Restrict users to view or access data for vendor group or company level information at assigned roles.
  3. Verify test actors are restricted from accessing data as configured in company security groups and vendor business security groups to which they are associated.


Payables Invoice lists updated to display filters

The Manage Invoices and Process Invoices pages have been updated so the filter for lists is initially dispayed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesCreditMemo
  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PayablesInvoiceSpeedEntry
  • PayablesOnHold
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • PaymentOutputFileHeader
  • MatchPurchaseOrderInvoice

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager.
  2. Select Manage Invoices and select a new list.
  3. Verify the search filters are initially displayed.
  4. Sign in as Payables Invoice Processor.
  5. Select Process Invoices and select a new list.
  6. Verify the search filters are initially displayed.


Added ChargeAmount to card view of Procurement Card Charges in PayablesSpecialist for Infor Go

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProcurementCardStatementTransaction.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign into Infor Go as Payables Specialist.
  2. Go to Procurement Card Charges.
  3. Verify the charge amount is visible in the card view.


AR Invoice option added when Detail Receivables check box is not selected

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/ap/bl/Vendor.busclass
  • modules/ap/ui/Vendor.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Perform Interface Released Receivables and verify ARInvoice field is displayed when Detail Receivables Interface check box is not selected.
  2. Specify an existing AR invoice number in the ARInvoice field and verify an error is displayed indicating the invoice already exists.
  3. Specify an AR invoice number in the ARInvoice field and verify the receivable transaction is created with the specified invoice number.
  4. Perform Interface Released Receivables, leave the Detail Receivables Interface check box clear, do not specify a value for the ARInvoice field, and verify a confirmation message is displayed saying Invoice Number Not entered. Default Numbering Scheme Will Be Used. Verify the receivable invoice number is auto-sequenced.
