Inventory Control CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Added ability to mark an item and item location as Discontinued

This enhancement adds an ability to discontinue an item in item master and in item location. Discontinued items can still be used in transactions with the intent to deplete their remaining stock on hand.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Item
  • ItemLocation
  • InventoryVendorReorderAdvice
  • ReplenishmentByRequisition
  • PurchaseOrderInterface
  • PurchaseOrderLine
  • RequisitionLine

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an Item and Item Location.

    Set Item's status to Discontinued.

    Result: This should update existing Item location's status to Discontinued.

  2. Create or Release Requisition for Discontinued Inventoried/Non stock Items with Create PO set to Yes.

    Result: Should not allow POs to be created for Discontinued items.

  3. Create of Release PO's for Discontinued Inventoried/Non stock Items.

    Result: Should not allow PO's to be created or released for Discontinued items.

  4. Discontinue an item after Requisition with Create PO Yes is released. Select requisition line in Manage purchase request.

    Result: Should not be allow discontinued items to be selected.

  5. Run Inventory Vendor Reorder Advice, Replenishment by Requisition or Process Purchase Request with discontinued items.

    Result: Should not process discontinued items.


Add alerts to Item Dashboard

Discontinued Item Status now appears as a red tag on the dashboard.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement, verify that statuses are displayed correctly.


Allow Vendor Item > Replace And Inactivate to replace with inactive item

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Vendor Item management

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Vendor Item
  2. Perform the Replace and Inactivate action and replace the original Vendor Item with a new Vendor item. Original Vendor Item is now inactive
  3. Perform the Replace and Inactive action. Select the option to replace with an existing vendor item. Specify the original Vendor Item that has just been inactivated.

    Expected result: Verify that this is allowed with a confirmation message
