Asset Management CU69

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Streamline access for asset details on purchase order receipt

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Asset Details in Purchase Order Receipt

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Purchase Order.
  2. Add 2 Purchase Order Lines using special item. For Purchase Order Line #1, add an asset template. For Purchase Order Line #2, do not add an asset template.
  3. Release Purchase Order.
  4. Receive all.
  5. Look at the Receipt Lines tab.

    Expected behavior: Manage Asset Detail button should be visible for Line #1 because it has an asset template but not for Line #2

  6. Click Manage Asset Detail button of Line #1.

Expected behavior: You should be redirected to Manage Asset Detail form where you can see the Receipt Line details in the header, and be able to manage (create, update, delete, receive, etc.) asset details in this form.


Asset Transfer - Add Owner attribute

Asset Owner field transfer.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Asset.busclass

  • AssetTransfer.busclass (BL & UI)

  • AssetTransferTo.field

  • MassAssetAdjustment.bustask

  • MassAssetAdjustment.bustask (UI)

  • MassSelection.busclass (BL & UI)



  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancements:

  1. Should allow transfer of Asset owner field through online transfer process. Reset transfer should set the owner field back to original value on assrt.
  2. Try Mass transfer asset owner field and Mass adjustment asset owner field.


Asset Interface - Program is Incorrectly overriding Dates populated on Asset Transaction Import records

Addition of posting date to Asset Transaction Import

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AssetTransactionImport.busclass

  • AssetTransaction.busclass

  • Add field BudgetTemplate.LazyActivation

  • Add busclasses BudgetLazyDocument, BudgetGroupLazyInit

  • Add LazyInialized, LazyInitializing to BudgetGroup

  • Add DimensionCode to GLCommit, GeneralLedgerTransaction, BudgetChangeOrderLine

While adding the asset transaction import (By Asset/By Conversion Number) records now we have the ability to set the posting date. It is a optional field. If we don't enter the posting date values will be updated as they were updated previously.


Enhance the AssetPeriodClose job to mimic how AssetBatchRelease populates the GeneralLedgerTransaction and GLTransactionDetail BC's Description and Reference (according to the company GL Reference option) fields

Enhance the AssetPeriodClose job to mimic how the AssetBatchRelease job populates the GeneralLedgerTransaction and GLTransactionDetail BC's Description and Reference (according to the company GL Reference option) fields

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AssetPeriodClose

  • Add field BudgetTemplate.LazyActivation

  • Add busclasses BudgetLazyDocument, BudgetGroupLazyInit

  • Add LazyInialized, LazyInitializing to BudgetGroup

  • Add DimensionCode to GLCommit, GeneralLedgerTransaction, BudgetChangeOrderLine

Verify that generated transactions contain this information:

  1. Description field as <Existing account type long description> + <Asset#>
  2. Reference field as
    1. "Asset xxx" with xxx=asset number when company GL Reference option = Asset
    2. “Company yyy: company asset zzz” with yyy=company and zzz=company asset number when company GL Reference option = Company Asset


Change security conditions to not use derived fields for actor context

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Viewing records with Accounting Entity and Business Group security

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  • Assign business group security and Accounting Entity Security to an actor with the Financials Viewer and Supply Management Viewer roles

  • Have the Accounting Entity Security Group be for less accounting entities than are in the system.

  • Assign cash code group security to the actor.

  • Assign company group security to the actor.

  • Assign the roles to an actor that does not have the Application Administrator role

View lists of these records:

Contract Group, Sourcing Group, Item Group, Procurement Group, and Supplier Group.

Expected results: Only the business group the user has security for should display

View lists of these records:

  • Cash Code - only Cash Codes in the cash code group should display

  • Asset- only Assets with a company in the company group should display.

  • For these, assign relevant security groups for the field to the actor. For Finance Dimensions, only security groups will be available that are defined in the Finance Enterprise Group.

  • View records for the relevant field and verify that only records that are in the security group display.


  • GeneralLedgerChartAccount

  • GeneralLedgerJournalControl

  • AccountingEntity

  • AccountingUnit

  • FinanceDimension1-10

As a second test, remove all security group references for the actor, and verify that ALL records display for the business classes noted above.
