Correcting the posting activity on a disbursement

On a disbursement, you can reallocate or move a disbursement amount to a different activity or activities. You cannot change the amount, you can only change the activities the amount is reported to. If the disbursement has already been posted, the changes are retrieved during the next period end. In other words, corrections can be made across periods.

  1. Select Processing > School Processing > Bank Transactions.
  2. Select the disbursement to correct and click Open.
  3. In the Transaction Details section, select the line to correct.
  4. Select Actions > Correct Posting.
  5. Select up to four other activities. Verify that the amount added to the new activity or activities equals the amount of the original disbursement.
  6. Optionally, you can add or correct the GL account numbers for revenue-type activities.
  7. Click Submit.
    A reversing entry to the original activity is displayed. A new entry for the new activity or activities that you added on Correct Activity Posting are displayed. These new transactions are available for period end posting.